Searching medfags, throat feels fucked, more than usual, what do?

searching medfags, throat feels fucked, more than usual, what do?

Maybe stop sucking so much dick, user

See a doctor?

Cut back on the deep throating.

well auto-fellatio actually seems pretty enjoyable if I could

have you recently blown many men or just one?

don't have the time, why do you think I'm asking here, this is literally the most retarded place to ask

Vet here, I will do what I can.
Have you eaten any kind of bones lately ?
Maybe eating something on your walks, that your owner didn't see?
I need more info.

proving my point.jpg

I did have chicken for dinner last night

How can you not have time to go to a doctor? Do you live in some backward country where 24 hour healthcare doesn't exist?

Stop being such a fucking faggot OP, get some painkillers or some shit


Already done

There is 24 hour healthcare in Sweden you autist

If you slit your throat the pain will go away, user

Friend literally had 2 inch cut in head last night waited 6 hours in line to get anywhere, not going there

My point is, have you eaten anything that could have hurt your throat?
If not we are talking bacteria or infections. Maybe even allergy.
How old are you ?

What's the symptoms, faggot

Feels, or was?

It's called a cold you fucking retard

No known allergy, haven't eaten anything out of the usual. Hurts deeper down in the throat when I breathe. Have had usual pain out of cold last few days.

Fagatitis. Sounds like a bad case, too. Cut back on cocks for a week and pray for your balls to drop. Pray some of the gay away while you're at it.

Maybe it's time that you finally kill yourself OP

No known sickness? Breathing noises? Heavy breathing or fast?

For me atm it seems like you have pushed an object hard enough to scratch lumen.