Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

anyone here managed to quit smoking cigarettes?

Yeah but I was only smoking 30 per day

Yes but I was only smoking a carton per day

Jesus OP how long did it take you to get to that many? I've been smoking over ten years and rarely have more than ten a day

Yeah. Went cold turkey smoking a pack a day.
Take a weekend/week off, tell everyone you're busy, get some of your favourite foods and prepare to be pissed off ate everything.
Also get a gym membership. It helps to like, channel the rage

That is so fucking much, you are gonna die.. Also nah nicotine is a bitch you never stop craving even after years you can cave just like that and you sound very likely to cave haha that hand and mouth stimulation you got goin

HOLY shit. that's insane. why do you smoke that much?
i quit smoking for 1 month now after 5 years of smoking. I have no cravings or desire to start up again

a carton is 200 cigarettes

>75 cigs per 24h
>Three cigs per hour you are awake every day

Your lungs must be a black crusty tar by now right?

I bet you dont move around much daily..?

Wtf? 10 a day is like teenager tier smoking, I was smoking 2 packs a day a 3 months after I started smoking

Actually I work as a landscaper so I'm doing physical labor at least 6 hours a day

Not sure if bait or genuinely a fucking retard

that's not something to brag about. fucking white trash midwestern subhuman

>3 an hour

I smoke 30 cigs a day and I have one every 20 minutes in awame which isn't that much smoking

Guess I'm not addicted and I just like smoking every hour or 2. I can go a month without smoking no problem.

Used to be 30-50 a day, now managed to drop down to 5-10 but can't go any lower or I start shouting instead of talking and smashing everything in the general vicinity if I get even a little bit pissed off

How do you afford to smoke that much? Aren't cigarettes expensive as fuck these days because of taxes? I'm in America and it's like $10 a pack here. It's $20 a pack in Australia.

I'd switch to vaping if nothing else because it's cheaper.

If you're smoking less than 25 a day just quit because you're clearly ply doing it to look cool and aren't addicted

I live in canada it costs me 36$ a day

I smoke less than 25 a day and I assure you I dont do it to look cool. Nothing cool about standing outside a pub on your own while your friends are inside drinking. Stop being such a smoking elitist.

that's a hooker a day. There, you have your motivation.

> tfw pack of ciggies is 3€ (3.36 USD) in an ex-soviet shithole called Lithuania

You're literally spending more on cigs than the average heroin addict spends on dope.

If you're only smoking 5-10 a day you've already quit. People who don't even smoke sometimes have that many a day when they drink

Umm what? Heroin would cost at least 60$ a day....... don't even get me started on how much it would cost if someone was full blown addicted

Fuck I quit because I couldnt afford to pay 13$ a pack. You're wasting so much money it's unbelievable

Just quoting Dr. Drew. He has said many times on Loveline that a heroin addiction is not nearly as expensive as people think it is since a lot of functional addicts spend only $20 a day. But I did google it just now and apparently everyone else says it's more expensive.

If you're addicted you need at least 2 every hour, before I quit I was counting down every 20 minutes to go out for a smoke and if it wasn't for my gf getting disgusted by how much I smoked I could have easily smoked as much or more than OP

>tfw gf went out for the day id chain smoke 4 packs in a day

Yeah man its really expensive which is why people who get addicted to it end up on the streets and begging and stealing to get money

I want to quit how long do withdrawals last?

3 days and the cravings are gone, I haven't had one in 5 years now and I was smoking 60 cigarettes a day

>I want to quit how long do withdrawals last?
The rest of your life, from what I've heard. I wouldn't know - never started.

But the alternative is not to quit and remain poorer, bad-smelling and with a shorter life-span.

The only reason I quit was because of the cost of cigarettes, if I had tons of money there's no way I'd ever quit

>the rest of your life

this is what tobacco companies want you to believe. Nicotine is a shit drug compared to any other drug so it's actually easy to quit if you replace it with beer or opiates

allen carr's easy way to stop smoking
read it nigga

Hahaha you're a fucking crazy dude, bro!

You should know that the very first cigarette you smoke in the morning makes 95% the nicotine receptors inside of your brain occupied, not allowing binding for another 8 hours or so (thats why the first one always feels so good)

The rest you are smoking is only to sature the 5% of the unbound receptors and just out of stupid fucking habbit

Smoking more than 20 cigarettes a day is total madness and your body will punish you for it one day!

There are ways to quit and you should really get help my brother!

>trust me im'ma engineer (biomedical scientist actually)
>use to smoke a couple of packs a week
>quit smoking (thank you baby jesus) and now only occasionally endulge in a fat spliff (its legal here bro)
>quite often I buy a pack of tabacco's and only use one or like two for my joints and throw the rest out either giving them away to the people in the coffeeshop
>its my guilty pleasure because its a complete waste of money but it feels so good to remind myself how ridiculous smoking is by doing something so ridiculous

Shit man that's true

>tfw only cigarette I really enjoy is the first one of the day
>tfw after that cigarettes have no effect on me

mah nigga

>doesn't know that people only smoke out of boredom

I'd rather quit smoking and save that money up over the week and spend it on opiates on the weekend brah. Been doing that for months now