When will Mexico take back Texas?

When will Mexico take back Texas?

I imagine Texas would be the last state of the southwest to join Mexico desu

They basically have. Obongo tried to give us 5k syrian refugees but ol' Abbot would have none of it. Maybe under Trump our border patrol will be allowed to shoot those Mexicans coming.

it wont happen because the mexicans in the USA prefer to be Americans.

Isn't it already?

Kill yourself retard

Actually I was watching a documentary made by a tv news show the other day on which they were interviewing Mexican migrants that return from USA to spend Christmas in Mexico and noticed this repeatedly:

>They don't give a shit about Trump >They say that it's literally the same as Mexico or even worse with the only difference being the dollar which they come to spend here

Is this why so many Mexican Americans want Mexico to annex the southwest?

What bothers you about his thread tho?

Soon. Texas is close to being a majority Mexican state anyways.



This But in due time

After the countryside turns blue, and the military bases leave, and the oil wells run dry, and the farms and ranches go belly up, and the ports and refineries close for lack of business.

Wasn't this territory part of Spain for most of its existence?

I think it was in Mexican possetion for only a couple decades before us took it

Winner winner chicken dinner.

Three hundred years as part of Spain and 29 years as part of Mexico during which time they never established any real administrative control over it.

Can we get a refund on the gadsden purchase, everything in the land we got from it is shit anyway.

>average mexican girls
>all white except for 3 of them

kek sure

I only see two white girls there, the other girls are common mestizas.

Only Mexican-Americans want an annexation

Never, Texas is ruined for us


Figures uneducated spics think they'd have a say over a transfer over a state.

When they become the majority they will.

retards who voted for trump had something to say and were listened.

>coming from the country who votes for the same terrible party over and over again

Why do 'chicanos' want Mexico to annex those parts of the US?
They (or their parents) left the US cuz Mexico is shit. AND DO they want their places to be run by that shit country again?
As an immigrant (Korean), I don't even want Korea to rule some part of the US (asides from the fact that it will prob never happen) because I left the country because it is a shithole and I don't want that fucking shithole country to ruin the place I am currently living.
I just don't understand the mentality of those people talking about Aztlan and shit. Why would they want to bring their shit country to them when they got ouf of that shithole?

You have to understand the common chicano or wetback is literally at the very bottom of mexican society, the people hoping the border are most of the time people who didnt finish elementary school, cant read or easily prone to violence. They arent exactly mexicos greatest minds.

They arent average at all, I mean that woule be a common sight in a private school were rich girls, aka "fresas" study, unless you live in guadalajara or something thats definitly not how an average mexican teen looks.

>common chicano or wetback is literally at the very bottom of mexican society
No wonder why Mexicans from Mexico in my uni (they were all white) did not make any interaction with those 'chicanos'

1835 will commence again, if any of you shitskins try to take Texas.

t. retard pro

Their parents left because $$$ not because Mexico was bad, when you can make 10 times the money doing the same work. Their lives don't improve at all living in the US due the high cost of living but when they cross the border that money becomes 10 times more worth.

From where are you? They look average to me.

probably through sheer illegal immigration and the fact that mexicans have like 10 kids

>It's the same


I remember reading a survey some time ago that found that 89% of Mexican Americans rather have Mexico taking the land bavk than the US keeping it so you are full of shit.

you have to understand that chicanos live in a cultural limbo, they are neither form there nor from here. They have isolated themselves because everyone dispises them, what they fail to see though is that most hold them in disregard because they go around the neighborhood blasting cancerous reggaeton shit and behaving like thugs (what person in his right mind would want to interact with someone like that). Also, what my fellow taco here: is accurate. The wetbacks that got across the border come from the countryside (people extremely stubborn and hard to deal with, even us have a hard time trying to reaosn with them) or from the worst parts of the country. They barely finished elementary school and many are prone to exhibit aggresive behavior because that's what they're used to, something that is exponentially intenfisied due to all the shit they're exposed to up there ("nigger culture", rap, regaaeton, da crackers sole our lands n shiiiieeeet we dindu nuffin and other sorts of bullshit that pretty much spoils them even more). No mexican here goes around shouting muh aztlan n shiiieet, because that land was lost after the war and since it happened long ago nobody cares anymore (it's like those whining about spaniards killed many amerindians either by using guns or the diseases they brought over to the continent, but during holidays they go to the church, that is something of european origin, to thanks god for everything they've got, the onception we have of many of the things we know it is heavily influenced by spanish culture, so it is ridiculous what they do). In short, just a bunch of jackasses that should be ignored.


>moves away from Mexico
>wants Mexico to move to him

I will never be part of Mexico again. If anything it will be it's own country. The culture, slang, and high frequency of young one's preferring to Speak English will alienate it from standard Mexican culture.
aka just balkanization

todo, porque vos sabés que es imposible que los estados de el parte de Estados Unidos va a ser un parte de méxico. Nuestros culturales son differentes

Never, we dont want it.