Hi, Sup Forums

Hi, Sup Forums

My class is playing a quiz game called Kahoot. Enter the code 607928 and name yourself something related to a terrorist attack, black people, or suicide. Kahoot has a super strict censoring system, so if you name yourself "Kill Yourself" or "Nigger", it will change your name to something like expert without telling you. Terrorist attacks aren't censored, fortunately. Try to bypass it by putting ngrs shouldn't live or something. Hurry before my teacher actually starts the game!

If you have experience with the Go programming language, use this: github.com/unixpickle/kahoot-hack

Build the flooding file and just destroy my teacher's Kahoot game with 500 people.

It's the middle of june why are you in a class playing kahoot? Are you some kind of retarded 14 year old in summer school?

TeacherIsN1gger here

Fukallbrownpeople singing in

How's the game work?

how long till it starts

Ikr, I'm just sitting here waiting.

Can you give us an update OP?

I'm in

Whats your user name


What's going on?

Slaveryisnice is in there

RapeABabyDay reporting

Op could you show the names so far?

it starting any time soon?

It hasn't started

Standing by

By the way, OP, remember to make a video when shit goes down.

Anytime OP. WTF is going on?

my guess is their teacher sperged at our names

Yea op you faggot. Let us know what the fuck is going on.

when dos it start?

Moon Man checking in

HIV exam reporting for duty

Name change


OmarMateen reporting in

the fuck is all this waiting

It won't let me in

IMAX AND CLIMAX reporting in