Why don't Americans admit they are wrong about how they handle gun laws?

Why don't Americans admit they are wrong about how they handle gun laws?

Other urls found in this thread:

scrapetv.com/News/News Pages/Politics/pages-3/Poll-finds-eighty-percent-of-serial-killers-vote-Republican-Scrape-TV-The-World-on-your-side.html#.V2EbpDVWU3s

You need this op



Idk man. Stupid leftist keep adding more and more laws trying to restrict them from citizens. They couldn't be anymore wrong


>completely ignores every other developed country with strict gun laws

have u ever met an american who admits to being wrong, theyd rather be so fucking ignorant and wrong that in their head they think their right

1. Ban Gays.
2. Ban Muslims.
3. Arm children.
4. Prosecute anyone who leaves their homes without carrying a fire arm.
5. Profit.

Brit here. American gun laws are true freedom. I hope trump wins

because republicans are the most stupid ,racist, fact ignoring, science bashing, unintelligent,greedy, pieces of shit that are apart of the developed world and the fact that they wont be the majority in about 2053 or so will mark the up-rise of america

so what about nukes? if i was rich enough to buy a nuke should i have that right? if not you are opposing my freedom correct? should i have access to anthrax as well? should i be have the freedom to poison a water supply as well? because you know....'freedom' i hate how people cling to that world like a little regulation doesn't help our species from imploding on itself

go kill yourself user for making me take this bait

what would you change then? op?

damn commie

Ready for this Euro...
I am an American, and we handle gun laws so, so, so, SO wrong. You are right. We are fucking stupid, and no matter how many times our people are mowed down by crazy assholes we will never EVER learn, because we want to believe that we are all John Wayne, and that if it happened with us around... we'd stop it all, like a fucking cowboy badass. It never happens that way.

Well ranted emotionally enslaved user

Now go mop up your mangina


every other country is a marxist hellhole according to americans

Hmm maybe don't be a fucking pussy and buy one

>americans think it's the guns that kill
>americans think all it takes to make their country great again is one man
>americans believe in their so called freedum
>american just appear to have zero self-awareness, preventing them from seeing that they're mostly full of crap and condemning them to always blame everything but themselves for their problems

this thread needs freedom...

>implying people actually think it was the gun and not the crazy guy who had a bunch of mental issues and run ins with the fbi who was able to get an ar 15 with ease

Why don't you self-righteous euro cucks go back to felchimg your wife's muzzie bull's cum out of her ass?

Sure restrict guns to the non criminal element of the country so only the criminals have guns and can freely pray in the good people who are now unarmed ...suck a fat dick libtard let me protect me and mine and you can wait 20 min for a cop

Read the pic.

TL;DR: anti-gunners are self-righteous shit rag virtue signallers.


who the fuck is saying ban them all

Alrighty, then not all gun owners are crazed killers.

Fuck you, libshits.


>implying everything will be banned
>implying everyone will be unarmed
>implying people with brains thing gun free zones are good ideas

But don't let facts and logic stop you, libtards, go right ahead and keep up the virtue signalling.


Funny story about this picture.
>Be me 17
>Network provider has mixup with cellphone numbers.
>My number is the same or really similar as some random nigga.
>Get messages addressed to him on the daily on WhatsApp.
>One day get a message from his mother that his sister died.
>KEK I don't really care, decide to be Super Autistic Man.
>Reply with that picture.
>Also "Make sure her pussy doesn't get cold before I get there, wanna eat it one more time mama!"
>MFW she tried calling for the next hour.
>MFW that guy won't be hearing from his family any time soon.
>MFW I don't think he knows he's an only child again.

>wasting my time posting facts, reason, and evidence when libshits can barely read in the first place
Why am I still awake? I should be sleeping so I can do a good job at work tomorrow so I can pay taxes to support the lazy sub-human libshit commie trash.


theres 1.6 billion muslims and everything i found said between 94 - 99.6% of muslims aren't terrorists

your point?


Well, liberal, if we "admit" the gun ban, then we can "admit" that islam is not a religion of peace, since most of today violent attacks are on their name.
>ban guns, problem of gun violence resolved
>ban the koran, terrorism ends

hello sir are you retarded

Obviously jealous
OP is a faggot Clinton shill
Abandon thread

Because of an irrational emotional attachment to metallic objects.

This is also why Americans can't deal with cell phone laws properly.

good god user

lol you american retards... we had a mass shooting like 20 years ago in Australia... we banned guns back then, and how many mass shootings have we had since???


Fucking NONE


Oh but the criminals can still get a gun? er, no, they are so fucking hard to get hold of and cost thousands if you can.


Oooh, check mate atheists.

2014 Sydney hostage crisis

Well, let's see here...

You assert, without evidence or citations, that 94%-99.6% of muslims aren't terrorists...

The pic from asserts, WITH a cited source, that 99.997% of guns aren't used in a homicide in the US...

So... your point is that muslims are more likely to be terrorists than gun owners are to use a gun to commit murder?

the main reason we still have terrorism as a threat is shit like you. If you ban the qu'ran, itll give isis another reason to recruit people

>they're against you
>they banned your holy book

plus nobody is calling for an actual ban just restrictions to make sure people who are 1. mentally ill and 2. have some sort of criminal history of any sort cannot purchase guns


last I checked it was called the bill of rights, not the bill of liberal desires

This has to be bait. 99% of guns are used in recreation. Where the fuck do you use a nuke in a recreational setting unless you're korea? Go bail out Greece if you're so fucking bored communist cunts.

Typical libshit. Responds to facts and evidence with name calling.

Good one.

>pro-tip, fool, the sources are listed at the bottom of the pic

Deaths.... 2

I don't call 2 deaths a mass shooting cunt face

We just need to ban muslims and blacks from owning guns.

So you admit that you're a hypocrite then?

>most developed country
>highest gdp per capita, blowing china out of the water by 7 million points
>largest military, 145 million fit for service as opposed to russia, coming in second with 70 million. and russia doesnt play big brother for the rest of the planet
>largest infastructure grid, with a grid of highways, power nets, and train tracks connecting all 50 states, carrying over 650 million tons of food, luxury items, and raw materials
>second largest nuclear stock pile, being out matched by russia, at 7300, with the us at 7000, not taking into account the fact that half of their nuclear stockpile is from the cold war, and undeployable.

yet for some reason, we. the greatest country on the face of the planet are doing something wrong?

you keep thinking that eurocucks, enjoy your mudslime invasion with no way to counter act it. fucking liberals.


>it's more likely than libshits think

Because to say "The law needs to be changed" is to say "The constitution needs to be changed".
And that's unpatriotic! Questioning good ol' Uncle Sam is LITERALLY the worst crime a hot blooded American could ever commdit!

From a young age, all good Americans are taught to love God, but to love their flag even more. Insinuating that even the slightest, tiniest thing is wrong with the country is just... unfathomable.
And of course there are the blundercunts floating around going screaming "But it's the Second Amendment! You can't change the Constitution!" without realizing that an 'amendment' IS a fucking change.
Mindless illiterate fucklords.

>just restrictions to make sure people who are 1. mentally ill and 2. have some sort of criminal history of any sort cannot purchase guns
They already do this dumbass. In case you forgot, America uses federalism (each state makes its own laws). Go to the States with the lowest gun deaths and unsurprisingly, they're red states that have the above mentioned purchasing restrictions.

But but but this can't happen! Guns were banned! Didn't the terrorist know it was illegal?

i was referring to you not being asleep for your good ol job which is probably as a fast food joint but whatever

your pic is valid, anyone who wants to ban guns outright are stupid. even banning "assault" weapons are a little too far. like i said, just restrict the mentally ill and criminals from getting them and everything is fine

The same shit had to be done about who enters this fucking country then.
If you or your family are fucking racist or homofobic because of your peaceful religion you can't enter or stay in the country. Since you probaly will do some terrorist shit, just like the later faggot did.
You fucking liberals want to disarm your own people and let those bomb-omb sand niggers to be "accepted" without any kind of deep control or else it's racism or xenophobia.
Explain this shit.


By the logic let's get rid of the 1st amendment so faggots like you will get thrown in jail for speaking such faggotry.

oh so no mass shootings in 20 years cause guns are banned, but it's useless cause one guy shot two people last year.

This is american retard thinking.




you realize you live on a giant fucking rock thats like 1% populated

You know if Americans didn't have easy such easy access to guns then shit like this wouldn't happen (recent shootings)

I mean christ how many mass shootings does like, Canada have again?

You wouldn't need guns to protect yourself if no one else had guns to threaten you with lmao

BUT, America already has so many guns in almost every home that it's too late, so yes, people should be allowed to have guns

The whole argument is like you're already neck-deep in slowly rising dog shit so you should be able to get a snorkel, but you wouldn't NEED the snorkel if you didn't jump in the shit in the first place, dumbass

the fuck has the land mass got to do with gun ownership and shootings?

You don't need assault rifles for self defense, shitlord. If you're ever in a situation where you need to defend yourself from 20-50 people all at once, chances are you're not gonna win no matter what fucking gun you have.
There's no reasonable need to ever have anything more dangerous than just a simple-ass handgun.

no, because there's a difference between having a highly emotional and personal religion and being some fucked up boy who really wants his gun because of muhh freedom, muhh power, muhh cowboy hat. sick fucks.


a ban on all muslims wont work

not accepting refugees and banning flights to and from places like syria and isis controlled territories will

Also i find it how funny you have to refer to liberalism. Makes me wanna just not listen to you for your stupidity, believing this is a "one or the other" issue rather than sit down and think.


Every mass shooter in US history, including the most recent one in Orlando, Florida, was registered as a democrat or identified themselves as being politically liberal. We need tougher background checks for democrats who would like to purchase guns.

Hunt family murders 9 September 2014. 5 killed. Gun laws didn't stop that one either.

This holy fuck

Did they obtain the weapons legally?

Well they could always just ban all guns and force people to turn them in

theres no reason for anyone to fuck shit up there any way. Im not surprised you dont have shootings.

Last I checked, 'amendment' meant change or update. Shit's been changed before, it can be changed again.

You can't buy an assault weapon in the United States. Automatic weapons are already illegal.

A man takes control of his own destiny, his safety and the safety of people in his family or that he cares about.

Emotional children get outraged when their pathetic attempts at virtue signalling are calmly ignored or refuted with evidence.

Does your wife's muslim bull know you're up past your bed time?

every one? every one?

robert lewis dear? ik its a bomber not a shooter but timothy mcveigh?

thats two off the top of my head ill find more

plus, democrats arent liberal lol if they were bernie wouldve won in a landslide

typical right-wing fuckhead

When did korea use nukes for recreation?

you know, that's the point. pretty much all of you really just want to be the hero who kills the terrorist - and none of you see how fucking unrealistic that is. while you probably suck at handling your gun, it's not like you'll be perfectly mentally prepared to KILL someone. see? you're already so desensitized that you can't even feel the weight of the word "kill" anymore. america truly is degenerated. sorry for the good people living there.




ok, I give you ONE...

so according to you, one mass shooting in 20 years... oh, gun control doesn't work. Just scrap the lot.

hey mate, sorry, but i think you didn't notice that this real life and not some of your day dreams

Ok so let's repeal the first amendment.
>Not understanding what a right is
>Not knowing history
>Not knowing why 1-10 were ratified

scrapetv.com/News/News Pages/Politics/pages-3/Poll-finds-eighty-percent-of-serial-killers-vote-Republican-Scrape-TV-The-World-on-your-side.html#.V2EbpDVWU3s

party doesn't matter

Move to France cucklord faggot


Men prepare themselves and cope with the real world even though it's ugly and brutal at times.

Children whine that life is too hard and unfair.

Because we arent wrong. Nearly all the gun violence comes from gun free zones and where all the niggers are having gang wars with their unregistered firearms mostly given to them either by the government themselves or from mexico.

95-99.7% of gun owners don't murder people. If you do the math you'll see my numbers are better than yours. Checkmate.

Gun-related deaths in Australia in 2015: 230.
Gun-related deaths in America in 2015: 13,286.

Sure sure. Don't bother looking at the evidence that's been posted in this thread. Sure wouldn't want you to run face first into a severe case of cognitive dissonance if you bothered to look up any of the actual sources that have been cited.