Where does SS actually stand for ?

Where does SS actually stand for ?

Somalian squad


small soldiers

schutzstaffel which means "protection squadron" in english

suicide silence

Stupid sniggers

Trust a German

You fucking nazi nigger

Starting Strength

Squatz 'n Oatz, bruh.

No i'm white


it stands for stupid cunt.

Superior soldier

siamese shitwalker

Stupid cunt. You're the only rassist here

shit swallower

No I'm a vegan feminist who eats niggas for lunch while reading Mein Kampf, because niggas < animals; < plants

This. Don't let the trolls get you OP, i studied history. It's superior soldiers. A nazi program initiated by Hitler himself, to create the superior soldier by extensive physical and ideological training and superior equipment.

This nigger knows his shit

Super saiyan

Its because of my german blood. Cant change

Troll more you fucks

Salad Stompers. I believe they were an anti vegan hate group in the 1940's


Shit Storm.

Checked hell

In German, it's called "Schutzstaffel". Only part you forget

Stupid (female) Specimen.


Totally missed the rest of the thread, thanks.

>delusional faggot or troll

super sport

You should study again



>not "Superior Soldiers"

holy fuck i hope autumn kicks in fast

>muh studies

I'm sure he means more than an internet connection.

Switch stance


Super Sand niggers

Protection Squad (translated)

>loaded answer
>non autism goes outside, autism parks inside
>traffic numbers don't change

can't wait for them school buses to start rolling again user?


this. plus 4 years ago

Once i went to school


Finally it was done.

I wipe my own ass.

Youre edge is the sharperest.

Where am I looking?


It isn't a place OP

Small sacks

It stands for google you stupid cunt. The reason smart people exist is because of people like you

> has web browser
> still asks Sup Forums

stupid white trash. you make the rest of the demographic look bad.

>smart people exist because people ask questions
>this is 100% correct
>what happens when google gets all the questions?


Ihr elendigen dummköpfe. Warum postet ihr hier, wenn ihr nichtmal den offensichtlichsten troll erkennt? Seid ihr 12 oder was?

>is on Sup Forums
>no discussions allowed

Super soldiers

Mein keks

Straight Shota

This thread has ascended.

white trash hater here. can we actually discuss how we can resolve the problem of ignorant whites. because this post just anally penetrated my tolerance. to an extent i understand why colonialism affected stupid niggers but where did the stupid whites come from. i mean you fucks have civil tradition in your blood running deep through your culture and you throw it all away for cheap liquor, drugs and diseased malnourished sexual partners?

Spicy Sausage

My dear sir, I believe the stupid whites were influenced through generations by the gentle application of jewish tricks -- so that no one or two collective generations could recognize bread and circus as oppression. The blacks got squeezed, we loved it of course...the rest is history. How do we fix it? Evolution of course.

-a faggot

Here's auto sage in yer eye!

okay user.. wb /freud/einstein/chomsky (to name a few) would you say they are jew bred and circus of the intellectual stupid whites??



Sure, maybe. Einstein didn't do it on purpose and I can only assume a couple others were goaded into other decisions/publications as well. It wouldn't do for pawns to sleep with the queen.

i was there .....PTSD when i was fucking Ernst Rohm in the asshole

agree, can't wait summercunts like you go back to school

A bump limit is a bump limit.
Auto sage is an automatic sage.
Compared to a manual sage.

Moot was being a newfag that day.

Much edge. Very ego.

Sorry I ruined your black panther party, everbody.

why focus on just ignorant whites? there are shitty low life people in every shade of skin color. there may be some certain perceived nuances in each ethnicity of low lifes, but the goal should be to defeat ignorance period. not just starving white trash meth heads with gonorrhea

tl;dr everybody sucks

hah good one user. suggesting to popularize reading and liberal education. i'd rather see a couple nukes fly above the suburbs; run over to the nearest living thing and fuck it's brain out.