Emma Watson

>Emma Watson

Agree or not ?

Would you?

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>would you a feminist bitch

She's a feminist but not a bitch
maybe a little bit uptight and stuck up dunno

The only remotely French thing about her was that she happened to be born in France. Her parents are English, she has been a British Citizen since birth, she barely speaks French.

It would be like claiming giraffes are natively British because one was born in a British zoo.



A London-born giraffe may not be British/English but if it got caught smuggling drugs into Giraffeland and was subject to execution BBC would refer to it as a "Briton" or alternatively if it took part in riots it would be a "youth".

Every feminist is a bitch.

Is she of French origin?
Her eyes and eyebrows do look a bit French.

>Every feminist is a bitch.

can't even (you) me, you stupid British SJW?


It's not edgy, it's true you retarded faggot.

Fuck this bitch.

Feminism is not even bad, assuming its actual feminisim

Nah m8, I saw this youtube video where a scrawny guy wearing a hat said that feminism is evil and destroying our society. He was wearing a hat and was very angry, so it must be true.

Have you seen her #HeForShe speeches, they're absolutely retarded

she got caught taking huge amount of donations from her feminist charity and putting them in offshore accounts in Panama.
she's not just a bitch she's a fucking cunt.

Are you not man enough to fuck a good looking feminist, user? They are rare as she isn't obese with a purple/green hair.


lmgtfy.com/?q=emma watson panama papers

only second part about os account but nothing about where the money comes from

N o
N o

It's not edgy when you're right. And I'm right.