Hey guys

Hey guys.

I have a neighbor who has a car pull up in front of his house, neighbor runs out to the car, something is given and/or received, then said neighbor goes back inside. This is a daily occurrence

This happens every single day, like clockwork, between 11am and 12 noon.

Any idea what's up here? I have another neighbor who is getting ready to contact the authorities, like tomorrow.

So I might have a guy's free life on the line. What do you think could be going on? I don't get it.. Neighbor guy thinks it's drugs, but every day?? Really?

What do you think, Sup Forums? I could warn him....

Other urls found in this thread:

cvs.com/help/help_subtopic_details.jsp?subtopicName=Ordering prescriptions for home delivery&topicid=400011

>every day
If he's getting drugs, he's retarded. Why doesn't the dealer come to his door? Come inside? Why doesn't the guy go to his dealer?
What state do you live in that some nigger is this stupid to call the cops on somebody for drugs? If somebody is smoking weed, let them.
>inb4 DEA busts into this guys house, kills his children, dogs and him and find out it's fucking medicine

I don't see why drugs should be dealt on a daily basis. What do you guys think this could be?

Something like fucking insulin or something. If the fucking cops do break in, record that shit and make sure you state clearly who the fuck called the cops in case something goes wrong and there was no wrong doing

The both of you need to mind you own fucking business

warn him, fuck the police and fuck your neighbor

I think it's a nosy neighbor that needs to shut the fuck up and stop being a stuck up christian cunt. Go talk to them, they'll probably tell you

I meant your

Why would he have prescriptions sent to his house? Pharmacies, atleast in north America don't do house calls. Now take your anti government speal out of here.

Newfag no one cares

What's the make and model of the car? Are the windows tinted? What kind of neighborhood do you live in? Middle class white? What state?

Were in a nice neighborhood that's on the brink of being taken over by niggers. If I spit I could probably hit the guy who committed the last homicide in this city. People have a reason to be concerned. I thought it was just a guy getting some weed, no big deal..

But every day? What could that be?

What the fuck are you on about, nigger?
zipdrug.com/ pillpack.com/
cvs.com/help/help_subtopic_details.jsp?subtopicName=Ordering prescriptions for home delivery&topicid=400011

Newer impala, nigger driver.

I'm thinking it may be a food delivery, only a retard would get drugs delivered daily, but if you don't see a bag or a box or something, idk. Also, he's a dumbfuck if he's buying weed daily, why not just buy a month's worth if you can afford it like that?

it's almost definitely drugs. probably too poor to buy large amounts of weed or whatever so he buys small amounts each day. in the long run it's more expensive but getting a hold of a few dollars (10-20) each day can be doable when you need your fix of your substance of choice. warn him. thats fucked of the neighbor to call. he isn't hurting anybody

I'm so glad i have a carhole.

But everyday? Doctors prescribe much longer than daily

The only niggers that I know that drive Chevys are poor ones; this guy isn't a dealer, he would be in a Benz or BMW. Dealers like to flash their shit, even take out loans and shit for their cars sometimes

>18 replies

I agree. McCarthyism.

How does the guy keep his lawn? Is it clean? Grass cut? Is the guy black, white, hispanic, arabic, asian? I can only assume it's a white person if this is drug related

Idk, it's dumb either way if drugs are involved, legal or not. I can't see anybody, especially a nigger that's dealing, being this stupid. Niggers usually know what they're doing

as long as the guy keeps his house up and isnt ruining the neighborhood then who cares

the cops will just arrest you for being a racist

White guy, maybe 30. Lives with his dad. I think both are gay. Lawn it well kept the 30yo kid mows it regularly in pajama pants with his weird ass hair.

I just don't get why anything drug related would be every day...

Is the kid a sperg? Does he go to the car and immediately leave or does he sit there for a minute and talk to the guy? Maybe it's his black friend or something, I'm honestly stumped

Probably buying drugs, most likely small amounts of weed. If it hasn't caused any disturbance in your neighborhood and continues to not cause a problem, then encourage your narc of a neighbor to mind his own business and leave the cops out of it. However, the dealer is fucking stupid to have that kind of traffic showing up at his house at predictable times, just to hand "something" off and go back in the house. The only time shit like that happens is when you're buying/selling drugs. I try to arrange a time to buy my twice-a-week $20 sack of weed when I can actually park and go inside and hang out for an hour or two. Looks less conspicuous. The kind of shit you're describing is why people end up getting raided nine times out of ten, because anyone with half a brain, even if they don't do drugs, know what's really going on.

tl;dr - Yes, the guy is probably selling small amounts of weed, as it's easily the cheapest and most accessible drug. Your other neighbor is a faggot for wanting to get the cops involved. If he isn't personally affecting any of you by selling dimebags to high school kids, then leave him be.

Shutup faggot. Cops aren't going to break into someone's house because a neighbor said he "thinks" he's buying drugs maybe.

Goes out to the car, goes straight back inside. It's not like any drug deal I've ever been involved in.. We live on a cul-de-sac, so maybe he feels more comfortable? I'm stumped too. I don't know the guy but I don't want to see him locked up for something petty. Not sure what to do. The fact that it's every day is what I don't get.

Exactly. If their strung out they wont be there long. Let the universe handle that shit.

I don't feel like it's weed.. Every day? Seems weird.

Food delivery driver here. I can confirm there's at least 3 people on my shift that get lunch from us -every single day-. Not sure where they get the money for that, but honestly, probably just their lunch.

What's the consensus? Do I try to catch him and warn him? I rarely see him outside of mowing and running out to the nigger in the white car.

You're OBVIOUSLY not from the United States
The police here CAN AND WILL find ANY REASON to fucking kick down your door and kill you

I use seamless.com a lot and I pay with my debit card online, so I just get the food and go, hoping the fucking place actually tips the amount I paid digitally

Is he awake right now? Knock on the door right now if the lights are on, don't let fag neighbor see you going over

"Hey, my name is user. Fag over there 2 houses down thinks you're buying drugs every day when that car pulls up. I don't care if you are or not, but he said he's going to call the cops tomorrow. If it's not a drug deal, don't worry. If it is, have him meet you somewhere else, I'm concerned for you and the driver's safety. I told fag to mind his business, but he won't listen to me, so I had to come over while he was asleep and wouldn't know I warned you"

Something like that

I never see any lights on this late. I don't know if he works or anything. I hardly ever see him. I know his dad has a job as a public servant, a pillar of the community. I can't knock on the door.

Fuck, go over in the morning or when you see him. Have him talk to you on the side of the house so fag doesn't see you