Join bros I'll update

Join bros I'll update


I'm in.

TeacherIsN1gger here


wtf is this shit lol

nigger here


ok Pierce


Nuck Figgers in

im a genius

oohhh shiittt we're going

next plz

IN as 'piercedidit'

update already

14 88卐 checking in

Update plox op

Heroin is life reporting in

So....... what?

how are you suposed to know the answer if you dont know the question

i got 3 in a row lol im gonna win

No clue

its on in class screen

>29 points behind Heroin is Life



26th, not bad for not even knowing questions

they changed the pin

Ha faggot I beat you

wtf is fire blanket?
>help, im on fire, quickly cover me
i get it, you can use it to smother the fire, but why the fuck dont you have fire exhauster?

I think you might be able to reuse a fire blanket. I don't fucking know

hi pierce

I don't think I'v ever been in a private household with a fire extinguisher

New id

because this totally is private household and not school, right?


you can see the name in the pic, lol

The question was just about fire blankets? just saying they have a purpose

can't join. it just disconnected me

me too...

thread is ovr