/sino/ 中文

Quote People Unquote Edition

The thread for posting in Chinese and discussion about the Chinese speaking world

Resources for Learning Mandarin:

Resources for learning Cantonese:

smartphone dictionary (supports both Mandarin and Cantonese): pleco.com/

resource credit goes to 一路順風

Other urls found in this thread:


It was my new year's resolution to rebrush my Chinese skill to the level of 日本中国語検定3級 and I finally started studying again.



I've been studying Chinese on my own, but I tend to zone out of my focus as I lack enough motivation.

Chinese girls are not worth it. Chinese people are not worth it (I'm not exactly a social person anyway). Work opportunities in China are not worth it (why would I want to leave Canada?).

The only thing that keeps me going is the literature, looking at the culture of China's past, at an arm's stretch.


>The only thing that keeps me going is the literature
me too, tho i'm native


normie as fuck tbḥ ḟam


t's muh nectar


Please rid the world of """traditional""" chinese



There's literally no advantage to it

shows you're not gud enough in chinese yet
simplified ones are viable but far from perfect, occasionally there shall be meanings they couldn't convey while traditional ones can


It's not really "traditional" though. It's essentially a late-Qing dynasty standard meant for official examinations, but scholars used a lot of variants (异体字) which in many cases are older than their "traditional" counterparts.

This is something you come to realize as soon as you graduate from standard reading materials and move into historical literature. I spotted plenty of so-called "simplified" variants in a Yuan-dynasty edition of the thousand-character classic, and they are especially in old 刻印本

Tl:dr the simplified vs traditional debate is silly and people on both sides often have no idea what they are talking about. Also, many of the "etymologies" they quote are pop-etymology bullshit and myths that go all the way back to the 说文解字

t. lived and studied in China and Taiwan

>there shall be meanings they couldn't convey while traditional ones can

99% of those alleged "meanings" are pop-etymology BS, but actual scholarship is too boring for normies who spew the same old bullshit stories about characters over and over again, like 東 = 日+木 or 美= big sheep (protip: the actual reality has nothing to do with this)

how'bout those characters got swept into oblivion during 隶变
china has maybe the long-standing tradition of orthography i presume
some simplified ones which normies at hk or tw wouldn't spare a glance for are actually "异"体字 that enjoy the nonetheless same rich history heritage
while some are just bullshit i admit dat
hope you enjoy ctext.org user

t. native prc chink (who got ip banned (yeah i've been saying that for at least ten times nao

the most long-standing

fun tho not a solid fact: some researchers do believe characters before 嬴政‘s unification shows features of inflectional even amalgamating language

>pop-etymology BS
citation needed? quite interested here
as for 美=羔+大 tho the definition of 羔 is self-explanatory already

Yeah absolutely the transition from seal to clerical was brutal and in general many of the solutions adopted to make the script more regular and scribal ended up obscuring graphic elements or fusing several different elements into one graphic symbol.

Thanks for the link btw user, have you read a book called 简化字源 by 李乐毅? There's a lot of scholarship on the subject but that book is a good introduction for an informed debate the simp. vs trad issue as opposed to all the "爱无心” crap that's often spewed online

甲骨文 of 美 (pic related) reveal a single glyph of a man in a plumed headdress, not a compound character

Just goes to show that the folk etymology of 美 is a case of 望文生义

ayyy tho we're calling each other user minutes ago yet if you're interested please contact me further via [email protected]
you do intrigues me
gonna have a power failure in maybe 120 seconds so if not adios :^)

Sure thing 兄弟 I'll message you later, merry xmas btw

No one will want to learn your language if it's unnecessarily difficult. Soft power is too important now a days, it doesn't make sense to cling onto traditional.

it's both cruel and unpractical to force one to renounce the writing system endowed eh

>tfw it is not fun to learn Chinese when your college exam put it as a primary subject

>tfw never choose a china's rogue province as my birthplace next time

I have benn reading Dream of the Red Chamber recently and holy shit is it confusing

Even looking at that is giving me a headache

I'm quite sad that the hungarian translation is atrocious from a technical standpoint

Do you have your own imageboards in Taiwan?

we call it komica

Does it have Sup Forums

>美= big sheep
This can't be legit.


don't even bother to find it
it's a dying website now

>it's a dying website now
Where all the folk move to then?

based on my perspective
it's probably plurk

Does it matter if I learn traditional or simplified?
Are they compatible with eachother?

Do yourself a favour and learn simplified unless you are a masochist

it is 大 big 羊 sheep , but I don't think that's how its constructed

I'm not a masochist(and not a maoist either)
I don't even know why I want to learn this.
I just find it fascinating.

It isn't big sheep, it was an example of bad "folk etymology". I explained the actual origin here:

Guessed that much,
I knew the character 大.
I know that much that you can't just mash up characters any way you want

I'm going to write that down into my notebook

ocean is 洋
foreigner is 洋人

Sort of makes sense
Foreigners came from the other side of the ocean.

any other good c dramas with eng subs? i like the historical stuff. already seen these:
>三国演义 1994
>三国 2010
>水浒传 1998
>卧薪尝胆 2007
>大汉风 2003
>成吉思汗 2004
>雍正王朝 1999
>琅琊榜 2015

downloaded these, not seen em yet:
>隋唐演义 2013
>后宫·甄嬛传 2011
>射雕英雄传 1983
>走向共和 2003

Which is the most memed version of the 三国?

i see a lot of the older show memed in actual chiense. the new show is memed here on Sup Forums. especially cao cao gifs

Cao Cao did nothing wrong

Is that any good?
Since I can't get my hand on a copy of the books with a decent translation just yet,I have been thinking about watching it just to get a taste of the language.

Is it really held as one of the most beloved books in 中国 btw?

I tried going on Komica, and it seemed awfully slow compared to Sup Forums. What boards have frequent posts?

Does mainland China have a chan? I saw that Bilibili has one, but it seemed pretty boring. What website in mainland China fills the same niche that Sup Forums does?

cao cao is played by awesome actors in both tv dramas.

the older one starts with the eunachs abusing their power in the han court, then the yellow turbans and dong zhuo show up.

the actor who played zhuge liang in the old version is an incredible actor. the actors who played cao cao in both the new and old versions are excellent.

the old version also covers zhuge liangs nanman conquests.

yeah it is. i made a lot of friends because of san guo

In regards to the traditional vs simplified debate, one argument I hate is that traditional characters are somehow more "beautiful" than simplified. Traditional characters only look beautiful when written with a brush, they looked like shit when typed or written with a pen. Simplified characters are beautiful in their simplicity.

Guess I will go with the old one since it seems to cover more.
Where should I look for it?

Why couldn't the commies just call it modernized?
It would have helped a lot in my opinion.
Would have lead to better "marketing"

Cao Cao is not a tyrant as ROTK makes him up to be

can find it on youtube. or download it from the torrent site

i say watch em both. they're both quite good.

new version

>old version

stop sucking his dick. he's one of my favorite characters anyway

>new version

>old version

大秦帝国 (2009)

is or will be dubbed in english

Who here is chinese descent or just a sinophile?

because traditional is modernized too from kangxi


I'm just a sinophile.

been looking for this one, yeah. good taste

songs from 1994 san guo
>title song

>zhao yun song during chang ban

羔?This site says 祥 though
I have no idea


Sinophile white guy here

I know 2 characters from that sentence.
Everythings coming up!

there is also 楚汉传奇 (2012)

the dude who played 吕布 in 三国 2010 plays 项羽 in this, the dude who played 刘备 plays 赢政 pretty cool desu

saw a bit of this. not a big peter ho fan. i like chen daoming though. fantastic actor.

if you like the chu han contention, watch 大汉风 2003

has hu jun as xiang yu, he fits the character much better than peter ho. the guy who plays liu bang does an excellent job as well

Long ways to go buddy


Just feeling good about myself.

I have encountered only one of those characters so far.

how about the original 西游记

looking for a copy of that now, thanks.

ever seen it? i remember hearing tons of people say to download and watch the old tv version

>an episode of the 1994 version is an hour long
Looks in depth.
I don't know what I expected an adaptation of a 2200 page long book to be.

yes many time, it is very good though i am not sure how it will be for someone who's never seen it, the special effects are from the 80s after all

there is also 封神榜 1990 if you don't mind the 80s costume

these historical dramas tend to average 40mins to an hour each episode.

san guo happens to have like 90 episodes. you're in for the long haul

Sinophile, I guess

Never said it's a bad thing.
I'm quite happy with this.


I'm studying Korean. Korean uses an alphabet but they obviously used Chinese characters in the past (and in some limited use today), so I started to study Chinese characters for use in Korean (Hanja). Found it pretty fascinating, now I am also learning some Kanji and some original Hanzi too, probably will one day attempt to learn Japanese and Chinese and maybe even Vietnamese. But whether or not I learn all that it's really fun to study Chinese characters and it's relaxing to write them.

Oh and by "original Hanzi" I just mean...traditional characters plus Mandarin pronunciation. I'm not going full ancient times with it or anything.

So it's purely a linguistic interest?

Yeah. That and travel and possibly work. I'm intending to teach English in Korea--but I don't need Hanja whatsoever for that, really. But I may go to Japan and China and such while I am in that region so some proficiency in each language seems useful.

Sounds reasonable.
I fell into the chinese philosophy hole a year ago when I went to the theatre and bought a copy of Tao te Ching for 3 bucks in the gift shop.

Ahh, I read a couple translations of that when I was in high school. I loved it. I think it really formed my outlook on life.

I should try reading it again now that I am older

I have 3 translations.Truly a fascinating work.
After that I tried Confucius and it just evolved naturally from there.

same here. but instead of tao te ching i got hooked with
>san zi jing (three character classic)

really cool book. each line is three characters, teaches kids pronunciation, tones, and some history and culture. was used to educated children before sending them to school

part of a three book (unofficial) series

San Bai Qian
(three, hundred, thousand)

>San zi jing (three character classic)
>bai jia xing (hundred family surnames)
>qian zi wen (thousand character classic)

I remember reading that.
I went to the library and asked for the annalects,but they only had excrepts in a "Sino-Hungarian literature collection"
It had the three character classic in it with the original text,
Pretty pleasant read.
The other thing it contained that I liked was a short excrept from Pu Songling's stories.

replace Chinese with Taiwanese and it's totally worth it

anyways you better be studying traditional characters

other cool books (old classics)

>zhong yong (中庸)
>da xue (大学)
>xiao jing (孝经)
>er shi si xiao (二十四孝)
>di zi gui (弟子规)

孝 refers to filial piety

I want to go on one of those high speed trains.

Transportation here is dreadful.

Fast and effective transport is not an option there.
It's a necessity.
The cities whould drown in people and would get clogged up completely.

Lel, Taiwan is a meme. Most of the "chinese culture" there is concrete kitsch made under chiang kai-shek and in spite of "muh traditional characters" he'll learn dumb shit like pronouncing 角色 like 饺色 or 炸鸡排 like 诈鸡排. And that's not counting the people who pronounce 吃饭 like 粗换... Have fun being "擦不都先森"

It is a fun safe space for people with the mindset and hobbies of a 15 year-old though so if he's got Peter Pan syndrome he might as well go for it.

Not to say they use several what I would call simplified characters disguised as "异体字” because 'muh traditional characters'