She dies!

She dies!

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Yep. Jagen H'gar promised the waif that if Arya detracted she could steal her face and identity and travel to westeros to become Arya stark, help them reclaim their power as high born's and then manipulate them like a new Peter Baelish.

too bad... all that training this season went to waste

She hasn't died yet, maybe later in the season though. The only main character who might die soon is cersei since they banned trial by combat

nah, cerseis gonna discover the wildfire beneath the city and "burn them all"

She died and her face goes to the many faced god... in this episode

god damn you kids have no idea of creativity
>if she dies then becomes white walker
>all faces become white walkers
>witch takes them back with magic juju beans
its like you never fucking read a comic in your life

Didnt they use that all up in the last battle? Or am I thinking of something different, when they blew the ships up with the greenish fire

she dies

bran has already foreseen this in the rapid shots one or two episodes ago

After Tommen made that announcement Cersei asked her wicked maester if what she had heard was a rumor or not, he said it wasn't. She looked pleased. What "it" was is a mystery.

apparently the mad king placed tons of wildfire beneath the city to burn the whole city down, but jaimie, as known, killed him before and the wildfire still lies beneath the city

>being this new and not seeing she has nothing lined up for the filming of the next series
>being this new that your rely on stupid post without research for your own

so she's going to blow up the whole city? I kinda just wish she'd die already honestly, I feel like Brienne is a better match for Jaime

Jesus Christ it couldn't be more fucking obvious! THE FACE THE WAIF (who had/has Arya's face now) PUT ON THE WALL HAD BLOODIED FUCKING EYES!!! Ayra tried to fight her in the dark after she had been MADE BLIND BY THE MANY FACE GOD for fucking up in the past.

Besides that, the waif told Jaqen that if he PROMISED you something if Arya detracted... why would he promise her to be able to just go do her job?

Wow, Game of Thrones just gets shittier and shittier

Glad I stopped watching after season 2

that he promised her something*

well something is going to happen with it, no doubt

Yep, that is from Bran's vision flashes. However, it could still possibly be from when the Mad King was "burning them all"

He never really succeeded in burning anyone though, since Jaime killed him before they did anything. I'm wondering if maybe the mad king was controlled by Bran in a similar fashion to how hodor was and it drove him insane with only 1 thought left, burning everyone for whatever reason.

yeah thats what theories say... but on the other hand the theory, that the waif is only getting tested by jaqen hgar turned out to be completely bullshit kek

That would actually be clever. Given that the writers have shit for brains, it's probably not true.

That other bitch went full t-1000 and still got smoked by an injured little mong. WTF?

the show turned into a pile of shit b/c the showrunners can't just copy the books anymore.

wtf was that ending with arya, she trained 7 episodes or so to become "no one", and then she tells jaqen shes arya stark and he acknowledges her as "no one"?? the fuck

cersei is going to try to use it to destroy the faith and high sparrow, but she'll end up killing everyone in the city, including herself and tommen.

That would explain why she had no wound when she had her sword at Jagen H'gar chest.

well tomment went from "pretty ok" to "retarded", so he can die too

That's because thats not Arya, but the other girl with Aryas face.

just realized that Bran from even further in the future is the lord of light using his powers to communicate with others in the past through the fire (since white walkers can't use or manipulate fire magic) and manipulate them in order to gather armies from across Westeros toward the north to fight the white walkers. This is also why in this episode the new fire priestess in Mereen made a point to mention and emphasize the important of the voice from the fire and what it said.lord of light misleads Stannis into believing he is the one true king
lord of light leads Stannis north to stop the wildlings and the nights watch from killing one another which leads to an alliance and a massive army loyal to... Jon Snow
Lord of light leads Stannis to his death when he decides to attack and try to conquer Winterfell while he's in the north.
Sansa just so happened to be IN Winterfell when Stannis attacked.
Jon gets stabbed to death. Lord of Light resurrects him
Lord of Light tells fire priestess tha Jon Snow is the REAL king and he is precious and must be protected
Jon and Sansa leave to gather an even larger army to the north
Lord of Light apparently spoke to the Vayrs when he was a child and told him his purpose was to bring Khaleesi and her dragons to Westeros.
Literally every motivation the lord of light has had to do everything he's done points straight back to Bran Stark trying to amass an army to the north and protect his family.
Bran whispered to the Mad King
Burn them all! Burn them all! Burn them all!

a t-101 was killed by a 80's bitch who jump in every-ones bed who say... hi im from Future fuck me or the mankind will die

I'm totally buying in to this only because I think that's a great twist. But I am afraid to give the writers that much credit

It was bloodraven who fucked the mad kings brain. That's why he tells bran he can't change the past, it was a lie


Her tits

Nigger detected

That's a pretty good thought, why would the bloodraven try to burn the whole city down though?

Same reason people suggest bran did it. Burn the white walkers, not kings landing

yeah after this nights episode...

What do the wildlings actually eat? i didn't see no fucking walruses and the rest was a rocky snowy shithole.

The face in the wall could be Arya's, not exactly clear.

they eat dung pies...homemade

You think there are no animals in the north? Wolves? bears? Foxes?

They also occasionally ate each other.

lel nah he promised she could be the one to kill her also she said u told her to kill me so only arya couldve said that otherwise its retarded also the face was bloody cause arya didnt know how to properly remove the faces

any1 got a link? My usualy place crashed

Nah, Jamie kills cersei

Bloodraven is Bran anyway - an older, time-traveling version of himself training himself.

That'd make sense as well

Maybe but Jon Snow only has the castle black which was no where near capacity when the wildilngs attacked so what ever forces he has isn't anywhere near what he needs to take the south much less winterfell

Does spoiling shows ease the pain in your life? Because the girl you love has never thought of you once. Your father is not proud of you, and does talk about you to other people, ever. You are fat. You have no prospects for becoming successful to even the meager extent your parents are "successful," and every year your shortcomings become more and more obvious to everyone else. Aging without life progress. Closer to death. Forgotten in days.

spoiler: shes not dead

kek. She doesn't even die. OP is a lie. She kills waif and tells Jaquen that she is Aria Stark and she's going home to Winterfell, and he's impressed enough to let her go. End of episode.

Now it's spoiled for you.

Also Tommen ends trial by combat so Cersie is fucked.

Whats the bet Arya'll get her tiny tits out on the show god i want to see that tight bald little cunt


I like this idea, i hope its true

here you go man

Vikings is better.

hail count rollo

my nigger

Ähhhh nope...
only because I'm an asshole!
and I need no reason to be one

GoT sucks fat dicks.


Is this a job request?

Why the GoT hate?