Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?


sion and ezreal


Anti mage


Amumu annie vi and Warwick...unranked plebs play for "fun"

Nature's Prophet.


Battlefield Hardline or LoL? B2 nerd to lazy to try climb out...


He's my first and only good champ

>Still plays league of lesbians

malz before the update. don't play annie anymore.


I can never have enough of dis guy


Leona Support
>not longer play ranks cuz im turning into a busy young adult



dubs=confirmed nigger


he got 88 though


#vayne spotted

Link cause tri-fucks

if anyone's trying to do some regulars, add me. Angrytrain.

I'm a support main

Enjoy your shit game

Level 18 here. Getting bodied in almost every match. Any suggestions on who to play?

me 2, especially bard, im already getting a lot of hate for that, so pls be gentle

Ne Zha best trap

Chun Li

>normal game
more like pleb game gtfo

Lux mid or Nami sup