Intelligent life has visited earth during the rise of humanity, and shaped us into the civilisation we are today...

Intelligent life has visited earth during the rise of humanity, and shaped us into the civilisation we are today, either culturally, or technologically.
Convince me otherwise.

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you're a lier

Pics or didn't happen


Why do you have no faith in humanity rising on it own?


Donald Trump

You're reverting the burden of proof.
Have you heard about Russel's teapot?

What about the lizard people faggot?

So on idiot means the human race hasn't been littered by genius and invention?


How do you know these people weren't the ones acting as puppets for the alien regime?

Why jump to such a bizarre conclusion? If there's an alien race out there that is capable of tremendous advancements why does that mean we aren't capable of the same?

Where's your evidence? Where's your Nobel prize?

A claim made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

How do you know I didn't stick my dick in your mouth while you slept last night?


We've been around longer than half a million years in a form not so different than what we are now, equally as intelligent. Advances happened globally almost simultaneously about 5,000 ago. That's an astronomical coincidence.

Because I didn't wake up with greasey smeg in my mouth.

In the absence of any particular explanation, you opted to believe a possible explanation. You did so for no reason better than you would have had opting for another one. Ultimately, you simply picked the explanation you liked most. Now you have requested that other people give reasons as to why you should opt for the explanation that they prefer. There is simply not any definitive evidence for or against your supposition. But the issue is that, without any real evidence to draw this conclusion, you reached this conclusion because it appealed to you. Now you ask people to argue with you despite how futile that would be.

Tl;dr: You like this idea, you don't really have much support for this idea, providing equally little support for opposing theories would not impact your belief. Thus, it would be pointless to debate.

I won't say you're wrong but I will say that the foundation upon which you built this belief is as shaky, if not more so, than other theories.

But we know that advances didnt happen evenly. Look at China and Eygpt compared most of europe. It's not like every country in the world discovered everything at once.

Suggests that either they were deemed more viable candidates for intervention due to pre-existing social structure, or they were trial runs for the rest of the globe

Egypt is fantastic example of potential intervention, they built the pyramids before they even had the wheel. Insane right?

That seems like you want to believe it was aliens. Human civilisation just developed in different ways and different rates.

Not really. They just threw human death and suffering at it until they were built.

But this is suggesting there are holes in the hypothesis, identify them. Because there are holes in the hypothesis we grew on our own.

That's easily explainable by the spread of information. The rate that information was spreading was increasing. Not only was that rate increasing, but so was the rate that it increased. Think of something like an asymptote being approached. At this point, information is spread almost instantly. Initially, it took tremendous amounts of time for technological advances to spread, until technology was created and implemented to aid in the spread of information. Which then allowed even better technology for spreading information to be created and spread. And so forth.

Then where are the bodies?

Burnt? Buried? Throw in a ditch somewhere and left to rot? Does it matter? Do you information on the death toll per year in ancient Egypt that suggests it's impossible?

And so miraculously Egypt the Mayans and The Chinese came up with the idea of writing things down at the same time?

Why is that miraculous? It's easier to believe than a bunch of aliens gave them each a different for of written language for the lols

If there are no bodies, and no records of how they are built what's to suggest aliens didn't help? Also, the pyramids are in the shape of Orion.

I actually am a lifeform not indigenous to earth. All visits to earth by non indigenous beings have been documented and none of them have ever made contact with humans aside from myself.

Im going to use some lingual "best fits" to explain things that might not have words in english or might be difficult to explain. This area of space is considered off limits to all travel and communications due to it being classified similar to what you would call a "wildlife refuge".

I am currently in orbit around your planet as a "ranger" of sorts. My job is to monitor the probes that record information for later research on the development of life on this planet.

Perhaps they taught them how to retain information in the same way, wet clay. Then left them to derive from there.

Fuckin knew it, faggots should have believed. Bet you're feeling really stupid now you pricks.


This : is the proof that if those aliens existed, they're not here to monitor us anymore

We wuz kangs.

Should we expect to have building plans from 6 thousand years ago? Plus a civilisation being aware of the stars above them doesnt seem that strange


Cats are the result of alien genetic manipulation hence why cats are only first recorded in Egypt, and were worshipped as almost gods.

But why couldnt these places have discovered that on their own? It's not like wet clay is an extra-terrestrial substance

Perhaps the aliens knew they weren't coming back, and so wanted to leave directions for when we were ready to travel the stars

Yeah but it happening at the same time for the same reason?


He gave no reason for his belief. He simply wants to prove that his beliefs are coherent enough to cast reasonable doubt on any points other people bring up. This is a topic that, like claims about a god, can't be disproven. It's not based on evidence. It relies on the fact that if it is false, there won't be any evidence of it. There is no way to disprove it, not even by the fact that there is no evidence in support. Which makes it fun to argue because you really can't lose.

My point was about the futility of arguing against such a belief, not about the obvious holes in any such hypothesis.

But we've established most of the world didnt advance in the same way. Is it really that crazy that 3 ancient civilisations learned writing out of the hundreds that didnt go beyond mud huts etc? Respectfully, you're connecting dots that aren't there. Here's a question; How would the human race have to have developed for you NOT to think it was aliens? What does human history without alien intervention look like to you?

I'd say looking at it, it would have remained the way it had been for the half a million years prior, tribes of humans foraging off the land.

Instead of suddenly assuming they want to start making a note of things that are going on all at the same time .

So you dont think humans could have ever advanced beyond simple tribes on their own? That's kinda a depressing though tbh
