Found these pills, what are they Sup Forums?

Found these pills, what are they Sup Forums?



morning after pill. do not take.


Cancer enhancers

What would happen if i took them?

You would nod off

Valium 10mg

You'll feel liberated if you take a couple, OP.

start with 10 to 15mg, once took 30mg after a long break and I passed out while playing Arma 3.

Can have different effects, it will remove anexiety and make you feel happy and slightly buzzed or it can make you tired and have sort of an opiate feeling.

comedown is pretty hard tho, I usually take it late at night so I can sleep it off.

before you take them please google shit because advice on here will probably kill you

This is a fact. Take them all but one and use that as reference to Google what they are


Youll be hooked on them things lol no joke my friend was so fucked on them hed just sit at home and take them non stop

Its Metoprolol, a beta blocker for people with heart conditions

25 mg morning/night fuck me

I work around drugs a lot
I know pills when I see them

Viagra for OPs disfunctional virgin dick.

Confirmed. Eat the whole bag and was it down with plenty of liquor.

Why would it matter? You're not gonna take pills that you found are you, you absolute crack head.

quick google search says diazepam
