All trump supporting gun lovers

all trump supporting gun lovers,

how does it feel that your god emperor is flat out, stone cold, completely betraying you on gun rights?

and that people that the government decides is on a "terrorist watch list" can no longer buy guns?

how does it feel to be betrayed by your "white man's country" meal ticket?

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think its betrayal here just a democrat who cant read.

Who cares...

he's betraying his voter base, his party, and everything conservatives stand for. so yeah, it's a betrayal

you trump nuts keep ignoring reality, and keep following him, follow him right off that bridge.

Alright, name someone who you believe is unfairly on the terrorist watch list.

>trying this hard
Must be boring being out of school


I almost believe what they have to say about any republican

even if it is true, still better than hillary

i don't think they would tell me if they are, but the idea completely undermines the "right" of having guns,

what if the government could just put me indefinite detention because they felt like it?

oh wait....

I'm hoping the now inevitable assault rifle ban will cause the right wing to revolt and militarize. I will deeply enjoy all the rekt thread pics of dead fascists with holes in their faces after combat with police and the national guard.

>betraying everything conservatives stand for
When a person who is outspokenly against muslims doesn't want to give muslims guns he isn't betraying everything. He hates sand people, and a majority of conservatives probably agree

>give muslims guns

how fucking short sided and retarded can you be? i mean seriously? can you tell me what the fuck is wrong with your brain?

how far are you trump cucks willing to follow him? i mean seriously? he has taken a shit on every core conservative belief and now he betrays gun owners and you STILL suck his cock?

it's unbelievable, you cucks are willing to sell out your deepest beliefs to elect a madman in office,

keep eroding those beliefs you unbelievable cucks.

maybe your god emperor might let you have a potato gun after his 67th term of life presidency?

no guns, no rights, no freedom,

but hey, at least there aren't any mexicans!

I thought Trump wanted to ban guns anyway, he states it in his book.

Well that's bullshit.
Taking away rights to a weapon for a few people in the name of public safety doesn't matter that much, but the right to live?

i would rather live in the right to liberty and danger, then tyranny with the right to live.

what does it matter? the guy is going down in flames. nothing can save him. the republican party is doomed

utah might go blue. fucking utah

Ausfag here, so glad I'm not fucking american.
Your country is fucked no matter what way you look at it. Hahahahahahahaha

>Hurr durr Trump wants to take away guns from terrorists
>Better vote for Hillary who wants to take away guns from everyone

I am now a #shill4hill

the constitution allows for "well regulated". right now we're pretty much at unregulated. we'll get there eventually and align with the constitution. this is a good first step - keep it out of the hands of people, maybe you, who seem to want to cause violence.

>keep it out of the hands of people


just dude,

we have a name for that, it's called the civillian police.

Fascists are leftists you retard.

yeah, let's see how these right wing fascist redneck fucks can stand up to modern weapons.

police can't stop crimes before they happen. that's not how the system works. if someone wants to die or doesn't care about consequences at all, you can pretty much do anything you want in the US.

we need to focus on taking these fucks alive at all costs.

>if someone wants to die or doesn't care about consequences at all, you can pretty much do anything you want in the US.

wow, you mean with like? a bomb?

you do realize that compared to a bomb in crowded public places, gun's are pretty inefficient at killing people?

>hold personal freedom sacred

Grab a dictionary, friendo!

it's a dumb argument. we need to stop bombs as best we can too. don't be fucking stupid. just because you can't get 100% perfect, why bother stopping anything? dumbest argument ever.

people will die anyway. let's just let murder not be a crime. how's that? i mean, once people are dead, their rights cease. they're no longer citizens.

fascism everywhere, all through history, has operated under the guise of more freedom for the majority. then all of a sudden, it's not that any more. that's how shit works fag.

what are you talking about?

dude lay off the crack and make a coherent argument.

>but hey, at least there aren't any mexicans

Sup Forums's secret agenda has been exposed

Trump supporters don't care about conservative cakes, they care about authoritarianism. It's actually simple.

Values not cakes

>no one gives a shit

Hit them

So close to

Are you retarded?

Not true. In that night club a bomb blast would have had to substantially over pressure the entire building in order kill more than a couple layers of people even with shrapnel. The difficulty in fabricating or acquiring such a powerful, man portable and reliable bomb, and doing so undetected much less, is substantially higher than simply acquiring a firearm.
There's a reason terrorists have largely changed tactics in the past few years to simpler, harder to prevent shootings. Less training, less preparation, less risk of detection, more reliable results, much larger shock value in the notion of a mad men stalking through a building executing apostates as he comes upon them.
The only really shocking thing about this incident is major news media's continued denial of Islam becoming a larger problem by the day. Noble, if misguided, egalitarian nonsense comparable to sticking your head in the sand.

what about the white christan mass shooters in the US? should we also say that white christian society is to blame?

Obama didn't care about the senate voting no, he used executive action to bypass.

Actually I respect him for doing so.

I also think that Hillary owes too many favors and will be a weak ineffective president.

trump owes $100 million to a bank in germany.

i agree,

except a bomb is much more destructive and deadly,

and if it was a bomb, and it did go off in that nightclub, it would be 300 dead instead of 49,

bombs are harder for terrorists yes, but much much more effective.

owing money isn't the same as owing favors.

in fact it's common business practice to owe money. It's essentially making people invested in your success.

I'm more surprised that less fuss has been made about the fact that he abandoned self-funding his campaign. So much for not owing anyone anything should he get elected.

he's also worth 10 billion so that's pocket change.

you have no idea how much he's worth. he's a liar.

not as much as shillary, fuck off

He's only worth that according to trump. No one believes that is anywhere near his actual worth. If I were you, I'd wonder why a man who is so confident about his net worth refuses to share his tax forms. My guess is he may not even be a billionaire anymore. Easy come, easy go.

that isn't good enough faggot

keep telling yourself that, chump

Sure thing shill

He could just do like Hillary and accept contributions from some of the most hated companies ever.

That's how she's paying for her campaign

is shill the only word they teach in the 8th grade these days? Go outside and enjoy your summer vacation kid. You don't have to worry about politics until you're 18.

You can tell these guys are Hillary shills because they have/give no reason to vote for the lying witch over trump but continue to make threads like this.
Sage and move on boys
sage and move on

Who controls which names go on the list? what process do they have to follow? What constitutes a threat credible enough to get on a list? Who has oversight of these lists and what process is there for removing a name or clearing someone to buy guns in the future?

Gingrich is talking about bringing back the House Un-American Activities Committee. He's framing it as how they fought the Nazis but it was also how McCarthyism got going.

With the rise of "homegrown terrorists" it seems like it'd be awfully easy for some government folks like HUAC to add your name to the list and keep you from ever buying a gun for basically no reason just because they don't like what you have to say about their government policies.

anyone who has any connection to violent groups should immediately have their guns taken away. the bundy fuckers, the KKK shithead, yes militant muslims, christian fanatical cults, anyone saying violence against abortion clinics or churches, take their guns.

it's not that difficult.

I feel skin color and religion are fairly irrelevant unless they were motivating factors, but as far as white mass shooters go, did you mean Dylan Roof and that guy who shot up that Jewish community center or whatever in Seattle? Because that's all that comes to mind as being religiously or racially motivated as far as white shooters in recent memory. You can however find much larger lists of racially motivated black shooters and religiously motivated Muslim shooters.
I don't see the Westboro Baptist Church shooting up gay night clubs however much vitriol they spew, their hateful sect is also a fringe element not accepted by mainstream christian or western society. Mainstream Arab and Muslim societies still not only accept but encourage honor killings and the suppression or outright murder of homosexuals and apostates.
There are decent people from the ME but Islam is a plague upon the world which not only hurts and holds back its own people but is again reaching across the seas to harm others who harbor incompatible beliefs.
Ditch the white guilt.

how do you determine their motivation when they're dead? anyone who shoots up an abortion clinic, church, etc. is doing it for religion.

mostly white, unfortunately.

what does the motivation really matter to the dead people? who cares.

We need to figure out a way to stop ALL mass shootings, no matter the color, gender or religion of the shooter.

The people at pulse had no idea what the motivation was a they were being shot.

Reasons to vote for Hillary?

1. She's not scary dangerous like Trump, just more interested in her corporate sponsors than her constituents. This is one of those "lesser evil" arguments.

2. She's experienced, and probably the most qualified candidate to run for office in living memory.

3. She thinks anti-vaxxers are stupid. 'nuf said.

4. She supports American workers and labor unions. Unless you're quite rich already, this is in your interest too.

so many reasons not to vote for trump that have nothing to do with hillary.

Sure, but it's also ripe for abuse. This isn't something we should be rushing into. It needs to be well thought out and transparent, with a watchdog group that actually has some teeth.

yeah, ok, i'll agree with that. there should be some way, perhaps, to get off the no-fire list.


So atm people on the no fly list and terror watch list CAN buy guns legally?

>We need to figure out a way to stop ALL mass shootings, no matter the color, gender or religion of the shooter.
I'd love for it to stop just so I have don't have to hear about this bullshit anymore and run laps around this track. But short of completely gutting basic civil and human rights and privacy law it's not going to because it would require critical thinking deeper than "guns r scary, must be the gun's fault," the media loves the fucking money they make off this shit, the attention encourages other actors to seek their fifteen minutes, and politicians find it good fodder for pushing their own agenda rather than making meaningful changes to the numerous systems that desperately need the attention but will resist change all the same.
In the end though, 10,000 gun homicides a year is fucking nothing and a small price to pay for a basic human right.

Why should they not be able to if they've committed no crime?

implying ANYONE can take our guns away. come and try.

Also true. Not Trump should really be reasons 1-15, followed by whatever good shit she stands for.

because if they can't fly then they must be considered dangerous. no guns for watch list. it's just common sense really

>being a hillary supporter.


Please, you'd be dead in 5 minutes once they breached. Maybe you'd take a couple SWAT guys with you, but what will you have proved?

>too stupid to see the irony of this statement

Kill yourself

>considered dangerous
That's pretty presumptive considering the criteria for being placed on either list is not publicly available.
>arbitrary lists whose criteria are unknown
>process for being placed on a list has an unknown level of oversight
>you are not allowed to ask whether you are on such lists
>you cannot appeal or contest your being on such lists
Using arbitrary nonsense without trial to determine who is eligible to exercise a civil right is absurdity and completely spits in the face of the underlying principle's of the justice system and reasons for establishing this country.

no, not really. well regulated is the phrase that gets forgotten. we aren't regulated at all currently. we have a way to go before we get to well regulated.

Well regulated in the parlance of the time meant ably equipped or well maintained depending on the context. In the context of the second amendment it meant well equipped as opposed to a well regulated pocket watch for example.
I'm not sure what that has to do with what I said at all however.


Trump is a pompous blow hard and having him as a President is terrifying. He's going to fuck up a lot of things.

You know what's worse though? Having a fucking war criminal and a lying feminist as POTUS. Hillary and the Obama administration want to turn the US into EU with the invasion of Syrians by accepting 100+ a day up to 2017. That's only the start. Do you think they're going to stop there?

The Obama Administration would stop for nothing less than to see America turned into Shariah Law.

Hillary's plans are fucking delusional.

Trump might not have the slightest God damn clue how to run a business or know what he's doing but at least he has America's best interest in mind. At least he gives a shit about AMERICANS.


>combat with police and the national guard
Top kek

Do you think National Guard are trained well or something? Neither of the two things you just mentioned know how to shoot for shit, they don't know CQC or any vital life saving tips.

National Guard gather rarely and only go through boot camp. Police Academy is a fucking joke and most police shootouts end with some frightened officer unloading an entire clip into someone after he's used several other clips coming nowhere near the suspect.

>people on terrorist watch lists

who gives a fuck

yeah a group of people with guns is not a pocketwatch, faggot

Yes your average redneck with his tricked out AR is a crack shot though.

national guard is way ahead of tyour traditional redneck who only shoots at targets on a range.

>wishing for civil war and the deaths of political adversaries in their own country

How so? I was active duty 11B for 3 years. Every National Guard unit we met or encountered was utterly fucking useless. Hell, even most of the other 11B units we encountered was mostly just really young guys who had no idea what they were doing. They were just enticed by shiny Government benefits, running from problems back home or had nowhere else to go.

I'm just saying... if it came down to the redneck woodsman or National Guard/police, I'd easily side with the people that do this every single day.

The National Guard rarely ever train and in active duty, you spend more time with paperwork and standing around waiting for orders then learning anything productive.

>Hillary's plans are fucking delusional.

Which ones are you talking about? Also, war criminal? WTF are you on about?

>Shariah Law

So banning abortions, forcing prayer in schools, teaching about God in science classes, summary executions for criminals and gays, no separation between church and state, suppression of women's rights.

Sounds an awful lot like the Tea Party platform to me.

>everyone on the right is a regressive
Do you exclusively get your news from John Oliver and comedy central or what?

yes, if not for liberal laws and enforcing the separation of church and state by liberals, we'd live in a christian country that looks very much like sharia law.

You really think your average redneck gun nut is going to be superior in a tactical situation? We're not talking about shooting beer bottles in the woods numb nuts, and you should know that better than anyone. The fuck are they teaching in the Army these days?

You're mistaken in assuming that in the event of a schism which necessitated deploying the armed forces wholesale in CONUS that the entire national guard/x/y would even be on one given side.

They're probably painfully aware that they've completely failed to suppress large scale asymmetrical opposing forces every time they've tried.

i'm not reading this shit. how about a nice quickl tl;dr

If we assume for a second that you yourself are not 'regressive' then it becomes painfully obvious that you are outnumber by orders of magnitude "on the right". If you don't believe in those things why would you put your trust in those who do?

Nazis were fascists totalitarians with social programs that seemed like socialists but really were highly functioning totalitarians until Hitler did something wrong (annex Sudetenland, Anschluss Austria, Attack Poland cannot into space, attack Russia, nor realise that Heisenberg had or made an error in calculations about the mass of enriched uranium required for bomb, allowed enigma operators to select daily prefixes instead of distributing via enigma a mandatory weekly book of one-time-codes, ally themselves with Japan, Italy)
Fascists are totalitarian Reactionaries on the FAR far Right.
Reactionaries are Near Far Right
Traditional Republican Party is Right
Conservatives are Right.
Centrist Conservatives are near right.
Centrist Liberals are near left
Liberals are Left
Traditional Democratic Party is Left
Socialists are far Left
Communists are extreme far left
Soviets are totalitarian perversions of communism that are far left.

Anarchists exist solely in the complex plane at 270• degrees (3Pi/2) (0-1i) because they aren't either left or right and can exist only in the imagination of the instigators, a result of an anarchist overthrow is merely another government formed along the X-axis on the right or left.

Yeah it'd be a clusterfuck and it's a pointless debate. Armed insurrection doesn't really work anyway. Statistically peaceful protest and non-violent resistance yields better long term results and a more stable post-regime government.

yep, would like to see this asshole investigated and his guns yanked away. the pussy won't put up a fight either, i bet.


There is nothing right wing about fascism or NAZIism, which was socialist.

The fascists were called 'right wing' by Stalin.

I can't help but think being right of Stalin doesn't really mean 'right wing.'

While simply using left and right is convenient, it doesn't really reflect the nuance of different political view as well as say, a 2D plane like Political Compass has.

>left-right paradigm

That's... that's just wrong.

Conservatives and liberals are on a different axis. Conservatives oppose social welfare programs, beginning with the New Deal. Liberals support them. Democrats traditionally support federal government over state's rights, and republicans want States to be more independent of federal oversight. AKA smaller government.

So a liberal Republican is a thing, as is a conservative Democrat, it's just that those groups have been allied along the left-right axis for so long that it's hard to distinguish.

Here's my current favorite though: Libertarian Socialism. De-centralized social programs run by local government and very little in the way or corporate private property, but strong support for personal rights and personal property ownership. Look them up, it's neat stuff.

It's not as if the criteria to make it onto a watchlist is rigged against normal white Americans.

>multiple flights to Pakistan
>relative joined Al Nusra
>IP logged onto Jihadists message boards
>using specific phrases over fb chat
>hangs out at a local kebab shop frequented by well known Jihadists
>attends mosque of Jihad preacher
>Studying for doctors degree
>No actual criminal record

According user this person should be allowed to keep stockpiles of ammo and rifles just because they haven't broke any of our outdated laws.