I found tangas of my roommate, dubs decide what should i do with them

i found tangas of my roommate, dubs decide what should i do with them

Cum in it


rub chili powder in it, then put it back in her closet drawer

hang it ur

Eat it, wait until you shit it out and if you don't die, put it on and walk into her room screaming the first post on Sup Forums





Rolling for this


kill yourself


Close but no cigar
But rolling
>Wear them and lay in her bed




>Winrar ops dead

Dubs confirm

Hope op enjoys dirty panties for lunch

FIRST, timestamp. Faggot.

if legit,
>cum on them, leave on her bed
>camera recording reaction
>post results
dubs get

I can already see it in the news.
>Man found dead after attempting to eat roommates underwear. She described him as a unhygienic heavy breather and this isn't really that shocking at all. More at six, back to you Jim.

Wrap in your dick


wget dubs

Have you already fucked her ?


>Wrap in your dick
The fuck?



Fuck...off by 1....reroll


Fuck!!! Off by 1 again....reroll


I'm rolling till trios nigger

Behold user is to weak to obtain trips


just do what we all do.

>Cum on them
>rub cum into material
> get boner of steel next time you see her imagining cum coated panties rubbing against her pussy.

I do that with any panties I can be hands on. Mostly my daughter's friends when they sleep over or my best friend's wife when I visit.



Rolling for spidey

Put it back, tell your roommate you were looking through their shit like a fucking creep, stop living with them, jump off a bridge because you're a social retard.

420 get....reeeeeeeeee rolllllll

user tell us a story while we wait for op to deliver

Check em

Cum on them. put back in drawer


Have dubs been disabled again?


Failed reroll

I gotta believe most Sup Forumstards fapped into some panties during the teen years. Friend's moms were always an easy target.

those thongs tho...
i can tell shes a nasty bitch

post her pic OP

Shove them up your ass, pull them out and eat them

obviously a mans

those are the cheapest of the absolute cheapest panties on earth


Wait for her to get home then angrily confront her and ask why she's been stealing and wearing your underwear.