Would you suck a dick for 1 million dollars?

Would you suck a dick for 1 million dollars?

I wouldn't. I wouldn't suck a dick if it was a billion dollars

you're a fucking liar


I'm not a faggot

what kind of dick we talking about here?
rich white guy dick or horse dick? Is it an uncouth fatty's dick? Is it whale dick?
I'd suck some rich white dude's dick for a million but I might be a little more hesitant on an animal.

Id do it for free

Dumb fuck

Where do you think you are newfriend? Everyone is a faggot here, ESPECIALLY op. OP is always a faggot.

A clean athletic black dick

With $1M you could buy enough pussy to make you forget

i hate faggots with passion i hate them almost as much as Muslims but even i would do that for a million dollars

A million dollars which i could use to live a comfortable life with my gf for an horrible experience that cant last that much? sure

In a heart beat and I ain't even gay

already have, did it with a ts girl. Not as bad as youd think. So to answer your question, yes i would

"Op here I'm totally not a faggot"

I'd do it for 50

I'd do it for a big mac and a mc flurry

You're gf might break up with you

5 minutes of something terrible in exchange for not having to worry about finances ever again? I'd suck that dick better than any dick has ever been sucked before. I'd pay off the mortgage on my shitty house and buy a nicer one with a big yard for my dog. Pay off my truck and my camper, then buy a bigger boat. Id keep my 90k per year job and live a great life.

I'd do it for the bus fare home

I would suck it for even less
I'd go as low as $150

If you are making 90k a year you would make a million dollars incredibly quickly compared to the rest.

Not that I believe you make 90k a year but how much money do you keep in checking? I assume the majority of it would be locked away in some sort of investments?

i'll doit for free

What kind of dick would you suck user?

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Yeah but where am I gonna get a million dollars?

If you have that much money to just willingly spend without a blink for a fucking blowjob, I'm pretty sure you could do better than me......I'm just saying.....I'd cry the entire fucking time and it would just be awful. Plus, how am I going to explain where the money came from.

Someone:"You're doing well for yourself"
Me:"Oh yea. I'm just sucking cock for a living."

if it is white, any kind

>Someone:"You're doing well for yourself"

>Sup Forums:"Oh yea. I'm just sucking cock for a living."

>90k a year
>worrying about finances

Pick one

It would take 11 years to make a million. That's before taxes. Sucking dick a dick for a million buck would take minutes.

As for where my money goes?
Roughly 18% pays my taxes
After that, 30% goes into my retirement account
My mortgage and auto loans total about 1600 per month. I don't have much left over after that.

I live in Seattle. 90k is the lower end of middle class here because cost of living is crazy high.

You'd pay to do it.


I would suck a dick for a Coke. You know, just for the taste of it.

I think it's been pretty much established most of /b would gladly suck cock if it meant a huge life changing amount of money... And then there are those that not only would do it for free but would actually pay for it... Fuck, we really new threads

Posts like these fuck me up. How insecure are you not to take a million dollars to perform a gay act? Straight as an arrow but id suck the soul out of that dick for a million.

You aren't poor, nor on the streets starving so it perplexes me why they would suck cock for money. It would be different if you were homeless and out on the streets

I'd do anything for twenty minutes that isn't permanently scarring that will net me 5k plus (about the price of a reliable used car)

Because I could work my ass off 40+ hours a week at an accounting job for 15 years or suck a dick for 20 minutes. Hur dur

You are a total faggot. Who wouldn't want to be rich and not have to work at all the rest of their lives? And all you gotta do is suck 1 dick

Yes, Yes I would. Hell, I would suck a dick for 1000 dollars. No shame in my game.
