Hello fellow college aged millenials, isn't it totally cool we're finally getting a female president...

Hello fellow college aged millenials, isn't it totally cool we're finally getting a female president? We should all get out and make history with our vote, I mean come on....First Female President guys like seriously. Anyway, before we get there I was wondering if you fellow memers could help meme me up some new memes for me and my millenial meme crew. Memes are so random guys like seriously they're so funny, and we should make some totally kickass memes so we can make sure Hillaryâ„¢ can make it to the presidency (I didn't want to say White House in case of offending anybody, I'm sorry if I already have.
Anyway, the team and I already have so many great ideas for memes to meme up the campaign. We're going to use meme power to defeat racist bullies running for president. I already totally know what a meme is but I was hoping one of you guys could explain what it is for all the totally lame non-memers in this thread. So Show me your best memes guys!


One of the best memes I have ever stumbled upon.


The greatest irony is that while Trump has an army of tens of thousands making memes great again for free, Hillary has to pay people for it.

And this stunt will fall fucking flat on its face. It was dead before this story even broke

one white guy? what a joke

Everyone knows women POC come up with the most memes

I bet the people in that picture have social lives and don't spend their weekend nights in their underwear watching obscure japanese anime like actual people who produce memes, in other words I look forward to seeing these SJW's "memes"

Yeah lets vote for her purely because shes got a vagina!



Its because Hillary can afford to spend more money, she has many big corporations/wall street donors.

>Millennial memes
dat boi
>oldfag memes
pic related


Yeah Hillary, great memes.
Oh, you mean not these ones?


>hillary is cucking bill again

Jesus let him rip in peace


This is actually a fun post.




>Implying the presidential office has bic pens and paper back notebooks

>obviously the conference room

Hillary your thread is doing great fam


>the millenial meme crew
Name our band, Sup Forums

Trump is the true meme king.

an interesting and accurate portrayal of the size of their vaginas

It's also symbolic of their integrity.

>Hillary: Islam is not the enemy (despite demonstrable enemy it is)
>Trump: Islam is a mess
>Islamic shooting occurs in the US
It's like the Universe wants Trump elected.

(And that's without taking into account the Mexican-flag-waving ayyliens; fucking retards probably did more to get him elected than millions of ad campaigning)

Look how well our first nigger worked out for us!!

If only blacks and mexicans couldn't vote.

Dammit, now need sauce.

Hilldawg should definitely make this the cornerstone meme of the campaign.

Our classically trained meme-chefs have determined this has the highest meme rating among millennials according to the Driggs-Trayvon Meme Matrix System

>implying Mexicans=all Hispanics


If you're going to be an asshole, at least be a correct asshole.

seriously what's the difference?

like we finally got a black president. not a good one mind you just a black one.



Bernie is never touching the presidency. Get over it.



>Implying that Chloe Grace Mortez's vagina isn't the size of Alaska

