Ugliest friend you'd fuck unconditionaly

ugliest friend you'd fuck unconditionaly



I would pound the living hell out of her

Ugliest? Yeah more like I want to think they are ugly so people think my standards are high

What's ugly about her?

Look at those tore up ass sneaks, smdh fam



Would slam every night


> implying there are people who want to impress random strangers on the internet





what the fuck ... she's half bald

Half bald with an amazing ass and great legs.

Her face is a bit ugly.

Proceeds to post picture of not ass or legs


Forgot pic

i will shut up now...

I'm in love. Fuck you user.

Ooop. The only pics of her legs really are before she started working out.


got more of her? she isn't ugly!

If you think those girls aren't below average you're probably pretty ugly too.


this bitch.

She's probably a 6 or 7.. would anyone else want to fuck her??

Is that supposed to be Female John Lennon or some shit?


All I know is that she was able to make me cum at a dance with just grinding.


Oh yeah. That IS pretty ugly...








has certain redeeming features

On the left.



If you're black you'll have sex with pretty much anything, won't you?

Their left?

would smash.


That is not me. I took the picture. The black girl (yes, a girl believe it or not. 20 I believe), is a friend of the girl in the picture.

That's a girl? WTF?!?!?!!?

I'm sorry but she's gorgeous.... So gorgeous I decided to say it three times..... Any more?


Yes. That is a girl. I didn't believe it myself until I met her. Doesn't look like one but her voice is a dead giveaway. Sounds like the generic resident of Little Rock or Memphis or some fucked city like that.

she wins this thread hands down

So shes the ugliest?

You are blind my friend

don't know who that bitch is but everything about her is so staged and fake she's prolly ugly

yes she is

ITT user forgets what the fuck ugly means

wanted to fuck these girls since high school

which would Sup Forums fuck?

Not looking at camera, cant see bodies

not enough info bro


Would anyone else want to fuck her??


Definitely the middle and right


Yup, any more?