ITT post your favourite EPIC movies quotes

ITT post your favourite EPIC movies quotes

"You're gonna have a bad time." - The Joker


"Ah-bidibidibid-That's all folks!!" -Arnold Schwarzenegger in Space Jam.

Just a little problem with the, uh, the ol' sperm bank upstairs.

"Free willy!!" mattress slaves 6

Holy moly I keked


"We're going to have to find a larger sailing vessel." ~ Captain Ahab (Mouth)

idk whether to keep the joke going or to take it seriously..

Best one so far

"Time... gets you HIGH" - Jim "Jarm" Jespers in Field of Dreams

Captain Ahab (Life of Pi)

Zimbabwe! Shedlon big bob theri

I lol'd

Pirates of the carrabian 1, the spooky skeleton pirates

I don't get it

I applaud you good sir

Don't get this one either

Why not serious? The batman

Willy could mean dick? Also slaves and freedom? It wasn't that funny tbh fam.

Screenshotting. This is going on my ifunny greentext account

"Use the force, Harry."
- Gandalf
a classic one


Life is like a container of candy, you wont know what flavor it is until you put it in your mouth - Cpt. Richard Phillips


The grand Budapest hotel

"What's up"
Snow white and the tirty tee spooky skeletons

So much samefagging for a joke stolen from

"Are you feeling lucky punk? well? are you?" - Grand Terino

The guy who got his head squashed by a tank in doomsday

"What's up with the haps homies?! Fill me on in the 411 fellow kids"
Probably Adam Sandler

What the fuck are you doing dave

it's a Frozen reference.



"With great strength comes great obligation" -Aunt Jemima

Only one on that list that is mine is the i don't get it one. Fail.

I think that's a better quote tbqh fam bbq

"I did not have sexual relations with that woman" -Toy Story 2


Chinchillen lemme borrow your sweets- jack black

"Call me snake"