Which is objectively better? Argentina or Chile?

Which is objectively better? Argentina or Chile?

economically Chile is better

the real question is: which is whiter?

socially argentina is better

argentina. who's better NZ or australia

New Zealand.

Maoris > Abos

next question:
who's worse, brazil or mexico?

Mexico is better.

Ape wise, your country is better

colombia or venezuela?


Valparaiso or Santiago?

the one that loves more anime

If any fucking chilean flag says anything but Santiago I'll track you down, be wise about it, you don't want to see my twisted side

anime is ded son

ANIME is love

ANIME is life

The more I read about Valparaiso the lovelier it sounds. Why u mad bro?

I chose valparaiso, santiago is depresive

t. someone poor that lives in santiago

Not that I don't appreciate your intent, but wouldn't it work better if the computer didn't have a sign in Portuguese?

Besides memes, it is aesthetic af
You need to learn to climb bro. World class mountains right besides you. You don't need "money" btw, just the will, a decent physic, and the skills you will learn on the way. Mountains are LOVE and LIFE

recomend me pls, I need to scape from reality

Chile, of course.

Chile is billions of years ahead of Argentina

Dónde vives? Santiago esta lleno de lugares. Googlea parque metropolitano. Esta lleno de rutas sencillas de senderismo para empezar a aclimatarte. No necesitas invertir en nada. Mochila, botella de agua y un sanguche y puedes pasar el día paseando por ahi en el mismo cerro san cristobal. Despues puedes seguir mas hacia el este y subir el manquehue. Si vives en el sector sur, puedes entrar por peñalolen o la florida al parque aguas de ramon. Negro en serio, no te mates en tu casa encerrado. No tienes para que hacer cumbres de 3k metros para empezar. Basta con que vayas a estirar las piernas de a poco. Negro en serio. Dale no necesitas comprar en andesgear o tattoo. Avispate ademas esta lleno de gente amigable y minas.

this, we already had ww3 and ww4, now we are fighting using sticks

no tengo mala condicion fisica, asi que voy a saltarme el san cristobal, quizas vaya al manquehue o al parque aguas de ramon. recomiendame horarios y grupos de face si conoces alguno, todo consejo es bienvenido puesto que ya tenia pensado hacer trekking.
gracias user

Brazil by far, they are whiter than us, most of their women are 10/10 and are turbo slutty.

Yo no tengo face pero se que la federacion tiene facebook y hay una manga que conversan sobre donde van a subir y se organizan. Busca por "federacion andinismo chile" y te va a saltar. Yo subo solo, pero sólo porque llevo años en esto y planifico cada detalle y minuto de todas mis salidas. Soy medio autista con esto, y en serio te digo, nunca subas sólo más allá de 2k si en serio no sabes lo que estás haciendo. Con el tiempo vai a cachar a leer el clima con sólo mirar el cielo, pero antes de eso, si vas a subir alto, sube con alguien y avisa donde vas a ir. No hagai weas perro. Regla de oro: si te costo una hora subir, probablemente te va a costar lo mismo bajar, o incluso más. Casi todos mueren por eso. Siempre lurkeo Sup Forums y /out/, si tení preguntas, armate un hilo. Toda la suerte del mundo y cuidate un kilo huachin.

los mejores concejos que he recibido en int/, quien lo diria, gracias mil!

Por qué santiago está tan lleno de negros?
Soy de coquimbo y cuando fui a santiago (a plaza maipu) estaba pero REPLETO de negros sentados en la plaza sin hacer nada, nunca había visto tantos en mi vida

I've meet a Chilean once, and that fucker stole my fucking joint. GIVE MY JOINT BACK, FUCK YOU CAMILO.

Cuando quieras bro, te armas un hilo y si lo veo, te ayudo en lo que pueda. Disfruta los cerros.

Inmigrantes que no cacharon que era meme

haitianos,colombianos y otros inmigrantes

vale!, te pasaste

>Inmigrantes que no cacharon que era meme
kek esto

the prank went too far

never trust a camilo

Np bro

Pppff you're just as negro as them, the fuck are you talking about
>thinks he's while

me gusta a Chile.. Argefags are quite rude desu

chile is economically and socially better, they also have stronger institutions, better infraestructure and their landscapes are much more superior, at least their patagonia.

What? I'm mestizo not white nor black, you dumbo
If this is how the average argentine behaves then no wonder your country is so fucked

el dice negro refieriendose a la raza negra, no a que sean negros cabeza, chorros etc.
y por cierto, no, no hay negros nativos en chile, al menos no una cantidad significativa como uruguay por ejemplo

hermoso. estuve buscando grupos de trekking en face y nada aun, salvo por la federacion que me decias

I like Argentina better.

European Medieval Kingdom of the Gorgeous Silver's Land>shile

Busca Tricuspide en Google y en face. Lurk and follow the links bro

Hopefully I will see you in /out/ in a couple years when I go to chile.

Even argues and your people prefer Chile. Fuckers think they are in Paradise can't believe people actually throw their waste on trash cans instead of the street

Since this thread is full of Chileans, i was thinking about backpacking through Chile, thing is, i don't really have much money, so is it possible to go there and have fun, without expending much? Are there cheap hostels there?

NP bro. Just make sure you can pull your weight. The Andes range is so close to the cities that people tend to forget that they are real and proper mountains. Every year we have a lot of accidents and sadly a lot of dead guys. I often volunteer in rescues and its sad af. Most of the times its people that just went for a walk that turns into a proper mountain ordeal.

Yes. But if you bring a tent you are golden

yes, plenty
the cheapest thing you can do is to bring a tent and rent a camping site

I see, i might bring one, im also joining that facebook group some guy here told about, is it mostly safe to camp? I mean, here in Brazil i only camp in places i know, for obvious reasons.
Also is it hard to communicate when my spanish is utter shit? How hard would be to talk to others with portuguese and english?

Yeah if you leave everything inside your tent there should be no problems

Thanks for the info guys, if you by any chance, meet a Brazilian with a melancholic face, called Felipe, please give him a hug.

Last year I meet a guy hiking in El Manzano, dude was 64, born near Farellones and has been climbing mountains all his live. Truly amazing.