Do you play League of Legends?

Do you play League of Legends?


Yes. I main this beautiful beast.

how do you deal with this meta?

Get good faggot

Jinx main here says get him low so I can snipe while he recalls


Ive actually never had a Jinx snipe me, I've had everybody else practically snipe me, but never a Jinx.


Used to bash it, haven't played properly in a while. Thinking of moving to doto, anyone played it? anyone know what its currently like?

Depends. Are you fluent in Russian?

Why yes, i do

Cyke blyat idi nahui rush b no stop?


Not since DQ

Much better than league as it always has been. Free heroes, more diverse heroes and much more interesting gameplay. The only annoying thing is the Russians and peruvians/Mexicans who are just an absolute scourge on an otherwise excellent game.

No because I'm not a raging homosexual

Fucking Yi. You proud of that? Playing on fucking kindergarden mode?


Yi is fine. The only problem I see is that he's only gold.

Faggot 1v1 me main Tristana and still rek u




Hell no I don't main Olaf

No, I'm not a child.

Add me gotyoursixt9 1v1 me you shit

and yes
karthus support

i want to play.. but i dont know which champ i should play.. tell me what to main Sup Forums

Alistar. He will fuck people up and they will get made because they can milk those.
Or Blitzcrank for psychological warfare. The threat or a hook is more scary than the hook itself.

fizz i main him but team is holding me back and i cant get out of b5

I main this beautiful bastard

>fizz main
>team holding me back
pick one

got banned for cheating but i'll be back soon. i'm botting 10 accounts at once to 30 then i'll be ready for ranked again.

pick what

lol ur shit i got gold 5 last year after one month of playing.

Nub team holding me

I play DOTA 2.
It's fun.
i want to kill myself.

My dude everyone of those champs can climp easy
what are you doing in those games? let me see your match history

topkek da faq man. how do you even get that bad?

I played like 3 matches and it was really boring.

no, but i fap to porns

as who?

İ mainly dont play ranked since im getting bored of bad teams and they feed lane and then i get fucked or i get counterpicked.
Sometimes i mess up fucking bad and sometimes it's just playing against fizz yas or zed or some bullshit overpowered picks

no. and neither should you.

I'm a scrub, recently picked up with a new account after a 3-4 year break from game. Used to be gold 1, now I got S5 after placements, down to B1 now lel. How to get good?

Also i can play i ranked right now and send you the results in 40 minutes to see my score in game and end game

First one as Ashe, the other ones as Annie.

Peaked at Plat 3, currently silver 3, only play 6 games a week to the 6 games a day. I started in season 3 and why i will always love the game, the pussy ass reporting system cry baby blame fags ruin alot of the joy i used to have. It used to be way easier to just solo carry than before. Also literally raping the game game with 23 kills just to lose cause your special ed silver team just chases EVERYONE they see and never groups gets pretty sad

no u?

why does everyone suck off good thresh players so hard in chat? moreso than any other champ my team wants to ride on my d. just wish they clicked my lantern more.

i just play adc since most people fucking suck at it. got gold my first season (last year). used twitch. got a penta once to, it was pretty good i died on quadra and my entire team dead and they had one up and he dies to my poison dot giving me a penta topkek. its really not hard to get outta bronze just dont die and farm! fuck kills.

i like to play Elise even tho i suck

Maybe you should start focusing on one or two champions instead of 20. You should also focus on dying less. You're either over-aggressive when you don't need to be... or you don't ward.

bronze 5 detected

I tried out Heroes of the Storm and actually enjoy it more, better community, dynamics I had to adjust too, fairly balanced, and objectives make it more fun for me honestly.

Lux main here, had a good game today

Only when I'm drunk


Don't forget the Peenoise

İ mainly play this game for fun i would like being in a higher elo and having better teammates but i can't lay only 2 op champs i prefer playing multiple ones that are fun


Heroes of The Storm is more of a casual game than League. It's a lot less mechanically challenging to play, and is a bit more casual.
Dota 2 has more mechanics, and variation between heroes, and is a lot harder to play.
League is like the in-between of casual and not casual wheras HoTS and DOTA are the opposite ends of the spectrum.

got gold after playing 25 games my first season in season 3, got diamond in s4, I got bored climbing because I played the same 3-5 champs and I was getting mad. All I do is aram and random champs in normals. I barely play. Luckily I only put in about 1k games compared to everyones 5k games. I don't know how people put so many games into this or Dota, I got 5 people on my list with 4k hours in dota like how the fuck do you not get bored

if you're going to play adc pick one that is more mobile when you are against dive heavy comps. like if ur gonna get dicked by fizz/zed/etc u want to have a dash. so champs like lucian, trist. if ur team has enough damage then go for a more utility adc like sivir or ashe. try to find a duo partner. watch pros play on twitch and do what they do that u don't do. make sure you are always farming something jg if ur lane is pushed or pushing. learn how to control minion waves to create freezes when you are ahead. always respect the level 2 all in. once you get ur tower roam mid and get that tower. don't freeze if you are behind push and look to group with your team. all i got for now. this is mostly adc specific since u got draven as ur most played.

İt's going great we got fiddle mid

Some people dig the competitive nature. The reason i like League is it is skill based for the most part and doesn't require alot a time investment. Sure you might get rusty, but I could take a week off and still be good unlike any MMO and all your friends will have better gear and pass you.

no i don't like MOBA

>i prefer playing multiple ones that are fun
That's fine but not preferred when heading into ranked. When you say you're team is holding you back it sounds a lot like "My team isn't carrying me". By your history you've been playing the carry. You should focus only on what you and the enemy team do. Don't pay attention to your team, unless it's contesting an objective or when ganking.

Gold is trash and you should feel bad for trying to brag. Get good

>"Why yes, I do"

I used to then when I moved got a ps4 so I'm playing smite

Yes. RIP no blue essence

Doesn't require a lot of time when a game can last 40+ minutes if teams are even

just buy random champ shards with ip in the store and disenchant.

would either of you fine gentlemen be willing to dynamic q boost me from silver v to gold v in exchange for a good skin? I don't give a shit about rank and I already did just my placements, but I want the season skin and to piss off some bronzies I know. I main jungle in normals but my safest pick is chogath top. rip zzrot freelo though

Yeah, I know. I don't play a whole lot and currently sitting on a whopping 236 IP. Woo!

1.3m Twitch, bronze 4


Yeah but not much. Only when I can play with a friend. Fuck going solo

Yes, and the LoLPH community is pure shit.

if you play once a day for first win you could get enough in a week or so for one. probably takes 2 or 3 to get enough to get a level 6. i play this game too much



yanks im not in here niggas

I played it a lot in season 4 before stopping. I started again this season but the gme is not fun at all anymore. Smite is where I'm at now.

If new play garen or Ashe.

Ez champs

I learned with Miss Fortune and Veigar

Are you proud of that bullshit?

So did you guys get better over time?

I'm wondering if some people always stay bad no matter how often they play.

I am better than I was before but I'm still shit

i always had the most fun learning high skillcap mechanical play makers
ex: lee sin, bard
i found it very rewarding to preform well on them because of the opportunities you can open up for your team.

Olaf is life

yes some people stay bad if they can't make decisions well or just improve


elise jungle, force yourself to improve like I did

I started maining her right after her gutting

willing to dynamic q boost me from s5 to g5 for a skin?

Lets go baby Olaf mains WW@?


sorry man i only solo q

no probs just being opportunistic, I hate ranked but I love pissing off my bronze friends

Man... Haven't seen anyone say Taric. I main the shit out of him. That outrageous bastard...