Your perfect 10/10 girl

Your perfect 10/10 girl.


OP that's not a girl





fuck her face is so annoying...


No fucking way is that a trap.


Too scary. Girls with “Disney-like-cartoon” faces scare a shit out of me. That’s why I don’t like Russian girls – too ‘cartoony’.


I don't even know her name :c

That is indeed a girl. Look up Emily Rudd.


Except she's from Minnesota lol

she's not she's some actress I found looking at movies

moar pl0x


Sadly, that's all I have, only 2 pics and no name

Not 10/10 for me but very close to it.

Reverse search the image on Google then see the twitter link you'll see plenty more on that account




What would have to change for her to be 10/10? It's a 10/10 in my book.


I too, saw reddit front page


>all this makeup






Fucking idiot.



OP here same girl

>no way does someone i'd fap to have a penis!


Maybe I'm an faggot but I haven't realized that she is Emily. She looks for me different on this pic.

She's beautiful, yes, but there's she has no spice.
Another beatiful girl.

I'm drunk, she has no spice.


Maybe the eyes? They look a lil lighter if that makes sense.

oh my god I'm in love
