When will the bastards learn there are only two genders? There is a penis and then there is a vagina...

When will the bastards learn there are only two genders? There is a penis and then there is a vagina. There is chicken and there is beef, there is day and night. How stupid can u people get? Tell me when there is a magical third sexual organ I don't know about. If u got a dick ur a guy. If u got a pastrami then ur a girl plain and simple, if you can't accept reality then don't be a part of it.Trans people are just stupid cucks that are ignorant and selfish because they don't want to accept what they have been given, pretty discusting. Yall should be put in a meat grinder and fed to the swine.

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Virgin detected. What about intersex people user?


Hermaphrodites are diffrent, they can't help what they were born with. Whether you born a guy with a vag or a girl with a dik then its up to the person to choose who they want to be.


So you think intersex shouldn't be assigned at birth and get to grow up sexually confused and "choose" once any posibility of a normal non fucked up life is gone?

They may or may not be assigned at birth. If it is obvious that it is a woman or a guy with diffrent parts, then they need to decide who they are. Ive heard stories about them look it up.

Intersex are technically not humans.
They are enviable and have a differing chromosome set.
As for humans, there are 2 phenotypes based on X and Y distrubution on the 23rd pair and some anomalous combinations.

Male: XY, XYY, XXY
Female, XX, XXX, X

Genotypes that result in physical malformation cannot be classified.

They are human but not classifiable. They are aliens twat or people would be losing their shit rn

They are physically and ancestrally human, but their DNA is mutated past the point of what we would consider genetic speciation.. so genetically, they aren't human.

Its like if u had a parasitic twin or some extra limb

Ok thats ur opinion.

Wat im concerned about rn are fuckin trannys that are ruining America

user you're not making sense, if you believe intersex can "choose" their gender, then why stop with genitalia? What about hormonal disoprders that can make a person appear and act much more like the opposite gender than merely ambiguous genitalia? Should they get to "choose" also? What about neurological disorders? What about psychological ones? If you're not going to draw a line then according to you anyone can choose their gender and if it's a matter of choice what's to prevent someone from legit wanting to be in the middle?

I actually got that from a geneticist doctor/professor.

Ok is a crocodile going to give birth to a horse?

Thats still an opinion

Nope, they're still clasified homo sapiens, some have functional genitalia and their offspring tend not to inherit their mutation. Also intersex are not necessarily mutants, they can be a result of mosaic genetics or developmental disorders...

According to inetlligent design yes, but humans tend to give birth to humans and legally anyone born a part of the human gene pool, which does include any and all mutations in the genome, is technically a person.

They are, and what's worse is that they are actually creating more.

The mammalian brain DOES have gender-linked behavioral pathways. However, being highly adaptable humans, we use both paths interchangably, with only small leaning one way or another based on our sex.
Individuals who may use gender behaviors more tuned away from their sex are NOT 'meant to be the other way.. simply their environment, upbringing, or neural layout favors them. This does not make them the opposite sex.

The transexual movement has encouraged people who feel out of place because of this that they 'are not the right sex" which in turn encourages more opposite-gender behaviors (and why an mtf seems more girly than a girl and a ftm seems more masculine than a boy).

Gender Identity Disorder is a REAL THING and it is caused by psychosomatic stressors caused by this identity crisis.

The transexual movement needs to stop embracing the disorder and instead seek ways to actually fix it.. mainly in therapy to help sufferer's realize that their sex and their personality are linked, and that it's natural to be a feminine male or masculine female.

So if i see a dog, is it logical to call that a dog or call it a cow?

>realize that their sex and their personality are NOT linked

Look at picture. According to actual science Canis Lupus and Bos Taurus are well diferentaited species.


Psychiatry deals with functionality, not morals. If sexual reasignment is the more succesful option in dealing with individuals in which "confusion" has led to suicidal tendencies then it should be adopted. If you're going to look at it from a scientific/utilitarian standpoint there's no reason to pursue a course of treatment with higher failure rates.

But it isn't. There is little to no improvement on an intrinsic level and the only studies done have shown that suicide rates are higher for post-op individuals.


Higher than the general population doesn't equal higher than for "conversion" therapy/no treatment.