Will I pass the exam?

Will I pass the exam?


will i die alone?

Does she love me?


Will I pass the exam?

Should i kill myshelf?

Will I be okay next year?

Is OP a fag?

was this board ever any good?

Is OP a fag?

Am I gay?


Am i cute?

Check em

will she really get back with me?

"Without a doubt". Oh, boy.

Will i have dubs?




Will I pass the exam?

Will it finally happen?



Okay. Fuck you too, ball.

Will i lose my virginity someday?



Am I attractive?


Am I a faggot?

am i retarded

Aw, are you sure?

will she get fat?

Will I talk to women?

Is this sex so good that I shouldn't have to fuck for free?


will she get fat

Huh, am I a faggot or what?

Is this sex so good that I shouldn't have to fuck for free?


Will she ever like me back?

will Brexit happen?

Is this sex so good that I shouldn't have to fuck for free?

Is mayonnaise an instrument?

Am I an minion

Don't fall for one girl, user.

Girls won't go for you if they can see you've fallen for them. Play hard to get around her, and give her little attention, as hard as it is.

Did I burn the bridge?

At least you got dubs



Is OP a faggot

Is it just me?

Will trump win

Will she love me back?
Dubs pls

I have a fat fetish, m8


Will I ever be able to take over the world?

Will I smash?

Will i?

Will Alicia and I make a good couple?

Does rebecca likes me?

She gonna say something back?

Is my dick big?

will i fucc my bodypillow

Will i am?

Is my dick big?

job tmrw?

Asking again

Will I make it?

Asking again

Will i be alone forever and amount to nothing?

Am I attractive?

will i ever fuck her?


am i gonna die in the next 10 years?

Tell me


Should I move to Canada?

Should i do it ?


Are you 100% sure, need that fucking self esteem

Should I get this tattoo?

Should i go?

fuck off i wanna know

Is my dick too small?

Should I hang myself

Should I get this tattoo?


well.. then i should take measures to get my life back on track i guess...

just say yes or no

Will I get into the university I want to.

Asking again because 8 ball is a mad cunt

Should I hang myself?

Holy fucking shit 8 ball

did i get get good results in my exams

did i pass my exaams

Fourth time rolling because of the jackass ball

Well seems like there's no hope, bye Sup Forums