If this girl was in a snuff film, how would you kill her?

If this girl was in a snuff film, how would you kill her?

I'd fuck her for a while, and right before climaxing, i'd shoot her in the chest at close range then cum into the wound

I wonder if that actually happened in a snuff
snuff thread ?
Actuall sex / snuff movie thread ?

pop both her eyes out, fuck her in the ass, shoot cum in her mouth then draw a razor across her throat close up on bleed out

I would let my dog fuck her then I'd cover her in honey then drop her in a refrigerator full of hungry ants.

id push that bitches head under water while fucking her till she drowns, preferably from behind, because that's a butterface


cut each of her appendages and sew them on the opposite side. fuck her in the ass with my dick then let her die from the infections

I'm not sure if death by titfucking is a thing, but I intend to find out.

If she was in a snuff film, she'd be dead, so how the fuck could I kill her in the first place? Retard.

I would cut her tits off and shove them down her mouth right before bludgeoning her with the end of a barbell.

Take her left eye out then skull fuck her... to death.....

>If this girl was in a snuff film, how would you kill her?
You need professional help.

I'd tie her up, throw her in the bathtub then pour acid all over her. invite my bros over for a boiling flesh bukake and beers.

i'd impregnate her, wait several months while she gestates in the closet, then when she's ready to give birth I'd set her on fire.


Maker talk to you for 5 min and she'd kill herself. She just doesn't have a tolerance for cringe.

punch her teeth out, tie her up to my bumper and slam my car into a brick wall at 100 mph (i'm not in it of coarse))

I'd strangle her almost to death with the straps she has on, i'd then repeatedly smash her face in with the prongs on the back of a hammer then i'd flip her over and fuck her in the arse.

From the wounds... or your dick? Either way, I'm amused.

id snap her spine and fuck her as a para for a while. then shatter her pelvis after selling tickets to her. then twist her neck and fuck her cold.

cover her in shreded mozerela cheese pepperonii and tomato sauce, bake in oven for 40 minutes or until internal temperature is 250 degrees fahrenheit. pull out of oven to cool then pull out a 45 and shoot her

>If this girl was in a snuff film, how would you kill her?


Drown her

choke her to death on my big dick

I would compliment her looks, chat for a while, then ask for her number to hit up later, take her for a meal, for a walk around the city, to my living room for a movie, we would get together, live together, get old together and then I would be by her side by the time her cancer or something would get her and she would slowly die with me by my side
Every film is a snuff film if you wait long enough

nice try op

Fucking feels

I wouldn't kill her. I would, on the other hand, kill you faggots. I got an idea let's meet up at a gay bar in florida.

with a bike.

"every film is a snuff film if you wait long enough"

Katana in puss


Slowly over 50 years of marriage.

buy a chocobo and rape her widdits dick
