K, mods deleted my thread. How nice of them. One more try

K, mods deleted my thread. How nice of them. One more try.

>tfw 20 y/o
>kissless virgin, never had a gf
>no interest in social interaction

am I beyong hope or should I stop giving a fuck?

Am in a similar situation, also want to know

Nah, I'm the same way and some how made it to 37.
Stay strong, eventually a fat qt will approach you. They move fast and are emotional so be prepared.

depends on how ugly you are, post pic for science

So I ought to become a chubby chaser?

Haven't groomed because it's the weekend, so here's a rather racent pic (~1 month old)

Heres the thing.

You will obsess about it until you get it, and when you get it you will wonder "why did i make such a big deal over that?....my hand is way more efficient anyway"

Don't freak out over it.

The mods did not delete it, it was deleted because it was stale. Don't delude yourself, they don't care that much

They're called prostitutes you betas. Use them.

not that bad looking, work on your confidence and you could probably pick up a 7/10 - 8/10, if all comes to worse then just become a chubby chaser or get a prostitute

Show us your fat piggy wife

Hey there m8, well 20 is not that old, had my first kissing&fucking when i was 19 (basically last year)
of course it matters what you look like, if you do look like a mutilated baboon, it's gonna be tough hitting on women, but as long as you have a "normal" face and body, the only thing you'll have to worry about is you attitude. So just hang in there, you'll find a way to deal with the loneliness. Having a girlfriend is a lot of work anyways, if you're counting on keeping her for more than 2 weeks. So enjoy your freedoms and the fact that you don't have that dilemma of prefering masturbation over sex with your gf.

also, if all else fails, just get a hooker

What ways to meet people are there besides going to clubs though?
I'm living in a rather small town (~200k people) and there's not really any clubs for small scenes or anything. Heck, I even had to drop doing parcour in a group becuase there's no group for it, at least none present online.

Mod deleted your thread since it ain't a faggot trap thread they love. They jack it while shoving dragon diodes up their asses.

what is the kind of stuff you like to do? you'll find the best ones doing activites you like doing yourself. other than that? school/work, student bars or generally bars where young people go have their beers, concerts...

>had to drop parcours
See, OP, that's a hobby for 'tistic faggots. Stop being a faggot -> Stop being alone

Are you in burger land? If not then it won't matter or I can't say. And things might have changed since I was out there, what with all this "tumbler" stuff, I'm 37.
You're not bad lookin, but as another non social guy I can say that eventually an obese woman approached me and initiated everything, I was maybe 28?

The being a virgin thing I can't say anything about though except that it isn't too big a deal. If you're in a major city consider a prostitute. Even as a jew I'd rather spend a couple hundred a month for some amazing nights with women that are way way out of my league physically and fucking know how to get me off. Also none of the other social and financial things that come along with girls who aren't literally prostitutes.

Working a callcenter job atm to get some money in. About so get an intership to study informatics though (used to study maths but I was too theoretical for me). I love doing gymnastics and parcour, play an mmorpg actively, really enjoy music (both making it and listening) and am fond of philosophy. I'm living in germany. Always have and will stick to it for a while, might start travelling around the globe. Bilingual though (english and german)
It's not that I' like "shit I need to get off", but most people I know had sexual experiences much earlier or already had several gfs, I kinda feel like missing out and wonder if I really am behind a lot.

you should get into pickup
start from youtube, rsd or simple pickup any will do

I'm not married, kek.
We've been friends with benefits as they say off and on for all these years though, it's been really nice when it was on, but yeah I'm not even "boyfriend material"
Pic related she knew I liked this mouse and saw this one on ebay cheap with a broken cable and knew I'd solder the four wires and be stoked, she does sweet stuff like that randomly a few times a year.

Tolle sache, bin kein deutscher aber luxemburger sein bringt dich halt der sprache näher.
Na also, vorallem mit musik lernt man schnell coole leute kennen. Gibt nichts besseres als ein mädel was auf die gleiche musik steht wie du. Ansonsten scheinste mir nicht so der typ zu sein der auf onenightstands aus ist, der weg ein weib zu finden, das mit dir über philo und so kram diskutiert ist zwar beschwerlicher, dafür ist es einfach erüllender als sich auf die erste ignorante mit nem loch zu stürzen

oh und so wirklich viel haste auch nicht verpasst. sex ist verdammt spaßig aber auch anstrengend, es geht viel darum was in deinem kopf vorgeht. man hat beim ersten mal angst zu verkacken, aber wenn man checkt dass es nicht bloß ums rein-raus geht und man den körper der frau komplett genießen kann, dann wird man gut darin.

I don't intend to get into pickups. I'd arther have agf with a emotional base than having some random girl I fuck and then never see again. If i wanted that i'd just get a hooker.

Musik stellt für mich nen wichtigen Teil meines Lebens dar, und onenight stands sind nicht wirklich mein Ding. Ich würde mir eher ne Freunding wünschen mit der ich n Haufen Mist durchstehen kann, fällt mir aber schwer so viel Vertrauen aufzubauen da ich schon viel Scheisse durchgemacht hab.

Dann bist du eigentlich auf der suche nach einem besten freund, mit dem du sex hast. Ist keine leichte sache, erfahrungs gemäß kann ich nur sagen, dass es sich dann ergibt wenn man es gerade nicht erwarten würde. Wenn du gleich drauf aus bist eine beziehung zu starten wirkt das oft eher abschreckend oder die beziehung wird halt mies unbequem. Bleib deiner musik treu, das ist immer erfüllend und so kannst du frauen einerseits kennenlernen und natürlich auch imponieren, kommt immer gut. Was ist denn so deine musik? War bei mir immer so richtung metal, aber die weiber im genre waren nie so mein ding.

Stop playing video games all day, get off Sup Forums and go outside.

Yeah sex is pretty amazing, it is the best thing humans have going for them, cocaine aside. I'm not a social person at all, no fb no friends really, and a relationship that grants regular sex is a huge time investment I'm not really interested in so after reading I'll say don't listen to me.
Good luck though, just be honest and yourself, as lame as that sounds.

>Small Town