Sup Forums, how do you get girls like pic related?

Sup Forums, how do you get girls like pic related?

Was looking at this Sup Forums thread
and I've had this sub fetish for a while, but it really gets at me how hard it is to get a strong girl, even if not one that is that strong. How does one get a girl stronger than him, and/or really strong in general?


a fit strong girl... it really isn't that big a deal in bed.

i myself had a fetish for women like this. then when i finally had sex with one... i realized my fetish was misguided.

it just really doesn't factor into sex.

Slip some roids into her cereal every morning.

Usually you have to squat at least 2-3 times more for them to find you strong enough, and this chick probably squats a solid 180kg/405lbs by looks of it. GL HF training 10 years!

The same way you get any other girl. Look at what her hobbies and interests are (in this case fitness). Do you have the same hobbies and interests? Are you good looking, educated, articulate, interesting, wealthy and/or have good job prospects? If yes, then get to it. If no, then go get your life in order first.

I said in the OP that I wanted a girl stronger than you me fool.

I'm in college, how would I get one of the more athletic/strong college girls? Honestly, I'll take a girl that has a less than 10 face or a girl that has a bit of chub (like, girl that played football, big and strong with chub, not landwhale couch potato), but still don't really know what do. Had an ex that was stronger than me, but she's an ex now. What do?


Wtf !!

When you say confusion, are you confused at how we don't try to make this the standard of beauty for women?

Join a gym, it's your best bet for meeting girls like that

This thread does not want to stay up

Maybe try, I don't know.. Going to a gym and talking to a girl you find attractive?

I have a fitness center in my apartment, but I've only seen a few girls in there (less in summer because college town) and they weren't really strong (but definitely fit-ish). I could try the college gym but that's a bit harder, and isn't it awkward to talk to girls there, especially as I'm not the big muscular dude and don't want to be/plan to be?

That's not what he wants. He wants fit, desirable women to love him while he sits around playing games and eating microwaveable pizzas. He's like a fat woman that becomes incredulous when a handsome fit guy turns her down and can't understand why she's not desirable.

Not exactly. I understand I won't get exactly like pic related, but I still want a girl that is stronger than me, and you know that is much harder to get as a guy than as a girl because of biology.

Then nigga you doomed. Strong chicks in general don't want a scrawny bitch. You better start lifting, or become one hell of a comedian.

This is what sucks, if I was a girl I'd just need to not eat like a whale and wear makeup and I could get a guy that was fairly stronger. But no, sub male. FML

OP is a faggot

You might not get girls, but at least you got dubs.

Again, you sound like the fat chick that bitches about good looking guys being shallow. Look at it from their perspective. What do you have to offer that they want that they couldn't otherwise get from a non-sexual friendship?

honestly dude just find an FBB escort and spend a couple hours with her.

Except I'm complaining that most guys feel normal being stronger than their girl and being dominant. I don't.

Like, for most girls, if they get even an average guy, he will be stronger than her. For me, that isn't the case, and the more I work out, the smaller the pool of girls stronger than me will be. The only working out I can do that doesn't do that is cardio, which I do.

These dubs

No point in being in denial about it. You're complaining that a specific type of girl you desire does not find you desirable, because the vast majority of those types of girls seek someone who is not like you. It's fine, I get it. Becoming the type of person that they find desirable requires a lot of effort and dedication, so you'd rather do what's easier and speculate about alternative reasons, and complain on a website. Honestly, if this is what you want to do and get some sort of positive reception, maybe tumblr is a more appropriate site for you.

Not scientific enough of an approach. Only having sex with one or two is one thing, but a bigger group of aobut 100 of these babes would be good for testing

No. you just don't want to see it from my point of view and say "well you just want 10/10 girl and aren't 10/10" which isn't what I've been saying at all.

What an idiotic thing to say

I'm saying your point of view is retarded, and I'm telling you that there isn't any sort of secret jedi mind trick we can teach you to make it a reality. Again, it's no different than an obese woman asking her friends for advice on how to get the hot guy at the gym, but wanting to still sit around eating bonbons all day because she wants to continue being a special fat-positive non-body-shaming snowflake. Here is your reality: You can either become what they're looking for and get the girl, or you can be a tumblrina and continue complaining that it's impossible to find one that will like you for who you are. Those are your options, there isn't a third alternative where you get to have hot girls stuff your pudgy face with cheetos.

you have to be able to also squat a dead horse

I'm not even pudgy you projecting autist. Learn to read.

>She will never crush your head with her thighs


feels bad man

Would take ugly/butch girl if she was strong.

Tayler Rose is awesome

Keep nitpicking words and ignoring the main point of what I said. That will surely get you what you want.

Listen here, fag. I know I'm being cruel and direct. I just don't want you to have any illusions about what the situation is. You're not going to get those girls. Those girls don't want you. They want someone who isn't you, someone who is fitter and better than they are. If you want the girl, you have to become something they find desirable. Girls, like most guys, try to date up, not down.

Okay, so to maybe make this better, as I've said before, don't care about 10/10, just strong. Could I go for the ugly/butch girls and do better, or still probably a lost cause? And you still assume I'm really far down. I'm not muscular but also not ugly, and most guys don't want really muscular girls, just fit girls. Most guys' 10/10 is not pic related.

A. Have a vagina
2. Don't have a penis

post more pics faggot

It's possible, but you have to make yourself desirable. That doesn't necessarily mean fitness, but you have to have something they want that they couldn't otherwise get from a friend. Ideally what girls want is someone that has something, but is also a friend.

So, they want someone that is educated, interesting, fun and personable, but also (probably, varies from girl to girl) has a good job or good job prospects, stability or the promise of future stability, is attractive. Essentially, they want someone that will give them a good life. Even the ones that do one night stands will look for some variation of these qualities in hopes that the encounter will turn into something more than a one night stand. It's biology; they're just built that way.

Follow the link to the Sup Forums thread faggot, there are a bunch there and that's all I got. If you want more after that, just check out 'mixed wrestling' or 'fbb' on pornhub or something.

Alright, but then how does the 'girls actually being dominating in the bedroom' thing work? I know this is a very small amount of girls (might as well sudoku now), but is there anything besides like fetlife that helps find that?

Also, again, in college now, but decent face (I mean, it's kinda boyish, but some girls find it cute), 5'11 (so only a little good), brown hair and eyes (shit tier), mostly thin, and study engineering so I should make pretty good money but probs won't break six figures (at least not where I live, anyway) for years, if at all. I also feel like I just might be on the autistic spectrum, but I never really broached that with my therapist and even if I did, I don't think there is much I can do about it.

Underrated comment

This, OP.

Roids just make it easier to get buff, she still has to workout.

that shit goes to her upper body and mustache
dont be a faggot

I should probably amend this to include the following information, lest you Elliot Rodgers out of this world:

Girls pick up on the type of person you are very quickly through your behavior. You can try to fake it by rolling around in an old BMW with some shitty aviators like Elliot did, but they'll figure out that you're a weirdo in short order. You and I both know that without daddy's money, Rodgers would never have amounted to anything. Imagine if the guy had a poor family rather than a wealthy one. Would he ever grow up to be wealthy? Intuitively, you know he wouldn't. Girls can pick up on that too.

Your behavior and personality reveal a lot about you. If you're confident and motivated, you will probably be successful. If you don't have a sense of humor and can't take difficult times in stride, you will probably lack stability in the future.

I don't know whether you're already that type of person or not, but it's a sure fire way to get like 90% of the girls out there. Be a normal, happy guy that enjoys his life, tries hard in school or work, and has some direction for the future, and you will more than likely get the 5/10 burly girl you seek. Look at it from their perspective - they're burly and deep down know they're not that attractive, even if they aren't willing to admit to it. And there you are, successful and happy, with good prospects, enjoying your life without them. But you're willing to look past their deficiencies and let them share in your good times. You don't ask anything of them, you're only offering them a better life. Do you think they'll say no?

Honestly, I'm pretty sure that's how I got my second gf.

You should probably keep that therapist thing a secret - that doesn't exactly imply stability.

Anyway, regarding girls being dominating in the bedroom, there's no guarantee that burly ones will be, or that dainty ones won't be. From my experience, usually girls that aren't very sexually experienced tend to be more submissive, simply because they have no idea wtf to do. Conversely, girls with more sexual experience tend to be more confident and willing to take the lead, especially if you aren't experienced. Either way, it isn't a big problem - that sort of thing can easily be negotiated once a relationship is established.

> therapist thing secret
Yup, I got that one down.
> dominance
That and sadism. Probably gonna be hard. Oh well.

>Probably gonna be hard.
Not really. Things get weird with sex, but everything is negotiable. Just keep in mind that the dominance and sadism come from a desire to please. It's biology - they aim to please during sex, just as you do, such as to reinforce the idea that they're a good partner to have a relationship with. If you tell them what you find pleasurable, they are likely to do it, even if they don't find it particularly sexy themselves, because they derive their pleasure from you deriving yours (and vice versa).

Pay attention to your thought process the next time you're humping. Ever wonder why a lot of guys are so concerned about lasting longer? It's not because they want to feel good themselves, it's so the girl feels good for longer. It's the same reason they're willing to go down on you. They don't physically feel any better by doing it, but they know you're getting pleasure from it and that makes them feel good.

Idk, most girls seem to think that's weird shit. Granted, I live in a state where you have SJW man-haters or Bible thumpers with little in between, so maybe I just need to move.

Dunno, try building up to it or something? You can't always have everything you want, unfortunately. Sometimes you just gotta accept that you're with an imperfect mate.

I think it might be easier if you're far higher on the social totem than your mate, though. They might be a lot more receptive to your wacky ideas if they suspect you could get better girls than them. Should be the case with the burly siberian oaf you seek, no?