What's your thoughts on this? Sup Forums

What's your thoughts on this? Sup Forums

I think it proves how whites are better than blacks

This is why i carry.

i think it shows a true breaking point. push someone too far.. its lights out

disappointing that they didn't set up the bombs right


Shows that white people are emotionally weak

worst found footage film ever
wasn't even that scary.


Wasn't the TEC DC-9 introduced because it was safer than the TEC-9 because there was no Barrel Shroud? Ironic.

Same. Im not getting taken out by some insecure, weak minded man child. If you cant take the pressures of life, just opt out. Plain and simple.

its pretty this


420 nice

I was weird as fuck in school, but no one messed with me because they thought I'd be the next columbine killer. One kid even gave me free drugs. Thanks Eric and Dylan!

Mistakes into miracles

>be me
>be in 6th grade
>columbine happens
>watching news coverage on tv in classroom
>say, "some people will do anything to get out of finals"
>sent to principal's office
>have to go to counseling every week for two years
>put on school's "watch list"
>people i run into still remember this
>we laugh about it

Ah, to be young again.

the fuck, have i went back in time i swear ive seen this before


the fact that one of them broke his own nose when the gun recoiled shows how pathetic losers they were

i am black demon who will bring justice hurr-durr
everybody sucks hurr-durr
i kill you hurr-durr
i break my nose


they killed some, so you lose

>> low score

I love this movie

Eugenics some dumb ass kids and went out like heroes

only 14 confirmed kills, Omar did a better job.