Do you play League of Legends?

Do you play League of Legends?



mao kai support, kalista adc. try it and win every game ever.

No I'm not a faggot

sadly.... it's so fucking boring without URF and i only do aram when i'm really bored and got nothing else to do if URF isn't up. URF is the only reason to play for me, and so many other people too. i think riot is retarded for not making URF permanent or atleast very very common in the rotating game modes. like every other week.

I used to, over 3K games.

Then I took my training wheels off and downloaded Dota2.

That game's community is the real life incarnation of radioactive super cancer.

no because im not a manchild



B...But it will ruin the future of the game!

do you have any more like this? i only have this one

hey, thats pretty cute :^)

No but I have loli Pugna


don't tell me lies rito! the refuse to show the stats for traffic when URF comes around but a buddy of mine showed on average the have an increase of 317% when URF is live. people don't get tired of it. they just want to edge their playerbase so they keep coming back so after that 1-2 year time of all the time urf they'd stop. it's ridiculous. they're so dry as a company for ideas. rotating game modes on weekend after 8 years? how did they do it?!

Urf mode: Where everyone pinks the same 5 champs every game all the time.

you tell me ;))))))))))))))

pffffft!!! Runescape

are you dovydas

>Crit Rengar
This nigga knows.

I like league but it seems like a good 25% of games are decided by which team has some tilted guys arguing with each other

>still playing pay2winscape
>i miss 2008
>goodbye 2200 total level
>you've been missed for so long


Wow you mashed your keyboard with your face well done!!!!!!

aint nothign wrong with old school runescape fgt that shit was alot of peoples first game

why do people think league is superior? map control and warding is so underwhelming compared to dota where each action seems highly impactful, whereas in league you get meager feedback for ward placement and positioning in general

many of leagues items are glorified stat sticks and the active effect items are underwhelming at best. dotas active items all have some utility in each game rather than simply making you hit harder.

league is literally built around dodging circles of different colors and particle effects to hold your hand through a team fight. why would you want his visual feedback? it removes the important element of a team fight of predictability and specificity nullifying any lasting enjoyment.

literally items and spells last fkr fractions of a second whereas they can go on for many many times longer in dota, making it feel much more impactful.

league is a steaming pile of shit. it's not even about the difficulty between the two, league has its back up against the wall in terms of flexibility in gameplay and accessibility in general. the fucked up non-democratic payment system of league is so bizarre get ppl feed riot their money. dota offers a leveled playing field for every single person.

nobody cares if an mmo is p2w you dumb fucking nigger, all the top leaderboard spots are already taken anyway, just play the game to have fun

besides, at least the p2w scheme in osrs helps other players get membership without paying, and the gold comes entirely from other players. rs3 microtransactions are ultra cancer gold inflating autism

noi played riven.. ya

they are fun at first but become boring after a while just like the game itself

implying not everything in that fuccboi game is brainless button pressing

Yes, I am atm

no self respecting human being thinks league is superior. the only people who play league are evolved "facebook gamer" peasants who transcended to the next tier of casual garbage

so this is what dota looks like in 4x3. lmfao the hud is so cramped

wow ur rly suck^^

Literally nobody cares about anything you posted.
Games are meant to be fun. People play League because it's fun. How is this so damn hard to understand without shit talking it and putting Dota 2 or whatever game you're comparing it to on a pedestal.

Im playing on minimum render. Still better graphics compared to league of cartoons

A typical league of lesbian player. 70% of space created by me. Gave like 20 kills to push the non regen racks. ahh i forgot lol is forgiving casual shit and ur inhibs are respawning there

Quit 5 months ago
Riot is a company of jewish faggots
Community is cancer itself
Gameplay is stale as fuck
Shit game really.
Been playing overwatch
>inb4 overwatch is shit
>I regret nothing

Wow you literally just described Overwatch

Out of all the games you could a switched to from League that would have been an improvement, you picked the one that is JUST as bad.

Actually he raised some fair points, whereas you provided nothing.


>Gameplay is stale as fuck
>Been playing overwatch
Found the Blizzard shill.

Honestly, Ill feel the same way about it in a month and move on to a differant cancer. League of autism is literally 20 pegs below overwatch, imo.


Fair points won't increase your player base or make people like your game.

And that makes the game quality different how? League sucks ass, just except it.



add me

old school doesn't seem to be that bad and it's nice they update it with somethings but rs3 is what i have beef with. the vanity stuff is one thing but the literal pay2win is just fuck my asshole raw why did it have to happen?!

no it just makes it so nobody can take the league player base seriously

>most played game in the world
>sucks ass
pick one

How is it good




>I'm Dota! I'm relevant!
Nignogs salty nobody plays their game

>Being salty about having less cancer in your userbase

I am perfectly happy with having a smaller player base. But it is funny how no one plays our game but yet we set the record for highest reward in esports history last year, and will probably break that record again this year.

I dont play either, league sucks ass, and nobody has given any points as to why its "good"

Because cash prizes make your game good. Somebody call up EA and tell them this.

Do I need to tell you how chocolate milk tastes, too? It's good because it's fun to play. If you're looking for technicals I'm not the man to talk to.

>Because cash prizes make your game good.

No, was just making a passing comment on how our totally dead game still managed to beat out the most popular game of all time in cash prizes is all.

Of course a good game is pretty subjective. If you're a casual player who can't handle a lot of strategy elements and diverse hero mechanics and just like to turn your brain off, then League is plenty great for you!

>Silver I
come do that in Plat 1

Yes, because you're a moron. You cant give reason as to why its good other than your personal opinion of how "fun" it is. Your voice of reasoning is that of a mentally challanged 15 year old.

Fk yeah fgt I do.

this post with that picture just had me confused for a good 10 seconds

when did 07scape become pay to win? besides bonds, thats literally the only way you would do it. and that would be like 5 bucks for 2m or so?

Played plenty of both Dota 2 and LoL so I have a large selection of related reaction images for both, sorry for the confusion broski.

>Haha League is for babbies
Yup. Good job. You've figured it out.

Take a look at yourself, kid. I'm not the one preaching about another game in a League of Legends thread. If your game is so great why aren't you playing it? Right now?

Riven top (have championship skin woot) shyvanna jungle, sivir adc, Kayla universal but mostly support, talon mid sometimes and Aniva when I'm in a no fucks given mood.

do share, im looking for expand my dota folder

You fucking moron. Please learn to read, you will need it in the real world. Im not preaching about anything. The thread asked: do you play league
My response was no, league sucks ass and you got ass hurt to the point of defending it. We can all tell youre part of the toxic, cancer community that you autists hold so dear.

I will commence the dota dump



also excuse my severely broken 3 am english

>looking for expand
>what in the fuck

have my only dota pic i havent posted yet in apology


I dropped it when they announced SoloQ is being killed. Hadn't played any ranked and honestly stopped caring about the game before the announcement, but that was the final straw. I don't even come back for the weekend fun modes which were honestly pretty fun.

Highest was plat 3, i could be higher using Annie just to easy shit storm my way through to diamond. but its toxic and the past few updates are bad. If Overwatch gets competitive (im sure it will since i already played in a tournament 2 weeks after it released) i will probably switch to that.





i play league, i have seen dota, and i can say with certainty that dota is a better game. the only reason league is the most played game in the world is because of the huge amount of focus riot puts on balancing the champoins. everything else riot does is a money grab. hell, it costs money to play a character not on the rotation, it costs money to have any skins (until last month), it costs money to change the region you are allowed to play in, it costs money to change your fucking name. dafuq is that shit all about?

mein nigger

Literally my most played hero. Played him before he become meta.

>road to oblivion
my sides

Yup stuck in gold IV don't know if I can climb just playing supp and mid




what kind of build do you prefer? are you an exort/quas guy?

i always found that quas/wex was better for supporting with all the disables you get.


Logged in for a couple matches when the new champ was released. Other than that short period I've essentially quit.

Quas/Wex is definitely more beneficial to your team in fights and what not and is in my opinion probably the best way to win games.

However I cannot resist playing Exort Invoker just because sniping with Sun strike and deleting people with Meteor/Deafening Blast is too fun to pass up.

I'll hop back into League once everyone stops crying like a little bitch about Zed.



>Build a wall

yeah it's so satisfying hitting those blind sun strikes on fleeing enemies.

not the dump guy but ive always been a huge fan of quas/wex, I love the gank power and mobility it offers. i feel like it wasnt a popular build until recently, even though the only buff it received in any recent patch was tornado scaling entirely off wex, and EMP detonating faster at low levels.

i dont follow pro games so im thinking it could also be just flavor from tournaments
