Just got the T90x, mahogany edition. What's your favorite model and material?

Just got the T90x, mahogany edition. What's your favorite model and material?

I have a 380i and you really can't beat mahogany nowadays

Amen brother, but you should upgrade! 380 is a really old model. The new mechanics in the T90 models are unlike anything I've seen before. I got the T90x for it's stainless steel mechanism, of course.

That shit isn't mahogany. You've been had

It's just a bad picture. Trust me, it has all the quality that mahogany can offer.

I had a T60x growing up and I just recently upgraded to a 400i and I love it. Little expensive but I would give it a 11/10.

my pops had one just like this. My bastard brother sold it when he died.

My 380i was passed down from my grandfather, and money is tight right now, but when I have some extra cash I will definitely take your advice

Where did you find a 400i? That's not even in stores yet. I'm jelly

Wut igs a fignerbocks :D

I haven't seen a fingerbox thread in ages. I was starting to wonder where all the hobbyists went.

You should keep that old 380i then, in a few years it will be antique and worth much more than it is now. I have an old '43 mahogany Dexicoaster that my grandfather gave me, it's not worth much I think but it has sentimental value.

With all the ylyl threads, the quality threads get buried. I keep trying to start FB threads but they always get shut down for some reason.

What's that thing in the picture?

What a bastard, of that's an original Ay-o, it could be worth thousands. Ay-o, as we all know, designed and crafted John Lennon's personal fingerbox.

lurk moar, newfriend

It's a real beauty, I've always wanted one in my collection

You can find them in most consignment shops. Actual retailers are few and far between, owing no doubt to the level of care and the lengthy amount of time put into each box.

My personal collection.

Nice collection, nice doubles. czeched

a different angle.

Has anyone heard the story of Richard the Lionheart's legendary fingerbox? Legend has it that it once stopped an arrow from hitting the King's horse, as it was carries in its traditional mounted sheath. Other rumors surrounding it are less... believable.

A finger box you nigger

It is said that during the night, the fingerbox would glow with "an unearthly blue light" when the Saracens were near. According to legend, it stopped many ambushes during the Crusades.

I've heard of that legend. What material was it made from, to stop an arrow like that?

Those old Dexies were the bomb back in the day. Moderately priced and great quality. You might be surprised if you had it appraised. They're becoming more collectable since the Burns documentary.

I'll look into it. The only fingerbox appraiser near me is wise old man with a glass eye, but I would have to drive for 7 hours to get there.

I used to have the x3202i 13 but it got stolen !

I think it was mahogany and oak with a teak inlay and steel finishes. The arrow must have bounced off the steel or, what I think happened, it got stuck in the steel and gold inner mechanism, maybe even hitting the Inner Gem.

I feel like I'm being trolled here, but what exactly is a finger box?

CP let's hang out my nigger. I'm bored.

A stunning display of craftsmanship and human ingenuity. Do you live under a literal rock?

I've never had a wooden fingerbox made from 2 types of wood. They don't make them nowadays like they used to.

I threw mine away when fox news "debunked" them.
I used an aluminium one so it wasn't worth much anyway