Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

anyone here managed to quit smoking cigarettes?


75/day? Nigga you rich as fuck


Vaping, cig free for 2 years.. dont know if its any better but atleast saves some money

yea the trick is to do it cold turkey.
go camping in the wilderness for two weeks with no possibility of buying more. you will conflate the misery of withdrawal with the struggle of the journey and wont hardly even notice it

I only smoke once or twice a day, and thats usually because I'm stressed as fuck. I don't know how people smoke packs of that shit in a single day.

36 bucks a day

where tf at?

I quit. It's really not that hard. Sure, I wanted a cigarette plenty of times, but it's been two years, and I've only bought one pack. I'll bum one if I'm drunk, but nowadays, the thought of wanting one is rare. Still happens occasionally, but I mean, impulse control, bruh. Seriously, it's not that hard to /not/ do something. Just don't fucking smoke.


Do you have a preferred brand? Do you just smoke anything? If so what was the last kind you smoked? Do you like cigars or cigarillos? Have you considered taking up pipe to save?

I smoke john player standard king size and I don't smoke cigars and no I don't like pipe

Epic copy pasta brah

>john player standard king size
w a t a n i g g e r

never mind the cost how the fuck do you find the time to smoke that many

like jesus fuck man do you just never stop?

I've seen this thread 50x and I calculated it out to be around 1 every 12 minutes if he's awake 16 hours a day

that's pretty impressive in all fairness, if you can keep that up you don't even deserve cancer

One every 15 minutes or so

Shit I knew that seemed like wayy too many. Maybe it's in burst. tho, a cig takes like, four minutes to smoke? 3 minimum (unless youre talking one suck hard smoking). Maybe he spends like a half hour chain smoking em?

Kekd but for real OP basically chain smokes all day everyday

>mfw he gets like 10 normal breaths of air in than lights another smoke

I don't know but either way he smokes a disgusting amount of cigarettes and that's coming from me and I smoke 25 a day on average

Yoooo this is making me crave a cig rn, fuck ya'll. But OP, who cares about the cancer, everyone knows that. Is it true it makes your erections smaller? Or has it caused you any eczema?

I've heard it makes erections smaller because your blood vessels constrict when you smoke


don't you mean emphysema?

Same here, it's something I want to know if it's true.
nah I mean eczema. I could have sworn this weird dry scaly patch on one just one finger was caused by smoking

Smoked 10 a day, pretty steadily, for 12 years, 14-26. I used patches and gum and I fucked off on a camping holiday for a fortnight to get over the worst. Just walked and walked. Killed me, but did the business. 3 years, not a puff. Miss it first thing in the morning, miss it after good meals, but at least there's no temptation in pubs any more.


>10 a day
>thinks he was addicted

did it shrink your erections noticeably? If yes has the size returned since quitting? If it didn't shrink your dick why did you quit?

When are we going to stop acting like this is a new thread?

People quit because they're so expensive they don't quit because of health reasons




That's not that many

I quit, barely addicted.

75 a day wtf m8

Look everyone! Look at him and laugh!