REKT Thread

REKT Thread

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she survive???



omg that cat killed him






This makes me kek every time.
>That landing
>That will to live
>That will to not be potato
Silly cum-receptacle.

KEK. They aren't having any of that shit.


>literally twice her size
>needs a chair to protect himself from a bottle

Man, this daddy's boy is a true faggot.


That entire time.. I prayed for Miyagi to drop a mother fucker.
With a bit of awkward flailing about, victory was assured.

it's either use the chair to protect himself or use his fists

one includes a lawsuit

guess which one

Fat bitches are a waste of space. Should have started peeing on her.


Fuck no her spine shattered

shit, my webms don't work, where can I find the actual sources ? thnaks

>Midget fires .40cal at Yao Ming.
>"Pfft! 10x his size, doesn't need kevlar. Clearly softcock."
The stupidity of SJW faggots infiltrating Sup Forums.


Fuck! That's to much bro I'm out

>Comparing a gun to a bottle

Americans really are fucked up.

his hands can be considered legal weapons; chair is just something he can hold so he's not hitting her with weapons.

If he'd hit her with his hands he'd be in jail. Working out has some irritating side-effects, not the least of which is that you're not usually allowed to use them in self-defense.

that was fucken sick.

stupid fat bitch

Alvarez has a fuckin cannon for in his right hand

lol nice attempt at pretending to know the law.

Assault with a deadly weapon varies from state to state- but the general rule is that intent+object can turn any simple assault into assault with a deadly weapon.

Learn the law and maybe you'll be less of a nigger

what the fuck dude?!!?

>Maintaining that gender, size, weapon/shield status makes a difference in self defense against a trespasser.
No, I'm not American. I'm logical.
SJW scum.


women are fucking terrible at fighting

Am i seeing this wrong or sid those people push her off?

fuck dude you can see her nose break


Is she alright?



I feel sorry for her but damn that was just a stupid decision.

We are never going to see this guy again aren't we?

There's a larger entrance just to the left, out of frame

/fade to black

o shit nigga


I want that officer to be my friend.


nigga got fried lol



For some reason, that's harder to watch than anything else I've seen in these threads.

I had to post that to reddit.



I think she is trying to pull away from the people holding her, as if she is trying to jump.

On another topic, let's say user was in the same situation, what would be the preferred landing method?

Clearly landing on your ass seems to be counter indicated, but what's the move? Do you try to land on your feet and ninja roll forward onto your shoulder?

anyone smart fags out there?

What the fuck am I looking at here?


Can somebody please explain to me what is going on in this .webm?

>Is stuck in a dark small cave.
This must be a fun job...

what a slut




>Alvarez has a fuckin cannon for in his right hand
And he still won't fight GGG

literally no instinct to kick.. why?

that was fucken fake. summer newfags give Sup Forums cancer

damn that one dude in particular must have really pissed those dogs off

Damn, kid put him in a dank arm bar

holy fuck, seen the main video so many times but that is new too me. Poor lady.

top keko

He's a powerhouse and a pussy

Fuck that shit

you tilt back and with your knees slightly bent and roll backwards.

I threw up a little


how do you avoid crushing the back of your skull knucklehead?

that shit is nightmare fuel for me, cant stand that shit.


kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek kek

Can't handle that many feels

fucking kek, mommies mma lessons paid off.

Looks like someone is stuck in a small dark cave with rising waters.



Love how they just dump her in the parking

oh fuck more nightmare fuel as I scroll down. FUCK THAT ima stay above ground thaaaankyou.

o shit son that last kick


is he stabbing her? fucking just knock her out pussy

What happened? Is she alright?

What an asshole. I hope he's in jail.

He was pleasuring himself so rapidly, it went right into his arm

what a whiny little bitch

my fucking sides

She might've if she didn't fall on her coccyx. Taking a fall on that from that height will easily fuck you up.



i hope she's in jail.

this is why i stomp to death every dog i see

fuck those nigger creatures

what the fuck happened here- did the shaft just split open and spread inside his fucking hand?

Holy shit that sucks