How can we ensure that Sanders can get the nomination at the convention instead of Hilldawg?

How can we ensure that Sanders can get the nomination at the convention instead of Hilldawg?

Pay off the media like she did and also have dirt on important people.

The whole country has dirt on Hillary but it doesn't seem to matter.

at this point, you need to kill her.

I really want trump to win, but even if he doesn't I'd rather have bernie than that witch.

I unironically would if I knew I could do it and get away with it, and I'd be doing the whole world a favor. But I can't so Secret Service, you can chill.

I can't stand Trump but I'd rather have him than that horrid cunt. Guess we at least have that much in common.

Eat a sandwich full of rat poison faggot communist

>Bernie Sanders



You can't. In fact even if he had won the popular vote against lying cunt Hills the demotards would fix the superdelegates or whatever to ensure he lost.

Spread that around.

Socialism is just communism with a different spin to make it sound like it will actually work.

Protip: it wont.

Why do you dislike that shit though? What's wrong with an egalitarian society?

Kill the giants who drop the seeds, for then we can eat there fruit. We won't have to till or sow, for there food can be ours. Jack then climbed the beanstalk, ax in hand. He was prepared to feed his people, to take the giants land.

The giant sat and wiped the sweat from his brow, his harvest nearly done. Corn and beans and barley and millions of other foods. Giant had worked hard all his life, he had more then enough, but he enjoyed his work and took a drink before heading home.

Jake was waiting by the door, and killed the giant right. And to his food, he took it down for all the people to chew.

Soon (Or later) the food ran cold, the giants food all gone. Because there was plenty the people never grew there own. Jake however was quite dumb and grew a crop his own. A garden maybe even more grand then the giant had once owned.

The people killed and ate ol' jack, they took all the crops. Soon they too will die, for in the end... It's only you who can save you.

Sorry this was for

people aren't equal faggot. Please watch Psycho Pass


Lie number 2
That the rich have more pie and are bad. The Rich makes more pies. There is more now for everyone then there was 20 years ago. In 1990 the computer was rare, now everyone has at least two in there home.

People don't have to BE equal to be TREATED equally.

Yes they do. If you treat a lazy person the same as a hard worker you are telling the hard worker he is worth less then the lazy person. You are telling him to not even try .

Equal opportunity not equality. If you do not achieve the same results with equal opportunity the strong and hardworking deserve a bigger slice of the pie.

There is NOTHING wrong with incorperating SOME socialist ideals. Universal health care should be a thing in any developed country. Being able to live and to keep living is a right. It's honestly astonishing that fucking Cuba has a higher life expectancy than the US

No, that is horrible. There are people who treat there body like shit and Medicare it up when they get cancer. Let them rot.

What are incentives faggot?

Work should still be mandatory in order to get your share.


Not really.

>this world is rotten
>heeeuurrrrr hur hur hur

Assassinate Hillary.

Hey if you jump of the cliff I ain't going to call the ambulance...

I love this world but to reward a person for bad behavior is retarded.

Find copies of the emails about the TPP showing her support of it that have been blocked from release until after the election and have them publicly released.

Release transcripts from her big money supporting speeches proving she's just as much in their pockets as people said.

This leads into: Have her get indicted. Which won't happen unless she's made dead in the water politically.

>I love this world
How is this possible tbh?

How isn't it. We are living the best time in history. We all have first world problems. We are as smart as we want to be, can have anything we dream of (In a digital world) And with half the world single should be no problem getting a date... OH NO PLAUGE EITHER

No mandates or coercion necessary. What makes capitalism great is that transactions are voluntary.

Nothing makes capitalism great.

Every day I just wish to die.

Oh waaa newfag. Just do it and help everyone.

I totally agree I don't want scumbags leaching off my taxes than they already are. let them wither and die

I will, eventually. I wasn't even whining, it just legitimately blows my mind when people say the world is a good place or that life is actually positive.


The most autistic thing you can do is to care about shit like this. I bet you rage at food stampers too.

Mother fucking exactly. I only agree with one hand out. The government pays each poorfag 1000 dollars to be sterilized and end the this plauge of entitled asshats.

Except for economic growth that is matched by no other style of government in history?

>"food stampers"
What are you 12?

Do they have jobs... no I don't, they are trying.
Freeloaders with no job, let them starve. Put children in rich peoples homes to get a proper life.

amerikkka must be made to answer for its crimes


Yeah, let rich people pay.

Food stamp users takes longer too type. You're autistic for carrying about my use of food stampers obv


12 confirmed.

Talking about adoption, a very hard process to get a child. more children means more happy families

are you being sarcastic or are you actually being serious

Edgy autistic virgin Sup Forums user confirmed

Who is Evan and why should I care that she is a muslim women.

Dude, if you don't know what's going on I'm not going to spell it out for you.

Yeah let the kids be emotionally fucked having to see their parents die slowly to be put in a shitty system

Oh look, it's the "everyone I disagree with is Sup Forums" ad hominem.

Well am i right or wrong?

Lets see, enough to eat... a warm home... private education.

Shit home, starving and cold drafty home...

Obvious answer is Obvious.

>ad hominem
When did Sup Forums turn into Reddit?

If my only choices are a literal corporate whore and drumpf, I'll work to destroy the system from without.

We can't He needed California to even have a chance

About a year ago.

You're literary autistic, and probably underage.

Hurr can't come up with a reply, fire the Autistic cannons and shoot some underage crap too.

I hate summerfags

Go to Scandinavia if our governments will let you in. Go break all your limbs and get fixed by a decent heathcare system, and you pay back in taxes, so no additional bills. And your wages are great

Oh and end up paying the lions share to the Government.

Sure i got some of it right :^) .Well if you're telling the truth you have horrible edgy opinions that belong on Sup Forums.

>Sup Forums making Sup Forums sound sane
These are truly interesting times.

I wish I could move to Scandinavia but it's hard as fuck for a person from outside the EU to get there from everything I've read and been told.


You're just stupid if you think letting a child see their parents die is an acceptable thing

We don't let them see. We explain that they can't take care of you and Mr and Mrs Warren are going to be your new parents. Also not forcing it, if your parents love you enough they would GET A JOB.

politics lmao

I really hope you dont think like this, this way of thinking is so emotionally bankrupt and fucked.

Why is it. We remove children from abusive homes. Isn't that what we should do?

Nice trips.

I'm just going to stop. That's not even the norm, seek help.

Healthcare sucks. I go to the doctor like once every three years and these weak fags go whenever they get a headache cuz it's free and we pay the same rates. Shits stupid. Socialism is for the weak

So you support letting children starve and you call me weird. You are a sick SOB

You need help you fucking faggot.

So you faggots want to leave children in abusive homes. Got it.

Easy-peasy. Just wait a bit, and when they indict Hillary and blow her campaign to smithereens, he will be the only viable candidate the DNC can float in time.

I mean, in time to lose. It's pretty much a done deal, and I do not say that with any measure of glee. Trump is coming, like it or not.

That's what child protective services exist . Dont even try to justify your fucked head user

So you support it but don't want it to use it's full power. WOW you are a sick person. Starving is ok but no other kind of abuse.

Holy fuck you're too stupid to be a fuctioning adult lol

You both sound like fucking retards tbh fam.

You are the one that wants to pay lazy good for nothing breeders just so there kids can live in poverty.

>Speaking about emotion in the topic of politics

Get the FUCK out. Work for your cut or fucking die. Nobody wants your freeloading shit.

Not that fag, but people who have children should be taxed at a higher rate. Their children are a burden on society and they should shoulder more of that burden.

I only agree if you allow for free Sterilization.

This isnt even a norm.You're saying to let parents die and to let kids develop fucked rather than just handing out a few hand outs. If you're not using foodstamps to feed your kids and less importantly yourself to helpprovide a decent life, you dont let people die, you posess the kids., since they cant handle it If they're being abused you posess them too, if they're living in horrible conditions you posess them too.

Of course I would.

get her indicted...

Haha super edgy. Let's all go back to the dark ages. Survival of the fittest xD

Actually counting the votes.

No that isn't what I said. I said if a parent isn't working and only living off foodstamps they don't deserve kids.