I'm sorry about the whole "jew" thing

I'm sorry about the whole "jew" thing.

its okay :D

don't be. we all do our best with what we have.

No worries. You were right all along. Not your fault most people are stupid.

yeah well, we all slack off at our job sometimes. now go finish it.

Apology accepted. We all make mistakes.


we need you again Muslims are destroying Europa

loser manlet

we cool homie

Sorry about the whole martial law thingy

hitler considered muslims to be aryans and loved islam you retard

no need to apologize

Duh, towel head would be a great weapon for the master race to use.

we forgive you

No one is perfect.

Better than germans thats for sure, germans are unable to win any wars

No worries man, just fix your mistake and take the muslims this time

nice one. go back to sweden and read the quran

It's okay, you'll get the rest of them next time slugger, no reason to feel bad about only 6 million.

Go back to germany and hop back on that sandnigger cock

the enemy of my enemy is my friend

You should have really been gassing them kikes! Can you believe in 2016 they still think you killed Jews? We need you Mr Hitler.

Aww man come here and give me a hug. I forgive you.

U did fine.

I am sorry too, can you ever forgive me?

What "jew thing"? You mean the one which never happened?

>enemy of my enemy

No. 'cause unlike Hitler, you really did exterminate people.

Fuck you Stalin! Fuck off and suck a beaner dick!

you may have to ponder about the meaning of these highly complicated words for a while but I am sure you will eventually find out

No you're not.


I think he means, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

> islam (religion)
> aryan
gj fucking retard

>enemy of my enemy

I dont remember muslims being enemy of the enemies of nazis

Also being a tool and being co sidered aryan (part of the masterrace in other words for you retard) is not the same you autist faggot

You did nothing wrong. It's ok.

the only thing that's aryan with muslims is their yoghurt drink

It's alright Adolf, it was just a phase.

How about a muslim phase now?

>he considered arabs ro be aryan
>and loved islam religion

Can you comprehend it now you retarded faggot

>what are jews

Made u some cupcakes.

I am sovy to.

Muslims are enemies of the Jews

Not in ww2

They have great technology but terrible leadership and always go into wars literally impossible for them to win

>great technology
>lol its winter tanks wont start xd


i hope evalion will eventually open a second channel

Start it again but kill muslims instead. You'll be a hero and all will be forgiven.

Sieg Heil aus Deutschland!


Ura Stalin! :)

There was no israel in ww2 you retarded faghot

We all get drunk and blame the Jews sometimes

read a book dude. israel didn't just poop out of nothing after the war. they started after the great war

I forgive you Adolph but only become someone even more evil then you has come around.

Just checked her twitter, suspended.


>VK 36.01
>Panzer IV H
>Stug III G
>All 8.8cm cannons