Just wish that the clerk would have shot him dead. What do the rest of Sup Forums also think? Gif related

Just wish that the clerk would have shot him dead. What do the rest of Sup Forums also think? Gif related.

Should have...

dat clerk was cool enough not to shoot. how else you get mutha fuckas to tell stories of your shit

If Hillary was president at the time of this that clerk would've been dead and the robber would probably raped his kids. Guns save many more lives than they take.

go back to r circle jerk red dit fafg

>Vote trump guys Hilary is a socialist with an antigun agenda
Shouldnt you go back to you're village, they're probably out looking for you.

In the full cut the human garbage backs out of the store as the owner keeps his gun trained on his head

>even let the scum keep his piece


You can't argue that if that clerk didn't have a gun things would've gone much, much worse.

You're probably joking or pretending to be an edge lorde, but it always blows my mind, how little people can care about life.

hur dur not all peeps think life is sacred fucking fag

>thinking hildog isn't anti

It's actually the most prominent position she won't shut up about. She will do everything to appease her middle age stronk independent womyn aging feminist base to rake away as many guns as possible.

You stupid fuck.

and if neither had a gun, nothing would have happened at all.

Why shoot him he's not black. He's probably only robbing him because the black man is keeping him down

Garbage like that criminal don't deserve life. Not even an edgy thing to say. He was willing to point a gun at an innocent person and potentially kill him for some cash, that isn't a life worth caring about.

You're not on the high road for giving a shot about criminals, that's just pro victimhood. You're basically a feminist.


Not the world we live in, never has been, never will be. Not an arguement.

But criminals don't buy guns legally so the crook would still have one to rob with.

yahe this fag if u had acock wuld u cuck it lol fag ha shti

Lol 1/10 I replied

And Hilary has said many many times how much she all about Australian style gun control, 'assault weapon' bans, smart gun technology, and various pointless legislation that only seeks to disarm the populace by never allowing them to obtain weapons and exercise a right. Erasing the rights of future generations through dishonest legislation is the same thing as confiscation even if you're too stupid to understand that.

And criminals like in op won't care, and thus situation would gave ended with a dead store owner that did nothing wrong.

Shouldn't you learn the difference between your and you're before having intelligent discussion?


>and if neither had a gun, nothing would have happened at all.

Typical response from a sheltered faggot. Guess what nigger? Nothing happened cause the would be victim was armed and was able to turn the tables.

So you think that the robber would have cared about the clerk's life? He would have killed him for some change money.


blood is hard to clean up, he isn't worth the effort of the police reports and clean up

>Just wish that the clerk would have shot him dead
The clerk was BOSS and handled the situation perfectly, like action-taking citizens usually do. He doesn't need to be a lowlife kill-happy gun wielder to appease likewise and degenerate trash like you, who probably only wants give the gun-grabbers more fuel.