Dropping acid for the first time tomorrow with some friends, Any precautions, tips etc?

Dropping acid for the first time tomorrow with some friends, Any precautions, tips etc?

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Hope you trust those friends.

How many micrograms per person? Any one staying sober to watch over the rest?

Watch spider videos.

Get a bag of starburst
and piss beforehand

You need to ask yourself if you are truly in a head space and also trip with no more than 2-3 people you would trust with your life. Maybe find a trip sitter.


well i mean, known em since 6th grade so i think im good

*good head space*

Well ok, so each tab is 110 i believe and all of us are doing 2. Except for one guy whos doing only one.

Don't do this op

nice may may

dont open that OP

Lock your doors, don't drive, do not call or text anybody you shouldn't

have some outside time

Okay that will be pretty strong then. My first and only experience with acid I took 1650 micrograms and started tasting time. The important thing is that you remember that LSD makes it so your brain stops filtering out stimuli. In many ways it will be like a super power. You'll notice things (such as colors) that your brain normally ignores, but that also means that the higher doses you have you can't filter out the random instinctual thoughts that normally doesn't come into your conscious awareness.

Example being is a friend might frown at something, and your brain instinctually goes "that dude's angry, he's gonna kill us", and your subconscious (border between unconscious and conscious) shuts that sort of thought down as to stupid to even be aware of. You might have thoughts like that while on LSD. The important thing is you remember (I know this sounds dumb, but it's important) that you are ON LSD, so no matter how much your thoughts may be screaming at you, trust that you'll be fine, and you'll be fine. You have to drink actual liters of the stuff to die and it's one of the most physically safe drugs in existence. I'd state STRONGLY that you get enough stuff that you do NOT have to drive (like a first aid kit), generally not go anywhere outside with other people you don't know, and otherwise don't take chances on what you watch. Watch happy cat videos or fun comedies and light hearted movies. Avoid anything made by Tim Burton.

TL;DR You aren't going to die, your friends aren't going to kill you, just stick to safe, fun stuff, and you'll be fine.

OH! Also, if you or any of your friends have a history of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder anywhere in your family (especially immediate family) maybe avoid LSD entirely. It's mega effective for depression though.

doors are usually locked, i dont have a car lmao and uhhhh tbh the only person i would be worried about texting is my parents.

Also, don't be afraid to call 911 if something bad happens that you can't handle (not likely, but still). Considered private medical information, and even if you did get in trouble, it's better to not risk your or your friend's safety. Not trying to scare you away from it, but the key is to be prepared. Also do NOT mix LSD with other drugs.

>history of schizophrenia
>avoid LSD
What about PCP?

>if you or any of your friends have a history of schizophrenia or bipolar disorder anywhere in your family (especially immediate family) maybe avoid LSD entirely.

wow, an actual answer, Thanks! So yea, i know its nothing to be afraid of but i just wanted to have some opinions on it. Ive smoked weed before and have tried molly once (didnt like it). We got pretty much everyhting we need. And My firends are fine. Been kinda nervous and hyped so ive been doing some research. But im just gonna say fuck it and due it. Sadly couldn't find anyone to NOT trip with us. Except i got a guy whos gonna stop by to check on us.

.....just don't do PCP in general. Also don't do "embalming fluid" aka "wet" or that new synthetic marijuana thing. Just not worth it, increases chance of manifesting mental illness, even without genetic vulnerability, near exponentially.
Just LSD in higher doses mimics the effects of schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder is HEAVILY genetically linked as well, so it increases the chance of you having permanent hallucinations.
Also, stupid question. Do you KNOW it's LSD? LSD is actually super super rare nowadays unless you get it from the deepweb. -LSD- is reasonably safe, but the other stuff is a whole other ball of wax.

Also. It will NOT feel like weed. It is a lot more mental and, in my experience, -barely- bodily at all. Also, at least for me, you will feel VERY "aware" unlike weed. Also, weed is probably safe to use in case anyone starts feeling anxious, so that's a good plan if you can get that as well.

Expect a 16-20 hour trip
>only if its legit acid
>shit nowadays isn't even real

>LSD is actually super super rare nowadays

That really depends on metabolism, body size, and amount. -PLAN- for that long of a trip. I burned through my 1650 micrograms in 6 hours.

Also, to note, I was on SSRI's at the time for depression so my experience MAY NOT REPRESENT WHAT IS NORMAL. But then again, I think any experience with that much shit isn't "normal" ;P
Mainly because the main manufacturer globally got shut down by the Fed, and it's rather hard to synthesize in non-factory settings. Larger distributors on the deep web generally have it, but most just sell knock off crap.

>Fear mongering
Take acid and kill yourself faggot

just try to be as comfy, and don't infringe on the comfiness of others

first, read the psychedelic experience:

when you're coming down, watch this:

Stfu you stupid incompetent faggot

watch sissy hypno

if LSD was/is relative safe why they shut it down

If you can be safe doing it (VERY important) then some outside time is fantastic, particularly as its first starting to kick in

>Dropping acid for the first time tomorrow with some friends, Any precautions, tips etc?

Is it real acid? Or some weird analog?

If it's acid, you want a secure setting and a comfortable mental set. Set and setting.

Safe, QUIET... no interruptions. You want water to drink, some music (you cannot go wrong with Grateful Dead music, trust me)... don't plan on eating much. Vague religiousity is what you're after. Maybe some incense if you know what good incense is. Some good bud for coming down would be really nice.

Comfy; secure; quiet.

Not trying to fear monger at all good sir, just compared to say LSD? That shit is far, FAR more dangerous. Have personally done case work for two different people that did embalming fluid ONCE and became debilitatingly schizophrenic. Is it LIKELY? No. But it is significantly more possible.

Also OP, forgot: weavesilk.com/

Play with that : )

What did I get incorrect? I will admit I am not THE expert.
Well people abused it, did it while driving (like morons), all the usual stuff. Any recreational substance in general gets shut down eventually.
This but I'd say this is better with shrooms overall. FIRST trip with LSD? Better to stay safe so you know your tolerance.

Is your name josh?

Who are you asking? OP?

why most of people acts as retards user pls tell me this reality is just a dream


I....I am not sure what you are asking. But people do stupid things when they're young or really stressed. Same thing with alcohol or anything is. But reality is a matter of perception, you're just interpreting the reflection of particles hitting assortments of flesh. You're just a series of cells deluding itself into having a coherent thought. Language is arbitrary. etc. etc. SPOOOOKY
Hey I was pretty close!

dont look in the mirror

Have an anchor! What that means is when you drop acid you want to cling to an item or person; basically anything can be an anchor as long as it physical. So what does an anchor do? Well the gist of it is an anchor prevents you from "going too high," there will be a point where you feel you'll never "come back down," well when you have an anchor it well bring you back down to reality when needed so the fear will vanish. No, having an an WILL NOT KILL YOUR HIGH!

If shit starts getting too weird, or you're just tired of tripping out, Orange Juice, or any other citrus, acts as a neutraliser

yeah, but what about cuckold hypno?

What is this Inception?

I mean sure, having something that you know is real ahead of time (do NOT tell your friends, in case they decide to be jerks), so you can remember that you're alive.
What about it?

gotta ask
why are drugs illegal? at least the relative safer ones

all i know is it was made by my friends cousin lmao. Its a bit of a risk but he swears by it. Hes done it before. Vancouver imported

Get some NIACIN, not niacinimide, and if you need to get back in the driver's seat, take 1 gram per 100 lbs of body weight. Your skin will flush as if you had a sunburn, but it'll be enough to put you back in control.

This is the kind of thing you wish you knew BEFORE you needed to know it...

Most people are morons. Drugs that make you think are foreign to them. And frightening.

Yeah guess i should have specified there lol

Just keep like fruits and shit with you, they taste way the fuck too good when you are tripping, just eat bananas and oranges and raisins and strawberries. Juice is fucking amazing, watch TV. Do exercise and dont just sit down and do nothing(unless you atre watching T.V.)

Unless he's an organic chemistry major with astonishing connections, it just doesn't seem likely that he knows what he's doing. Look at erowid.org for tales of acid analogs which are no pure acid.

no my name is not josh. Its Tony.

so technically drugs are relavite safe?

That sir, is something that has had whole books written about it. Main thing is that people are idiots, and the world has decided that it's more important to protect idiots from themselves.
dude....dude no...dude fuck no....just....your friend's cousin MADE it? *sigh* ONE of you needs to NOT take it for at LEAST an hour. This is no longer "safe town", you have no idea what shit he made, you could all be poisoned.

Just.......sincerely.....have someone try it first THEN wait. When you aren't sure on the stuff that's where it gets deadly and can actually do permanent brain damage.
Or Xanax
And if he "swears by it" that makes it even more suspicious. LSD is hard as fuck to produce, like I said....
Depends on the drug and the amount. They aren't "safe".

My friend has taken it before. I trust the guy enough. And the fact hes taking the same shit with us reassures me.

Do you want to gamble with your life and sanity on what a guy SAYS he did? Have ONE person wait for an hour. I guarantee he does not have an actual university level laboratory.

>the world has decided that it's more important to protect idiots from themselves.
dont trigger me user
and i meant in low dosis

Ok i didnt mean MADE it i meant hes the one whos the main link. I didnt mean to say it the way i did.

.....okay. That's significantly better.
I'd still have ONE of you wait a bit, just in case shit goes downhill. I only trust the deepweb because there's actual ratings and stuff rather than it being a "guy who knows a guy". It's PROBABLY fine, but probably doesn't mean "definitely", and better safe than sorry.

True, but it was the same guy i took the molly from, and i dont feel like i need meth or have any damage.

take it earlier in the day and eat a big breakfast before. you wont be able to sleep for hours and you wont want to eat either

Molly is shit tier in difficulty to make compared to LSD. He probably has never HAD real LSD or would even know what to look for. It may NOT be LSD and still be fine. You can still have it man, just wait a little bit. Shit lasts 8 hours minimum usually, you'll have plenty of time.

Only do it if you're ready to change your life.

You need to spend time thinking about whether or not you have things about yourself that are non-negotiables. Things that you want to remain true about yourself and the way you think about things.

If you do, I'd recommend you do not take acid. Examples: If you have a girlfriend, and want to marry her, do not take acid, unless you are willing to leave her. If you are going to school, do not take acid, unless you are prepared to suddenly decide not to continue school.

If you do go into it holding tightly to whatever goals you currently hold dear you will experience anguish, because you are not allowing your mind to be fluid, you are restricting the things it is allowed to think about.

Only take it if you are willing to completely change as a person.

I should also add that you should be ready to never come back to Sup Forums, because that could happen too. You will see this place in a different light.

I would recommend you do not come here while tripping.

....as a person that, once again, has taken 1650 micrograms of that stuff, this smells of bullshit. I mean it may make you think about things different but you'll still be you.
If only because people are douche bags.

Trust me, i gave up everything long ago. And im a kissless virgin. Also i wont give up school unless i wanna be fucking pistol whipped by my dad lmao.

I WILL say hallucinogens can make your sexuality be fluid, so THAT may change.

>1650 mics

You know that's like 16x the usual standard dose?

TBH idgaf. Parents are out of town for 4 days and ill be in my own house in the suburbs. I dont think ill get brain damage unless the guy (who is very close to his cousin) wants to give his cousin brain damage.





"Standard dose".
Also yes I am aware. That was intentional. Wanted to simulate what schizophrenia was like.

.....no one is saying he WANTS to do that, we're saying that he might ACCIDENTALLY do that. As someone who overdosed on a gram of actual laboratory made Molly (and thus I'm alive) and DID suffer brain damage, let me tell you that no, you don't want to risk it.

If you are so flippant with your life you won't wait 30 minutes to make sure everyone's safe, then just start huffing paint.

bro, i got a penis bruise on my arm. Il be goooood. One of the guys has done it about 8 or 9 times so we have a semi expert on it.

Seeing as there's a bunch of seemingly knowledgable people here. I have a few questions.

I have struggled mental disorders for a while, main symptom being psychosis. I took mushrooms a while back and fell asleep (took medication that knocks me out) and had an absolutely terrifying event because of it, I was foolish in doing so and was definitely not in the right place for Ever since I've been struggling with some anxiety attacks.

WIth this known, am I basically screwed in never being able to enjoy LSD, MDMA, Ecstasy, etc?

>If its bitter, its a spitter.
Real acid doesnt taste like anything so if the blotter you take has any sort of taste then it isnt real acid.

i know that much, should i spit it out if it has a taste or say fuck it and hope for a fake trip.

Very true.
....if you're having psychosis, i.e. delusions/hallucinations, you REALLLLLY shouldn't mess with drugs in general, much less hallucinogens. If you're really on that then go to a therapist and get CBT-based therapies. Anxiety disorders are very treatable.

If you don't know what you're dealing with always better to spit it out. Christ.


lol ik. i spent 40 bucks on it tho lol.

Maybe you'll spend time thinking about how you want your mind to be motivated. Do you want to train yourself to find motivation in fear?

If your dad died tomorrow, what would keep you in school? Maybe you will find the real reason.

School is actually great, I don't know how old you are but definitely don't drop out - I dropped out of college, and I don't know how much my trips contributed to that.

basically at the time I only cared about bettering myself socially, I let my grades go to shit, and I really regret it now. Acid completely flipped the importance values of everything in my life and while I feel I learned a lot working as a bartender sucks when I could've just finished my degree earlier.

Anyway acid is fucking fantastic man, don't take it too often, enjoy the trip and don't really go into it with an agenda. I'd recommend walking around nature. I just walked around nature with it and talked to my friends, and just thoguht about how the interactions with them were happening, it helped me out so much with talking to people. I just took it too far by thinking that was all that mattered - it is still nice to be comfortable in this world, and school helps with that.

Anyway your trip might not even be about socializing, who knows what you'll end up drifting into, might have no focus at all and you might just feel peaceful orseee some cool shit.

Remember to change the music and location if you start to get scared, yoru mind will roll with whatever you present it with, so move your body to a different set of objects and it will have no choice but to get distracted and stop freaking out

I wish you a fruitful trip my brother, and remember that the emotions you feel during your trip do not = the value of the trip, you decide the value of your trip.

unfortunately the anxiety didnt occur until after the mushroom incident. CBT-based therapies?

Doesn't matter whether you felt happy or sad or angry during the trip, remember your feelings will happen whether you want them to or not, don't fight them, experience them and investigate them as they happen to you. If you want to feel one more than the others that is something you can work on over time by putting your body through experiences that will make it feel things in certain orders.

Ive taken 25i-nBome on purpose, dealer had some and sold it for half the price of acid. I gotta say that RC was way more visually intense than any LSD I've ever taken.

........you will make far more than 40 bucks in your life. Your brain literally has to last your entire life.
Yes, cognitive behavioral therapy. Feel free to look it up. It's basically research based, i.e. using the best techniques to treat specific symptoms. Anxiety disorders have had LOTS of success with that.

Do anxiety and lsd lead to bad shit? asking because a friend has anxiety

tbh fam, my lives not in great shape. If it was i wouldnt be doing drugs to make me happy, now would i?

Not necessarily. If they have a good experience it may actually help it a bit. It's VERY good in treating depression, which is the other side of the coin to anxiety.

Listen to albums of your favorite artist with all their songs played at once.

yea im just kidding around. If its fucked ill spit it out. I just bought it from someone i trust.

i literately just listen to V A P O R W A V E lol.

I get really anxious when I smoke pot, but when I take acid my trip majority of the times are peaceful and extremely magical.

Man, I was really helping LSD would help treat my symptoms. Thats pretty disheartening.

lol just do it dude

so just reassure my friend that they won't have a bad trip from their anxiety

meant to put question mark at end

Don't look in the mirror

Don't smoke on it


Don't do acid

some good advice user, you sound like youd be a treat to trip with

Is it tested?

Eventually the so-called profound conclusions you come on the stuff because not only mundane realities, but grating to the spirit.
Once you're able to function with the thought that people are part zombie, part vampire lizard, yet somehow another variation of the over-consciousness, on a daily basis, there's very little else that will particularly shock you about the world.

Can't decipher that shit