Who are you maining in Overwatch and why isn't it McCree?

Who are you maining in Overwatch and why isn't it McCree?

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Dva when I want to flank
Zenyatta if I want to heal
Reinhardt for when I want to tank.

>Maining a character in a game that involves tactical switching to gain advantages over the opponent team.
I bet you don't stick with the payload either you faggot.



Because it not high noon yet,faggot

Because maining is retarded
Gotta play em all
Be versatile

Do you have the urge to yell on the voice chat this isnt fucking CoD get on the god damn objective too?

So ? You can still have a main , a hero you're better with ? what's your point faggot ?

>Still hasn't realized that TF2 is superior

that early 2000's character design

Because mcree is a fucking flaming faggot

>on defense
>no support characters
>fucktard level 79 "lone wolf" goes mccree

nice b8 m8 i r8 2/8



Simple; Roadhog.

> Stupid damage output
> Ult interrupt
> Tons of HP
> Self heals
> Can isolate any enemy
> AoE damage

why the fuck would you play anything else?

Kill urself and gtfo



whats this game about?

theres so much porn for it

Mercy. Every team gotta have a mercy. Raising your team is just too strong.




i am maining a real life

You're a faggot if you main any hero. You must be the character for the Situation or your team will lose.



They wont listen, its like that fucker that pics widow on EVERY match or Honzo even with the team telling them they suck on said map dont play them, and they spend 99% of the time being useless.

I was gonna try this game out but it's another vanilla fps. I don't get the hype

McCree sucks balls.

To be fair, if the widow is good enough she's good on both offense and defense right now. When she's nerfed idk.

I mostly play pharah but I'm pretty bad at the game

If overwatch is vanilla idk what isnt. You're probably just a cod fag who can't play a game unless there's 100 attachments for each gun.

This so much. Everyone acts like learning 20 characters is impossible. I am better than players that main their character

or he needs 'constant progression' cuz 'wtf is the point of playing if levels mean nothing and you don't unlock shit for playing'.

these are the kids who always were given an award for participation win or lose. they don't understand that sometimes, you just play the game because it's fun and playing competitively is its own reward.

>0 results

Kill yourselves

In the right hands she is yeah, But has to be played right.
Im really interested in the nerfs and buffs coming, I know McCree is getting hit, and Dva will be getting a boost, Dont think they have said much past that atm.

ha, 20 heros? that's it? go play a real competitive moba and then tell me learning 20 heros is hard. hell I can pick nearly 20 heros from LoL or Dota to play, IN A SINGLE ROLE. besides, it's not like we ask you to be godly at all 20, just know how they function and have 1 in each role you can play.

Mercy, a healer is almost always good to have and I like being able to support my teammates so we can stay at the objective longer

>mains shit characters

You probably bitch about "forced 50" amirite?

Pick one.
Playing an RTS with only one unit is so fucking casual.

That Pharah raining the wrath of fucking Christ Himself from on high?

That's me :)


Overwatch reminds me of Starsiege Tribes from the 90/00s It was just pure shooter bliss, no levels, no gifts, log in, pick armor, go kill. Had a few Game type MoDs and scripts, but nothing game changing. What we had for ranked was the best part, two teams fighting it out for a number on a website. Was in one of the top 2 HaVoC mod teams and to this day, other than Overwatch, I havnt found a game that has the fun Tribes did.

It's a counter game...

The reason you can actively switch heros is so you can adjust to what the situation requires.

There's a bastion holding your team back? Try widowmaker, her long range and vision giving ult is really strong against him. Tracer won't stop jumping behind your team and murdering you? Roadhog can immobilize her and end her in one hit. Mei freezing your ass non stop? Reaper can take some hits then use his shift to catch his breath, and rape her with his shotguns.

I give myself three chances with an offensive hero, if I keep fucking up then I change to a tank or a sniper.

If you spend the entire game playing one hero you're most likely doing it wrong.

All about the genji or reaper
Mercy zenyatta
... for some reason I like the unconventional less noob friendly tanks also please but zenyatta he's like the only character in the game that is a little underpowered

Nope, I have better than 50%(I play with a premade team a lot). If you dont like your win rate.. You learn to play better.

McRightClick just needs hit alt fire to have a massive damage dropoff passed 3m and have the top end damage of 70/rd lowered to something like 50 for FtH. Currently he does over 400dmg just by right clicking, 425 if you want to count the flashbang he will always use as well. it's 35/rd (or 210 total) at max dropoff range which still is way too high, so it should be dropped to like 25/rd leaving you with 150 damage which is plenty for a FtH at >3m.

this would stop the solo tank shredding he currently does and eliminate the obscene ranged damage he can do with FtH while still allowing him to one shot squishy flankers.

Not sure about OP but I "main" Junkrat. He's my best character but I also play a ton of Zarya, Lucio, and Pharah.

Don't be autistic about a phrase.

Zenyatta is underpowered? His Discord orb and charged right click can end pretty much any offensive hero. His ult is incredible at countering pretty much any other ult and he can passively heal while doing all of this.

I think you're playing him wrong.

I gave 1200 hours in tf2 and Overwatch, week being less skill intensive, is way more fun.

I agree, thats what a lot of people are complaining about, He should be not be able to shred tanks like he does. Even widow to a paint can one shot tanks. The point of tanks is soak damage, not die just as easy as tracer or something.

>raining the wrath of fucking christ himself.

I love picking 76 just to deal with negresses like you.

Falco as my secondary
And Kirby if I'm feeling edgy

>playing mccree
>faggot tracer with emo skin tries to get behind me to spray me
>flash and fan combo, instantly fucking dead with no time to recall
>"fuck that stupid combo"
>"cant wait for that shit to get nerfed"
>silly tracer main doesn't realize he will still get instagibbed by the best combo in the game

except when you're getting ganked by everyone and your team just doesn't give a fuck. you're supposed to whip two bastions out of your fucking pockets to counter all the enemies alone i guess.

>I gave 1200 hours in tf2 and Overwatch, week being less skill intensive, is way more fun.

Wow fuck my phone. I have*
Overwatch while*

>almost always
Of course there are moments when you need to switch to a different character you autist

Fucking kill yourself cancer

Support main ofc

My nigga

The only redeeming quality about Overwatch is I can play Jet Set Radio instead.

Genji because I'm better than all of the shitty genji users that complain about how his ultimate is underpowered. Lucio when in not a faggot selfish jew

Widow make in the green hipster dress, septic nes pas?


>Genji because I'm better than all of the shitty genji users

I'm sure you are Naruto. He must be quite easy to play with your aerodynamic fedora and your advanced knowledge of jutsu.

Are you fucking stupid? Do you know why genji is better than most characters you basement dwelling neet. Not even his shot main stream aesthetics. The fact that he's fucking fast, have a movement passive and defelct. Bet you main fucking reaper.

Fucking ape nigger

Whoa calm down Gohan didnt mean to upset you. I have some doritos and shonen jump here. Its all yours tiger.

Mostly Widow and Pharah, but occasionally do a lot of McCree and Mercy. Only played for about a week tho so still learning.


>Mostly Widow and Pharah, but occasionally do a lot of McCree and Mercy.

learn to play some tanks, they make a bigger difference in every match than 3/4 heroes you just named. half the tanks also do more damage than all of the heroes you names.

Alright, thanks for the tip, will try to look into some tanks, have been thinking about trying out Reinhardt some more

Overwatch isn't a game where it makes sense to "main" anything, but I have the most playtime on Tracer, followed by widowmaker then D.va.

>No Support
Time for Windowmaker!

Mercy is clearly the best healer as well as best character

She also has the tiddies

pick up Rein for the best offensive tank there is so you can push the payload and block tons of damage. Pick up Hog for your defensive tank for an easy 10k+ damage a game, an ult breaking hook, free heals, and more harassment than any other hero can muster. Playing hog I can consistently get 2-3 golds a game, and being able to pull Pharah/McRightClick/Reaper out of their ult the second it starts is the most satisfaction you will ever have in this game

Level 60 now

I see what you're getting at, but if you keep switching class you'll never be able to build up your ultimate power or have significantly less than if you stayed as one class.

You can't except a mercy that's healing everyone to switch class either just because you want to feel like you're adapting

Sometimes it is urgent enough to need to switch and lose your ult. Or just use it and switch.

S76 because he is assault support + supression and countersnipe if you are good (first 4 shots are 0 spread) and can throw aoe heals.

Pharah to break a dug in defensive position

Reinhardt if my team is being fucking retarded

>Who are you maining in Overwatch and why isn't it McCree?

Because once he gets hit by the nerfhammer later this month everyone will need to find a new goto guy, so I'm learning others and skipping learning a thing about McCree.

I actually main McCree

I like to play as Reinhardt and be the one person actually pushing the payload. Other favourite heroes: Bastion, Mercy, Junkrat, D.va

I have the most playtime with the Soldier so i guess thats my main then.

i actually main him

Usually the switching should fall on someone other than the tank or the healer. But sometimes your team is so fucking retarded that you pretty much have to play every role.

lol my main is McCree

the McCree nerf isn't going to make him bad, just make it so he can't solo a tank from full HP to zero which is how it should be. He was designed to be a counter-flanker, taking care of threats like Tracer/Reaper/Genji. Currently he is used as a flanker because he can single handedly dish out 865 damage solo which is broken. All they need to do is gear him more towards being a counter-flanker for squishies by nerfing the right click to 25-45dmg/rd while buffing his left click slightly to a 40-70dmg/rd to reward players who actually fight from mid-long range with him which will be extremely close to what is going to happen. they already said his FtH is being nerfed to still kill squishies but not shred tanks, but he will still be a very viable hero from mid range

I played him for just about a minute realised what he was about, the realised I didn't want to be a faggot like you!

The worst part is if he stuns just about anyone in the game, they're dead. No questions asked.

Kaplan corroborated this post. "We want McCree to be a counter to people like Tracer, Genji and Reaper," he said. "What we're not crazy about, right now, is the way in which McCree can absolutely shred tanks." The plan is to lower the damage on McCree's fan the hammer attack, making him less effective against tank characters".

Pro tip change your hero when it is needed

yeah it's a bitch to deal with, but as long as they switch it up so that his flash combo only can solo kill other offensive/defensive heroes he will be fine. I also have no problem with a McCree being able to solo a tank if that tank starts the fight with only

Junkrat, because what makes me a good Demoman?

no one but my most played is Junkrat with 70-something% winrate


Widowmaker because fuck mcree

Zenyatta main here. Only thing that makes me mad is getting oneshot by sniper bodyshots while being the least mobile champ in the whole game