What's up guiz it's obnoxiousshithead420xxx here bringing you another worthless video with random jump cuts and LOUD...

What's up guiz it's obnoxiousshithead420xxx here bringing you another worthless video with random jump cuts and LOUD NOISES

So this shooting just happened. Totally tragic. My heart goes out to them. I'm gonna rub my eyes for a sec to make it seem like I care when actually I'm upset people aren't paying attention to me. Anyway, that's gonna do it. Please remember to LIKE COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE to my channel and follow my subreddit!

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Why you mad tho

Boogie's not so bad.

>Works at home
>Still isn't losing any weight
He can literally hire a personal healthy chef and a trainer.

>getting mad at a single youtuber
>literally almost every popular youtuber is making a video on this for free views
>mfw op is retarded

You don't know how YouTube is these days, huh?

this fat cunt is still better than markifaggotplier

right? i mean OP go and write an angry letter to BBC, CNN etc. they are clearly profiteering of this tragedy by speaking about it

He's making at least 400k a year, that's enough to not be a fat fuck and with "exucses".

Of course he isn't losing any weight, his wife has a fat fetish but isn't fucking Boogie, she's banging some groid.

*his wife is a gold digger and married him for his yt money

When, oh when will fat guys realize that weak neckbeards don't hide their fat necks?

Stay mad homo

he makes over 100k a year why do you care if he's fat sounds like you're projecting

Why do you care that I'm making fun of a tub o' lard?

You're fat, huh?

>fattys detected

He put a load of rants on twitter (which he soon deleted) saying how people were on his back over his weight.
He claimed to have to fight every day to stay the same weight & not put more on.

Fat autistic prick should try exercise rather than sit on his fat arse all day posting bollocks about how bad his life has been.

>another undercover fatty trying to divert any potential attention away from himself by calling others fat


kek, fatfuck disabled comments.

>consumes nothing but mt dew and doritos
>squeals like a pig
>knocks over tables

how about no...

Why would I do that?. Another fat cunt ,whats your excuse?

dont have one. kys

>said the fatty

>[Audibly gains weight]

Just tell Boogie to get on crystal meth for a couple months, and watch the pounds just melt away.

Ooooh Ding ding ding! Let the games begin!


Every popular youtuber I've heard of is complete cancer. Why do people care so much about him in particular? Is it because he's morbidly obese?

Bloke wont live longer than another 10 years. He will die of heart issues.
Doesnt help himself by spouting his personal blubber all over the net.

Here's the biggest problem with his weight.

He's not really trying.

Neither his roommate nor his wife is pushing him to really lose.

As far as I know, his roommate has never been shown, but we know his wife is gaining weight (okchief420 has a video from retropalooza that has boogie's wife in the background and she looks quite heavier than when they first started dating).

He claims he is doing everything he can, but when he actually does that he LOSES WEIGHT, as evident from the start of the year when he did the liquid only diet.

He claims that he is going to stick with something that works, but the first time something negative happens he jumps right back into (over)eating.

The only way he will actually lose weight is if he has someone live with him and spends every minute with him that forces him to do what he needs to do and prevents him from slipping.

That will never happen though. This morning he tweeted that "tough love is really just disguised hate" which is absolute bullshit. Tough love is recognizing that someone you love is doing something they like to do but that thing is hurting themselves and forcing them to stop, despite their outcries.

I also feel he falls into a downward spiral.
He is doing something that works, he loses some weight, then he feels somewhat good. Something negative happens, he can't handle it, he turns to food, which causes him to gain a bit of weight, which upsets him, he eats more, he gains more weight, he gets more depressed, he eats more, etc, etc, etc.

He really needs 24 hour help if he is really going to lose weight.

I kinda hope he doesn't lose enough weight to get gastric bypass surgery, because if he does that, he will gain the weight back.


ive been on it for 4 months now can confirm that I lost half my weight and now look like an Auschwitz survivor

It's a win-win, really.

1. You lose a ton of weight in a short period of time
2. The videos while on it would be great entertainment
3. YT income pays for it

hes fucking annoying the way he is rambling about shit I dont give a fuck about it would be much worse on meth, like watching your abusive step dad after a bottle of vodka

Does he want to lose weight?
Not really. He only wants to lose weight so he won't be in as much physical pain and won't die sooner.
If he could live as fat as he is for the next 60 years without pain and fear of dying from health complications, he would do it.

The underlying problem is he is comfortable (despite the pain) being overweight. He's been overweight his whole life. Has had several partners that have supported his weight (which I guess is probably obvious, as most women that would date a morbidly obese guy would be into fat) and one that encouraged him to gain (he talks about dating a feeder in the past).

He sees that people are hostile towards him for being overweight, but over the years he's used their hostility as a reason to eat.

When he feels bad, he eats. When he feels good, he eats. When he wants to bond with someone, he eats. Food is everything to him.

wow a muslim shot some gay people.. im not surprised.. the media is trying to make this an anti-gun thing.. not surprised.. some shithead that wants to murder people brought a firearm to a place where his victims wouldn't have any to defend themselves.. still not surprised.. welcome to amerika

Wouldn't weight lost that way be gained back immediately?

Every fucktard on Youtube ever.

She put this on Twitter
I was just scrolling through

not fat nice try faggot

Of course, if you quit it the drug then continue to gorge on mtn dew and doritos.

It would be up to him to keep the weight off by eating healthy and exercising

No, she came along before he was yt famous.

This guys gots it

Supposedly he's gay.

From a tub of lard to an overcompensating manlet. That woman sure can choose her men.

>tfw you find out your girlfriend prefers bbc

Clink! Clink!

I kinda think boogie posted this thread himself.

Why would he do that?

He was in such a shitty mood this morning on twitter, seemed like he would post here to get views on his new video or to vent a bit. No comments on it so he doesn't have to worry about people being shitty.

All posting on here does is attract a bunch of edgelords to go call him fat and tell him to kill himself. I don't see how that helps him with his shitty mood.

His wife isn't trying because she spends all day with another man

If you're referring to the black guy, he's gay.

He's not trying to feel better.

He's in a shitty mood and wants a good reason to feel shitty.

It's the reason he reads automodded comments on youtube and focuses so much on negative comments that make it through and negative comments on his reddit and twitch chat.


Op is a faggot


who is that guys? he look sad


that nigger is gay though

I'm referring to all the guys she meets on tinder zozzle

Gay for fat ass
Git wot ima sayn m8

I hate Boogie. Mostly because he's a lazy fuck and his fans enable him with 'oh no Boogie you're perfect!' Sure his fans will be upset when he dies of heart failure in 5 years and there's no more 'content'