Friendly reminder that if you blame Islam for this, you're part of the problem

Friendly reminder that if you blame Islam for this, you're part of the problem.

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Incoming tidal wave of neckbeards screaming

>Lel le gay ppls is ded XdxD
We get it, you're summer. Lurk moar instead of acting edgy.

I don't blame Islam, I blame religion in general for the hate that it spreads. But hey, my "prayers" go out to the victims


If it were a Christian you wouldn't be blaming religion in general.

It's not the Middle Ages anymore asswipe, the Pope isn't commanding people to kill others anymore. Take into account that less than 1% of the members of any religion are militant.

Dude, nice meme. Go post on Reddit for easy karma or whatever the fuck.


>tfw isis was the reason behind this

Holy shit, you just invented a whole new level of shitposting.

blame religion all you want , it's the white man who supplies the guns.

According to this website. Go check it out. It was the page that reported it three days ago, according to your article.

Right, because it's totally a GUN thing, and totally not a HATE thing, right?
You pathetic fucking moron.

>implying he wouldn't have still gotten a gun with strict gun control in play
>implying you could take every si for American gun

Nice 6th grade answer jackass.

Fuck off onision.

youre clearly ignorant to all the things christians have done in the past, so yes i would be blaming religion


You wrote cuck wrong.

Potebtial support of terrorists. Ill keep you in the spotlight, faggot

You do realize you fucked your own argument right?

>Look at all le things le sheeple did in the past Xd
>In the past

Have you ever taken a history class on the Middle Ages and Renaissance?

Oh no I got reported it the FBI, that's totally not a picture I've seen 50 times today.

If it were a Christian that said he was doing it for the sake of some divine power than I certainly would blame religion. On the other hand if it were just a person that identified as Christian, or even Muslim for that matter, I wouldn't blame religion.

I swear religious people are the most unintelligent scum on this Earth and you libtard pussies need to stop encouraging them. How many priests' dicks do you need to have in your mouth before you can see how big of a problem Christianity is, just like Islam and most others.