I get that you love guns and maybe you think having guns prevents gun violence or whatever

I get that you love guns and maybe you think having guns prevents gun violence or whatever,

But can someone please explain to me why the average civilian should be allowed to own an assault rifle?
I mean what are they ever used for besides shooting as many people as possible?

Other urls found in this thread:


Define assault rifle


say what?

"assault rifle" Why has this term become an umbrella for any kind of rifle? Democrats would call a bolt action rifle an assault rifle if they were given the opportunity.


Read the original, non libtard second amendment.
There's your reason.

Rights granted under the constitution.

No. I think assault rifle is for any rifle that is automatic.

"a rapid-fire, magazine-fed automatic rifle designed for infantry use."

Difficult and expensive to purchase in the U.S. I personally don't know anyone who owns a fully automatic rifle, and I live in Texas.

That's correct.

anyone seen euromaidan riots? Ukrainian citizens were just gunned down by berkut and didn't have anything to fire back with

An assault rifle is a rifle capable of select fire firing an intermediate power rifle round.

I guess a rifle that is military grade and can fire a lot of bullets real quick


ya got me lol

define "military grade" and "real quick"

I am applying to own one to familiarize myself with it; I've enlisted in the military and would like as much of a leg up as I can get.

Doesn't that just mean you have the right ti bear arms in a "citizen's militia"? Whatever that is.
Where does it say you need to have an assault rifle?

'Assault rifle' is a term used by democrats to describe anything that is black, or looks 'tactical', AR-15's for example. These 'assault rifles' are almost always semi automatic.

good point OP also......why are Americans allowed to own race cars, hacking computers and assault vehicles?

What the fuck did you even say? What?


Kinda weak if i'm being honest but better than "fer duck hunting!" lol

>allowed to own
We aren't allowed shit. It is a right we were born with and it cannot be taken.

Because its fun faggot. Shooting shit is fun. have you not ever shot a gun before?


you were born with the right to own a gun. Why does that gun have to be an assault rifle?

Need? It isn't a matter of needing.

because you're a faggot and I could of killed more gays in a bar with a coffee can full of ball bearings and thermite.

You're fucking stupid if you think people won't come up with creative ways to kill other people in the absence of a gun.

How would you rather die to a nigger OP beat to death or shot?

fucking stupid go fucking kill yourself for not being able to think through the reality of the situation.

fucking dunce wait for a gay parade or march and run over a whole street full

fuck you're stupid good luck in life

Use this handy chart to determine the difference between an AR-15 assault rifle and a Glock

>Doesn't that just mean you have the right ti bear arms in a "citizen's militia"?

The language is plain. "the right of THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

The you reference militia is an in-amendment justification - meant at the time and in modern times to be any able bodied adult capable of taking up arms. "Well-regulated" means disciplined and ready, not micromanaged.

define "rifle" and "can"

Well i guess because those things are designed with the soul purpose of being able to kill lots of people as quickly and efficiently as possible

Lol "whatever that is". Remember that thing that happened a few years ago called the American Revolution you ignorant fucking moron?

Yeah. It's real fun. But that's not really a thoughtful answer

Get out of here, Conan.

Assault rifle...assault rifle. ..assault rifle...assault rifle... assault rifle...assault rifle Assault rifle...assault rifle. ..assault rifle...assault rifle... assault rifle...assault rifle


If you own a gun. Shoot yourself in the head, if you don't --- the system works.


I get that you love fast food and maybe you think having food prevents hunger or whatever,

But can someone please explain to me why the average civilian should be allowed to eat a meal full of sugars, fats and salt?
I mean what are they ever used for besides giving as many people as possible heart disease?

>I guess

Cool. Interesting opinion.

We're born with the right to keep and bear arms. If advanced plasma weaponry or whatever the fuck gets invented, ordinary citizens will not be limited to muskets and their limp dicks.

You're the reason nobody can discuss this topic.

I can dump bullets pretty quickly with a semi automatic, dont see your point. Marines use the Sig 226 mk25 as their sidearm, its black and is semi automatic, by your standards that is an assault rifle

You literally know nothing about guns don't you? You understand a .223 bullet isn't really that big at all right? People say high capacity magazine but a 30 round magazine is standard for an AR or AK. A high capacity magazine would be a 45rd and up.

>people will still kill so why not keep this effective, convenient and legal avenue open to them

Bit of a feeble argument there.
I don't think you put much thought into it


>implying America can become a third-world Slav shit-hole.

>I could of killed
No, you couldn't have, with that fucking retarded grammar.

You think thermite explodes?

>Billy is confused. Doesn't know what a right is

Because if you use the usual liberal definition of assault rifle (AKA a gun invented specifically to kill people) you would be against banning every gun ever fucking made. Guns have always been meant for war.

Im literally blown away at the lack of gun knowledge in this gun loving country. Politicians should not be able to regulate something they don't understand.

US Constitution
Section 8:

Congress shall have the power to ... provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions.

That's it right there folks. The Second Amendment has nothing to do with preventing government tyranny, since the body of the Constitution already has tyranny written into it.

Ok sure. So you can have a musket or a rifle or even a hand gun. Why should you be allowed to have a gun the express purpose of which is to be able to kill quickly and in great numbers?

Too be fair .223 is small for a reason. It basically enters the body and hopefully bounces off bones doing more damage. But still...

You seriously asking from behind the keyboard of a hacking computer?

OP stop being a extremest and get rid of your hacking computer you should now even be allowed to own.

I'll take places that are Detroit for 200

The American Revolution was a political upheaval that took place between 1765 and 1783.

... a few years ago.

why does it have to not be? what constitutional validation do you have for limiting it, which is to say infringing on it?

>gunned down
nigger they got their asses teargassed, chased and beat down, not fucking shot.

the bill of rights is non-negotiable, faggot

that's your fucking argument?

the fucking point being you don't need a fucking gun to kill a bunch of people faggot

so why ban the gun?

you know compressed air and refridgerent is highly explosive? You going to ban that too?

Why not ban gay clubs? people won't shoot up a gay club if there aren't any

You libtards really piss me off... Get off the comp and go shoot a gun.. spending all day jerking off to ponies and transvestites..make me sick

Because of they eat sugars, fats, and salts, 50 other people won't die.

If you look around, the world is in chaos. The rule of nature is that he who has might is right. Government doesn't care about any of us. So its up to the citizens and their right to keep government in line should things get bad. Jesus once said. Sell his garment to take up a sword. And I'm damn sure if guns existed then, he would agree. It's Gods Job to judge, it's ours to send the corrupt to him.

>it is a right
But it should be a privilege.

I feel like we're going in circles. You have the right to a gun. Why do you have the right to that kind of gun?

It's always the people that know the least about a topic that think their opinions matter the most.

look, a big majority of the niggers guns arent even registered, which means they werent bought legally. Theres no fucking point in getting rid of guns for those of us who are using them correctly if the niggers just smuggle them in regardless.

You guys obviously can't take a joke...

eat all the fast food you want, i don't give a fuck. But I don't think you be able to murder people at 700 rounds per minute...

I don't know about constitutional. What about practicality?
Does it makes sense for it to be so easy for a civilian to get a gun like that?

Come at me edgelords
>inb4 hurr durr eurofag=musilm

Americans dont actually care about what is happening so why continue these threads

A 223 doesn't bounce off of bones. What the fuck? Do you have any idea how fast that round is moving?

because the right is to keep and bear arms, not to keep and bear only the ones that don't scare people (for now).

By your logic the first amendment only guarantees the right of the people to use wooden printing presses.

it does in fact explode

A legal semi auto AR15 or AK functions no differently than a semi auto hunting rifle. Only thing is the hunting rifle shoots more accurately and shoots larger rounds. Also the appearance is differet. The AR ans AK looks more scary to liberals.

Yeah it is, faggot.

>But can someone please explain to me why the average civilian should be allowed to own an assault rifle?
>I mean what are they ever used for besides shooting as many people as possible?

But the majority of gun related homicides are from pistols/revolvers. Should we ban pistols, too?

Because one day you might need to defend yourself against the government.

Clearly you've never used thermite. If you filled a coffee can with thermite it would slowly ooze out of a small hole that it melted in the side of the can and leave a big blob of melted together ball bearings in the husk of a partially melted, but mostly intact coffee can.

Or youre a huge faggot

Says who? You? We don't care what you say. You infringe on our basic rights and we infringe on you.

1800 fps

Amerifags that defend this right to bear arms shit are cunts

Rifles still don't account for anywhere even close to a significant amount of gun crimes, it's niggers with handguns, bitch about that for awhile instead.

Whoever made that pic, presumably you, is actually retarded.

you forgot the point that shooting is fun. a hobby.

Because corrupt government officials like Hillary exist to fuck us over with the army.

For those of you that don't live in America you probably don't understand the geographic differences between our country and yours. It's not realistic to expect police to arrive in a reasonable amount of time.

Take a look here for a better understanding of why owning firearms in the US is important: reddit.com/r/dgu

Detroit's shit, but it's not the entire country.

But should you have the right to bear arms the only use for which is killing as many people as possible as quickly as possible?

By that logic you should be allowed to have a grenade launcher that shoots canisters of mustard gas

It's funny. The US is a fucked up pseudo-democracy where the people are fed propaganda 24/7 to keep them dumb and complacent but you think the 2nd amandement is what will allow you to stay free from oppression.

Newsflash redneck: Shooting you is inefficient. There's easier ways to control the populace

Not to mention that you have a highly militarised, super strict police force mostly because every asshole can shoot back. I can pull a lot more shit where I live without being shot simply because there are less guns

Only under extreme compression, you go fill your coffee can with ball bearings and thremite and light that shit, all you'll have is a melted coffee can and a fire dipshit.

The average citizen does not own an assault rifle. Unless you undergo a very long and extensive background check which includes inspecting your home and where it will be locked up, paying fees and special taxes, and fork out $25k+, you will not get an assault rifle since they've been outlawed otherwise for over 80 years. Just because the retarded politicians and media want to label a low caliber semiauto rifle an assault weapon, doesn't make it one. Just like putting a carbon fiber body of a Lamborghini on the frame of a Chevy S10 pickup doesn't make that pickup a Lamborghini. The AR15 is an excellent varmint hunting platform for anything from squirrels to coyotes. It is just made to look like a military weapon. It's functionality is the same as your great grandfather's semiauto rifle, the ONLY real difference is the tacti-cool plastic furniture on it for appearances.

how would you defend yourself from a break in even? Call the police so they can show up 5 mins late?
Better yet in the future: Without guns?

.223 enters the body and tumbles or fragments depending on bullet design and how and where it hits.
"Bouncing off bones" does happen but not enough for anyone to count on it for the main cause of wound channel.