How do you be happy?

How do you be happy?

Stop caring about other people's happiness and put yourself first.

I try i doesn't work


then youre not trying hard enough

I'm alone with nothing but depression

Honestly? Realize that there's no reason worth actually being sad about. Being happy is far better than being sad. I don't let anything stress me out or upset me. I don't necessarily think positively, I just don't get upset. Fantastic way to live, actually.

I'm introverted with no friends or anything i can't even talk to people online and i'm bored of everything i can't take it

Did you even read what I said? Nowhere did I mention anything close to what you replied to.
>smells like summer

What the fuck? well at least i'm happy about 1 thing i'm not as retarded as you

Stick your dick in that. But since that's never gonna happen, drink.

>No expectations
>Appreciate shit around you
>stop comparing

Cheeky cunt. Enjoy your miserable existance.

If a man: get a hobby that you can do in your free time.
If a woman: it's never going to happen.

You are the cunt user and i'll try

I never would have imagined freshman year could be so difficult.
Just do your best to enjoy your summer

nigger i'm graduated last year and i'v been on Sup Forums since 2012 and yes i know that's not long

If your basic human needs are being met (food, shelter, clothing, companionship, etc.) then you may need to work on finding something that defines you and gives you purpose in life. This is more of a way to find fullness or richness in life. Satisfaction if you will. Everyone has a different answer to that. But this is a different thing to happiness and sadness. You can't control those any more than you can the weather. Good and bad things happen, and you deal with it. You can go outside on a nice day or stay inside. Same thing for a rainy day.

If you are never happy it's probably for one of two reasons. Your basic needs are not being met or you have a brain chemistry issue and need some prescription drugs. Figure out what you need and try to work on getting that.

Man, you really are pathetic, grow some balls you whiney little shit, also get a hobby that isn't whining to people who don't know you nor give a fuck about you.

Kill yourself

Hey OP, nobody would miss you if you just killed yourself already. Shit, I may even throw you a party.

>If your basic human needs are being met (food, shelter, clothing, companionship, etc.)
h-ha. w-who needs that?

nah i would rather just live on Sup Forums

Same for you user

Lel, if anything you should kill yourself, it sounds like you'd do it anyway even if nobody told you to do it.

You sound like that faggot from high school that never grew out of their emo phase and still posts 2DeEp4U bullshit on facebook all the time, I'm not even surprised you have no friends, noone wants to or ever should have to listen to your melodramatic bullshit.

Kill yourself you raging faggot

By committing to it moment to moment no matter what.

I never talk so theres nothing to listen to anyway also i was never emo and i'm anti suicide so yeah that's not going to happen and you have poor judgement

Ok, so this is your problem. If you know it's a lot easier to work on. Everyone can do this. Try to think of all the people you know or knew but fell out of touch with. Make a list of 5 people and systematically send out short messages to each one of them once a week. Lower your expectations of immediate friendship building. Don't say anything weird or desperate. Just a little bit of effort every week and you'll build up some kind of social support system.

what do you mean with companionship?
gf/friends?, i have 1 friend i talk to once an 1-2 weeks online tho,
the rest of my ¨friends¨ have turned out to be shit ppl, everything is drifting away, soon ill be even more alone while birthday´s in a couple of weeks, guess i was destined to be alone, nobody to talk to, nobody to grab a beer with, just me myself and i, its killing me slowly

Ahahah you really are a complete and utter faggot, I have been an introvert my whole life, I rarely talk, I used to have no friends and I was still happy, I now have a few friends and I am just as happy as I was when I had none, no more happy than I used to be though, you are just a whiny bitch.

Grow a pair.

How where you happy?

I'm not whining or bitching i'm asking for advice you fucking cunt fuck you Sup Forums is worse than reddit now i need to find a better image board


Anything really that falls under meaningful human interaction. You have to cultivate friendships by being consistent. Sometimes you have to initiate them. Sometimes you're just in the waiting period for the next friend to come along. You've gotta be ready for that. Everybody goes through lonely times. Lasts longer for some people than others. I've had a couple multi-year stretches of solitude. It sucks, but it passes if you keep your eyes open/don't wuss out when you have an opportunity.

I had hobbies and interests that kept me occupied.

Barely, you asked a generic and shitty question to start a thread where you could bitch and moan and tell people how pathetic you are, here's some advice, find a fucking hobby, your happiness shouldn't depend on how many friends you have as happiness should come from within, not from how many friends you have.

Have fun dickhead

I have hobbies i'm just bored of them i don't know what's wrong with me really

i guess i just need to take a break or something

Find a new one then idiot, when you get bored of a game do you keep playing it? No, you find a new one to keep yourself entertained.

Jesus it isn't that fucking hard man.

Routine. Start trying to get into a healthy lifestyle.
Eat right.
Buy a planner
Write down goals.
Write due dates.

It's the only way I can get myself off the computer.

i can see you have faith
but nobody approaches me ever
hasnt happened in 2/3 years
thanks for the positive vibe tho
never even had a qt.3.14 gf
i guess im just a spectator
getting to see the things i want but know will never have
goodluck user

I'm a simple man. All I need to be happy is a house, a hobby, and a half decent sex life
Guess which one I'm having great difficulty obtaining

good luck ppl