So, i have a new idea for fighting the femnazis and it involves using the bible and Christianity. Now...

So, i have a new idea for fighting the femnazis and it involves using the bible and Christianity. Now, i know this sounds pretty fishy, but hear me out.
In the bible, it mentions that man was created by god first, then, women were made from the ribs of men to accompany men, so in the technical meaning... men own women. so what if we used this somehow to make a war of Christians vs feminists? Or something else? Just food for thought

Bump for creativity

>implying this war is not 2000 years old.

Use muslim teachings instead.

Is the whole 'rib' thing the reason men claimed dominance over women in the first place?

That could work

In the religion of Christianity yes, and there are many more points in the bible we can use

more like blaming the whole Eve fruit thing...

>Implying that this time we shall use it to defeat a real threat

The female fucked that up bad

Ahah, yeah, you look so threatened.

I love this image

If not a real threat now, it will be later

>Guys I came up with this BRAND NEW idea!!

Is as old as time itself. This argument has been used for fucking ever you high school aged toddler mind having fuck


How would this work though? Pretend to be a group of women hating Christians? Say you can't be Christian/Muslim and feminist?

You realise that most of us anti-feminist are atheists don't you dickhead

how about we drench crhistians in jet fuel, set them on fire and chuck them at nazis? two bird with one stone, if you will.

Use, but sometimes the best way to beat your enemy is with their own weapons or weapons of their allies

Why don't we all convert to Islam? Muslims know how to control women

but will they be able to melt steel beams? That is the real question...

You realise that most feminists are atheists as well



But most feminists argue over just about anything that implies that men are better


Without women there is no procreation, meaning no more men. OP is a faggot

Why not try to convert feminists to Islam?

That could work better if we try hard enough

In the original lore, Lilith was the first woman (made from the Earth as was Adam) and would not succumb to Adam's will so God banished her and created Eve from his rib making her sub servient to her "master" - you can't change people unless you affect them directly nigger

That would work if the bible wasn't a crock of shit

Could be funnier to argue Mary is a virgin and since bible is "anti-feminist", true feminist should fuck as many men as they could

Soooo... Let's flood Tumblr?

Is there anyway to get back at the femnazis like they get at us?