1. Your country

1. Your country
2. Your level of Spanish proficiency

1. Poland
2. A2

Other urls found in this thread:


1. Spain
2. Bretty gud

B2 still

1. Argentina
2. B1


1. United States
2. B2 according to an online quiz

pls no bul

r8 my spanish

ayy caramba!
la puta!
muy bien!
andale andale arriba arriba!


Better than Spain/10


pretty good, you could pass as a local in USA

learned spanish in a week its the easiest language in the world

When are you moving to Argentina el polaco?
Will you make a career in music?


1,5 years


what about your plans on visiting Cuba? still wanting to go?

Yes, hopefully the communism will stay long enough for me to see it

>Hola qué tal, me llamo X. Como vas? Muy bien, hijo de puta.

That's all

1. England
2. B1 listening, B1.5 speaking, B2 reading

I used to love Spanish, then school ruined it for me now I never want to think about it again

You should teach it to all of your friends then it can become the most spoken language of Finland instead of Swedish

What do you want to see in Cuba, my friend ?

Prostitutes and poverty

1. Spain.
2. Yo amigo no hablar bien espanol

Still can't accent words


>Still can't accent words


Picked it up when I lived in Spain for a year. Now everyone I talk to thinks I speak it funny

How do you measure your proficiency in a language?


Thanks based pole.


Me las aprendí recién en 3ro de secundaria, de repente como que se me despertó el interés por aprender a escribir mejor. La verdad que me da un poco de lástima que la mayoría de la gente no sepa escribir correctamente con lo fáciles que son las reglas de acentuación.

native. Should i take an exam for my own language?
AquÍ enseñamos las reglas de acentuacion en 1ro de secundaria o antes. (13 años)
No son tan complicadas como para esperar tanto, no se por que en Latinoamérica escribe tan mal la gente.

>your Spanish will never be good enough to become a sucessful writer and earn Literature Nobel Prize.

why live? I will just be another stupid bydlo...

1. Flag
2. C2

In fiction you can even create words. The hard part is coming up with an interesting story

I can only speak some Mexican, enough to understand and reply, but not enough to hold a conversation.

1. Bolivia
2. B2

>AquÍ enseñamos las reglas de acentuacion en 1ro de secundaria o antes. (13 años)
No lo creo. Las reglas de acentuación se enseñan en educación primaria. No recuerdo exactamente cuándo pero en secundaria básicamente estudiabamos literatura (los distintos períodos y tópicos), reglas de poesía, etc. Cuestiones un poco más complejas.

Wew lad

Hola ese, soy [name here]. No habla espanol, mexico puta. buenos noches

That's all I know. I think that's enough for A1

Las enseñan en 3ro o 4to de primaria creo, la cosa es que a nadie le interesa y por eso es que no mucha gente es capaz de usarlos apropiadamente.


Wew lad

B 1.5

Aprendi cuando era chico pero no es mi lengua materna y nunca lo he estudiado en escuela, asi que mi nivel es como un niño de 9 años y me falta mucho con la gramatica. sin embargo puedo tener una conversacion sobre casi cualquier tema y casi sin pausa aunque hago muchos errores

¿Es cierto lo de que en Latinoamérica ven a la RAE como un organismo malvado o vestigio del colonialismo ?

I started in summer but gave up, so very basic

los únicos que odian a la RAE son los que violan el diccionario constantemente con sus horrores ortográficos

Ill learn it after I finished learning 日本語


why did you give up ?
do you think its selfish ?

Primera vez que leo algo así. Sería una crítica bastante poco feliz porque si por algo se caracteriza la RAE es por dejar pasar cualquier palabra con uso meridianamente extendido.

is duolingo the best place to learn a language online?

Portuguese, so bretty gud overall

10/10 better than me

Only speak Mexican

Solo un par de commies. Si es algo totalmente innecesario y arbitrario psh.

chats and online boards are the best place
you can lurk at the beginning, see how people communicate, thats how i learnt english
better than learning by the book if you want real speaking

Spanish is a freebie to me.

The only instance where I fail to understand Spanish is when spics go full BR and start flooding WEA WEA CONCHA DE TU MADRE and other sorts of juvenile behavior.

as a brasilian do you have an easier time understanding latin-american or mainland spain ?
argentinians say "vos" wich is basically "voce" so i imagine thats more familiar as both your countries use expressiong from the 1600's

Hm... I don't really know the differences between Castellaño and Spic very well, although I can understand this quite well and found out it's in European Spanish:

Argentinian is pretty nasal and strident, probably due Italian influence, but other than that I have no idea.

im glad you enjoy the mainland spain dub, im quite fond of our dubbing quality and voice actors despite some specific mistakes that latin-americans always remind us off

I took a lot of spanish courses in high school, forgot it all though. the rarest word I remember is grapefruit, la toronja


"la toronja"
the fuck is that
also doesnt USA have a lot of spanish speakers? you could have practiced it if you wanted


That's pretty fucking good
Almost fluent

Es un puto pomelo

Por un momento pensé que ustedes le llamaban toronja. Quizás en Méjico

1. flag
2. Does Portuñol count?

Yo de chico le decía toronjas a las naranjas grandes

Doing another semester in Spain. Spanish is probably around B2.

La confusión tal vez viene de que "taronja" es naranja en catalan.

had less free time than I thought I did

also i split with my half spanish gf which kind of took the wind out of my sails

>makes this thread every night for like a millenium now
>still A2
¡Coño perezoso y estúpido!

Jajajaja now that I think about it, I used to play games in Spanish when I was a kid because I didn't know English and Spanish was close enough, but now that I think about it, those releases were most likely Castellano, right? I cleared ther first two Harry Potter games in Spanish, and I would laugh my ass off because of some words, but maybe that's what got me used to the language as a whole.

We'd have to have another BR bro who never did anything of the sorts testify whether or not he can understand Castellano with the same ease.

spain is shit


me llamo juan

>captcha: alameda dos araés econa

Me gustan esas banderas. Raro, las banderas de EEUU suelen ser feas de cojones.

la del medio parece un truño
a mi me gusta la de cataluña por que me recuerda a las palomitas sabor Ketchup y Mostaza JAJAJAJAJAJAJA

las banderas de los estados mas ancianos son mejores

maryland es uno de las colonias originales

1. USA

1. USA
2. I understand when abuela is angry



>cristobal colon

holy shit, is this why they're called colonies?

A quien le importa? No estamos en la clase de español. ;V
deepest lore?

La bandera de algunas de las Trece Colonias son feas, como la de Massachusetts. Mas que fea es sosa: el escudo en un fondo blanco.
Me gusta la de Maryland porque son dos cuarteles doblados, como la de Castilla y León.

I think that's why. Not 100% sure.

GCSE B in Spanish. Could have been an A if I actually checked my coursework to make sure I used the right tenses/genders.

Is there a speaking portion on those tests? How long was it?


I'm the dumbest person on earth. I grew up speaking English and Spanish and I never made this connection until just now.

Dude, totally like learn yourself some b1 Spanish! Start with the subjunctive and then Learn all the perfects (conditional, present, past, future, present subjunctive, past subjunctive) and imperatives! From there, you will open yourself up to a new world that you didn't even know existed! But it shouldn't be so surprising, seeing as you're polish and have that crazy ass mutherfukkin declension crap.

Stay rad.

Basically 20 minutes over 2 years. You get to recite a prewritten piece and then you also get given some simple questions like what did you do on holiday or whatever.

>Start with the subjunctive
>present subjunctive, past subjunctive

Fuck that shit.


oh that isn't too bad if you get fluent. Sounds annoying if you didn't prepare. Do they take off point for pronunciation?

Are you trying to make him give up?

>present subjunctive

2. I don't speak spanish