How fuck fuck am i supposed to get a job as a felon??

How fuck fuck am i supposed to get a job as a felon??

is physical labor going to be my only option?

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What'd you do?

Judging by your ability to use the English language, I would say "yes".

Those tabs

You should've thought about that before you became a criminal, idiot.


we're all criminals. Idiot. Some of us are better than others. I personally have a record and am on paper but you'll learn. most occupations will run a background check and most will DT you too. Just clean up if need be and if you can work people then manipulate the fuck out of anything to get to where you want to be. Just practice your P's and you're set in life. Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.

> should of thought about that before you were born black

hello mr. skeletal


It was zika virus

>get a job as a felon?
Felon is a position people are hiring for now?

Piranha attack


Indian father found boy who was lost for a couple weeks infested with something not known to them. Later it was confirmed that the infestation that are his tissue came from D. Deez nutz


It's going to be harder to find work, no doubt - but lots of places hire felons.

Honestly, people are so hung up on minimum wage (which you can certainly make more than even as a felon), but what most people really actually need, is just decent financial management. Learn about credit and how to improve it, make simple investments, put as much into your 401k as your company will match, buy better tools that last a lifetime instead of cheap shitty ones, cut cable tv - etc etc

You can live a very good life.

here faggot

If you are in Orlando, please be safe and please donate blood if you can.
O+ and O- blood donors needed. Due to the shooting overnight, the hospital and blood bank is critically low right now for donated blood. If you are able, please go donate.
This valuable gift you can give is a direct way to help those injured from this tragic incident.

Ex-con here, I got a job in sales. I'd probably get a job in marketing, too.

Places that DID reject me:
Warehouse Assistant

so I got rejected from all the trash spots but managed to climb up to a management position in sales.

Get a job as a laborer and work your way up, if you can't do it you are weak and deserve nothing.


You know you could do skilled trade work instead of fucking mindless manual labor..

>How fuck fuck am i supposed to get a job as a felon??

Try robbing someone or dealing drugs, that would be a good start.

I hope they took those shoes

What did you do? There are some felony offenses that could make you effectively unemployable.

I happen to be training one of the niggerest and most illiterate excons I've ever had the displeasure to deal with. He does a pretty good job. He can do it, so can you.


Welders are paid very well where I live. CNC machinists are paid very well - and really let's be real, that shit is easy. I was a cable guy and made very good money and loved my job. Admittedly, you can't become a cable tech with a felony because of the nature of the job - traveling around in a company vehicle and going into peoples houses.. HVAC Techs make a lot of money where I'm from. There's a shortage of skilled labor as the experienced electricians and whatnot are retiring and no one is filling in their places. Become a mechanic. Fuck.