Trying to learn to play the ukulele, any tipps on that or songs i could easily learn?

trying to learn to play the ukulele, any tipps on that or songs i could easily learn?

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through the fire and flames

install gento

i will learn this now. thanks.

Flight of the Bumblebee

idk but this is nice af

i am planning on getting one myself. saw this beautiful Luna at guitar center, just waiting till i have some work coming up and imma get that bitch

i play my friend's sometimes, and i usually just improvise around d and d minor.

stop playing the ukulele it's a fucking shit instrument and no one likes it
don't be that prick with a ukulele

ukulele players are cool. what are you talking about.


learn the real basic chords, like C Major, G Major, A minor and major, and maybe some others, practice those, practice chopping, and learn your basic 3/4 chord songs.

Keep practicing.

Use a metronome.


wait for it...


then move up to guitar when you're ready.

Most songs have simplified versions of them. Search for tabs for a tune you like/know.
Try playing Iron Man, GOT soundtrack, European anthem, etc

just play a guitar like a normal functioning human being

somewhere over the rainbow
hotel california

Try the Craig Chee tutorials

Bach Chaconne

>somewhere over the rainbows uke tune goes with every song.

Have fun getting pussy

What have we become?
I used to think this place was cool.

i have played guitar for over thirty years. Electrics, acoustics, even bass on an off. I have had over fifty guitars. I have had a uke since 1980ish - a cheap one, and a Macaferri plastic one (only time I will be able to afford a Macaferri) and recently a tenor uke. But the wee uke, cheapo, is always there. take it to the beach, have it in the car, carry it in a suitcase - it is agerat thing to practice and play on. It is fun. Yes I got annoyed when fucking hipsters started playing them, but then, I play it like a guitarist - so I can blow those learners away. But the point is - it is playing an instrument. It isn't easy, but it is creative, it is making music, it is not some fucking dj computer crap. it is real. It is a skill, a joy a good thing. So fuck off with the disparagement - good luck OP.


>butthurt hipster detected

actually enter sandman's riff from metallica isn't really hard to play


Fucking do it OP don't be a pussy. Go break some hearts

You might want to check out the band Beirut, especially their first two albums. They have several songs with Ukulele in them. Check out Postcards From Italy and Elephant Gun, after that you should be able to judge if you like their style.