Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?

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vanilla gragas


How do you deal with invades?

Thresh otp

I main my virginity...
Oh fuck lost it ages ago coz I'm not a fag LoL player
Kill yourself


Tracer... oh wait, sorry I was thinking of a better game.

this nigga mad for no reason

adjust jungle pathing if you cant deal with an invade

Teemo ofc

He tries so hard to be funny...
You only main her cuz of DAT ass, let's be honest she needs a buff

Shyvana's pretty good at invading herself so that's not really a problem. If you get invaded there's nothing you can do right? Just move on and pay attention to the map and to the buff timers so you know when you can invade

I wonder what it must be like to be poor in your heart

Shen support

Paul Walker

this, league players, literally kys please, you are a waste of society's money.


holy fucking summer

I main the man who pisses off everyone. The man who can 1v5 the enemy team with full tank build. The man who laughs like a maniac. The man who farms 3 lanes at once. I main THE MAN. aka Singed


Trundle support
Have yet to see any support counter it
poppy jungle
when I want a guaranteed win
Evelynn mid
because her fog of war jukes gets noobs every time


>only says nigga with a hard R
You probably fuck your cousin too

As of the last Week, Varus.

Overall highest Mastery Points, Leona.


who do you hate facing as varus?

Fuck you
Broken ass champ, and don't give me that "he's hard to play" BS. zed is just a cunt

Miss Fortune

my nigga

Ezreal adc or Annie mid.
Easiest way to climb nowadays

>Needs a buff....
you must be a shit tracer.



But they nerfed him

zac ap jg

Your mom




Im a good tracer you asshole, she's not as broken compared to the other offensive players though, like reaper and soldier 76. And you can't sit there and tell me she doesn't have the worst ult in the game. She's not a top 5 player but I want her to be, she's on the cover of the game ffs

Anyone mains Sona mid?

Rammus for life


GTFO with your shit-tier game
This is LoL thread

Xerath ftw

i play league and im not a virgin

I tried Rammus. Maaaaaaaan is he boring.

wow, have you cut yourself on all that edge?

Also Volibear


Tbh I haven't played league in like a couple months
He rightfully deserved one though

my boy lee sin, gotta be flashy as hell

He's good but I just can't play him, way too technical. I always forget to ward hop and I can't even practice him without getting trolled. I like playing easy to play champs more, because less time to practice which leaves more time to get better

"I got this! I main Yas!"


Your mom

>because less time to practice which leaves more time to get better
This is more or less the approach I take. When I just want to focus on areas I feel I'm lacking in I pick up Ashe or Nasus. Still practice Rengo in customs though. Love some knife cat.
