How do i carry when the enemy team has more smurfs than my team?

How do i carry when the enemy team has more smurfs than my team?
can't carry with annie, can't carry with master, every time it's the same story, everyone is fucking fed and my team just randomly dies.

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Try not being shit

your build sucks

your comment makes no sense since i literally had the best kda in my team.

i don't think that's the reason why i lost boi :)

Your playing annie, do you expect to have a bad kda. Games are also not won from having a good kda

i don't know man it was my first time playing annie i just can't win with anyone, this is bullshit.


gtfoff my Sup Forums


Just buy a boost like me poorfag

Cause you're silver 2

dude i'm plat.

>Implies plat is high

Then you're just bad idk man, I'm D1 and I can carry bronze to p1 any day of the year

Hello Yowr on EUNE silver 2

ayyy lmao

New thread - lets ban this guy

Please dont sempaaaaaai

Play more, 40 games is nothing. You'll have >50% win rate after some time

add me lilvigo

any EUW high plats wanna duo with a faggot rumble otp?
ign Keeber

wait till summer is over and all the kiddies have to go back to school.

LoL I know you bro - we duo'd - (hint: acc has rengar in name)

God tier bait

Just had a 3/10 Yasuo top and a 0/3 Azir in my team, just focus towers, don't look at your team as actual players, look at them as super minions that grab attention while you push towers, kills are only gold, turrets win games, as long as the enemy team doesn't push after they kill your team, they didn't get anything besides gold.

I suggest checking Trick2g guides and actually listening to what he has to say, this shit gets you to high plat in an instant.

trick2g made the game so much simpler

Ayy waddup cc rengo

if you can't carry yourself out of bronze or whatever shit league you are in(i don't even play the game) you probably suck some serious dick. having good kda can come from being a pussy and getting easy kills. making your team the best they can be is what wins games. allowing supports to support you, getting a lot of money without dying and also keeping the enemy economy down is stuf that wins games. kda is for idiots. you'll realize that one day.

Heya buddy :D Can't play tonight but we can duo soon

you need a better champ

you're all noobs showing your plat and silver borders, scrubbing them like they're worth something