Hedge funds and investments

hedge funds and investments

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oh right, I just meant I had to open one cause I got a refund check.

Invest your dick in my butthole.



Buy funs.


i want you to whisper AMSR style into my butthole

I was in the car with my mom going to the USPS and was like
I should buy a gun, in the vein of the boat cat
and she's like why, are you going to kill yourself or are you going to go on a murder spree?

Ahhhh, WOMEN.



I will remember you said this, weirdo.


make it into a nice motivational poster for me.


pussy joke


I'm having an argument with anlin about gun control. He's bad at it.

he's bad at life man.


Is that string attached to his dick?

Is that a MALE PUSSY?

Still, since he's a man with a reasonable IQ (I mean he's asian) he can put forth more of a fight than some.

devil tail


I don't think Osomatsu has a tail...

I think I might. Look forward to it soon. You've always loved my artwork after all.

Dogs with hats is a folder almost as good as rinik's fat cat folder


he's been presented as a devil with a tail before

have i really


I think you're trying to trick me again.

He resorts far too quickly to emotions.

Most people resort to emotions eventually. Hell, you do. He takes longer than most people do.

Nope. End of episode 12. Check 'em



I refuse to fall for this again.

Yes. Yes you have.

>three headed dog is multiple selves
>three headed dog is one self

subby is a fuck

what i do


even I dont do it that quick, I do get angry but I try to keep that separate from my arguments.

>three headed dog is one self
stupid, makes no sense even in fantasy
i just ignore it

That IS his dick. He's got a duck dick.

chet i don't want your chitty fucking artwork

there is nothing to fall for
it is a fact


Maybe it's the way you talk to him. It takes him awhile to flip at me. In any case, I understand the phenomenon. It occurs when you violate someone's internal taboos, the ones they're barely aware exist. I hit it with him when I suggested that the FDA shouldn't exist and he flipped. I've hit it with you before. It's like an intellectual prostate except it produces agony instead of pleasure—it's a point of thought, of reason, that is UNACCEPTABLE to the listener.

I realized recently I do not have any of those internal taboos and probably never did.

That's how I feel about it too.

See, now that makes sense.

How do I know I can trust you?


>only one dick
what even is the point

I know you don't want it. You *need* it.

put your name on you faggot

simultaneous orgasm
get fucked by three at once

the only one of those I have is for islamic apologetics and ignorance.

I don't have namesync on my desktop and I hide my shame on my laptop instead.


You hit the taboo point with a free will talk.


milo kissed a homophobe

and yes fair point


I just texted you about that!

Like I said, almost everyone's got it. Many of the most open minded people I know tend to hit it at that point.

>texting people outside of thread

oh, I was in the bank at the time and had it silenced.
nice trips, satan.

did you mail the thing or did I reply too late

texting is gay I know

eh, its all good.
we went back to get it, I forgot the check too.

ironically I will not be able to order funs and fun accessories for several days anyway since lol credit card but SOON™

it'll probably be there friday
I checked out how much itd be for 1 day shipping and it was like 22$ lmao no thx

somebody come kill this fly in my room


Oh I don't give a fuck I'm in no real hurry. What's important at this point is just getting the shit done. My real priority is getting a lower before they skyrocket in price.

No they scare me and are very hard to shoot with guns also.

rip thread

threads suck anyway





that is fucking mesmerizing


w-we could have a GOOD thread


does that mean a thread with boobs?

no like a thread with talking though

the children are still in school


what about it

what? It's middle of june, school should be over

my sister has 2 days left

that's how much that plush costs

Tell her to skip it. School is for dweebs.

that seems worthwhile, go buy it

God this Atheism is unstoppable guy went full retard.
>complaining about islam and apologists for years
>brutalizing tyt
>waking rubin
>thinks trump is a maniac
>voting hillary
>agreeing with cenk on gun control, saying he doesn't go far enough
>giving him shit about not wanting to say islam

the only thing he has left is a dead horse and idiot opinions

Kangaroo man?


literally voting for hillary after saying obama wont even recognize the state of islamic terror
trump is a delusional maniac
started banning everyone that isnt respectful in the comments, on every video.

Welp, there we go. He put on the chastity belt. Nicely done cuck.


I want to roll that katia down a flight of stairs and watch it bounce.

not me though right

No, but only because you've been working out, obviously.

The onion did a piece written by an ar-15, it's exactly what you'd expect.

>it's exactly what you'd expect.
so huffington post took it literally and copypasted it under a differne title?

No, the onion actually went pretty explicitly political with this one.

i hope every avatar faggot gets cancer and dies