Is it possible to throw 100 times heads in a row with coin flipping?

Is it possible to throw 100 times heads in a row with coin flipping?

I know there is a mathematical chance but does that mean it can happen?


Anything is possible

Yes, and it has the same chance as any other defined chain of 100 coin flips.


Except for op not being a fag

>evolution of life leading to the Human species
>I know there is a mathemtical chance but does that mean it can happen?

Yeah i don't believe in evolution because there are too many flaws in the whole story. Mathematical number does not equal truth.

Maybe but can you write down 100 numbers beforehand, throw 100 times heads or tails an get the order right? I don't think so.

It can happen. The chance is low, but people win the lottery, and that chance is even lower afaik.

Wat zyde gy tot my, gy kleine duyvelspecht?
Ik beveel ge er kennis van te neemen dat ik met lof ende goedkeuring een kaapersbrief heb gehad van Willem van Oranje ende betrokken ben geweest by talryke geheyme offensieven tegen Alva en de zyne, en zelfstandig meer dan drie honderden Spanjolen heb omgelegd. Ik ben gehard by den Katergeuzen en ben den beste schutter onder den Nederlandsche vlag. Ge bent niet meer dan myn zoveelste doelwit. Ik zal u uyt myne gewest verwyderen met een nauwkeurigheid die de wereld nog nimmer aangechouwen had. Let op myn verdomde woorden! Gy denkt dat ge deze leuhgenpraat aan my kan verkoopen per postduyf? Gy had tweemaal moeten denken, cattengehspuys! In dezen tyd dat ik deze missive opstel, stuur ik opdracht naar myn geheymen samenstel van verspieders ende vloerduyven, verspreid door den Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden en wordt dezen postduyf gevolgd, dus ge kunt zich maar beter voorbereiden op den storm, rabaut. Den storm die het bedroevenden klyne ding dat gy uw leven noemt weg zal vaagen. Gy bent dood, kind. Ik kan overal, ten alle tyden zyn ende ik kan ge op zeven honderden wyzen doden, ende dat is slechts met myne bloten handen. Niet alleen zyt ik veelomvattend geoefend in den ongewapenden krygskunst, maar alsmede heb ik het voltallige arsenaal der watergeuzen ter myner beschikking ende ik zal dat benutten om uwer lamlendigen achtereinde van het vastenland te vagen, gy klynen schobbejak. Als gy had geweten wat voor eene goddelooze vergelding uw 'geestige' missive teweeg zou brengen, had ge misschien op uwen tong gebeten. Maar dat kon ge niet. Gy deed het niet ende nu zult ge de tol betalen, gy verdomde smeerkanis. Ik zal furie over u schyten en gy zult er in verzuypen. Ge zyt dood, hoerenzeune.

It might meme, but house coin is down for now. Visit later, "aligator" (lol) hehe meme :) im a meme hehe :)

Yeah but a lottery is something different. You buy a ticket and they pick one or some. Even though the chance is low, it happens all the time.

Yes it is possible, you would have to flip the coin a few million times before the probability rises to the point where it is almost inevitable*.

*In as far as totally random things can be mathematically more likely (which cannot be guaranteed).

Opkankeren hoerenzoon. Serieuze draad hier.




Nay. Chance of getting 100 heads in a row is 2^100 and chance of winning main prize in the lottery about 1: dozens of millions.
Let's say it's 1:100M. And 2^100 is 1267650600228229401496703205376.
Therefore chance of getting heads 100 times in a row is at least over twelve and a half sextillion times smaller (~12,68*10^21) than getting main prize in any lottery.


So in theory there is a possibility but in reality the likeliness of it is very, very, very unlikely?


And yet the Big Bang happened

Actually if you flip 100 times the chances of a 100 run of heads or tails is the same, but if you flip more than that (say 1000 times) the chances of a run of 100 are greater.

If you sat down with enough 100 coin toss sessions, eventually you'd get it.

Imagine you have an infinite amount of time to try to achieve that. It >will< eventually happen.
But since we're humans, we look at things from our perspective, ie. 100 earth years of time, which is a grain of sand on a big beach compared to the amount of time that has already passed from
Big Bang or whatever one believes in.

>belives in
There is nothing to "belive" in.
There has never been ONE proof of any sort of higher being in all of history,that has been witnessed by more then one person

Show me your god(s)
You cant

We have math showing the universe is expanding and all galaxies from moving from one point in the universe

You can refute mathatics.It is the only thing in life that is solid.

I'm not a believer. Just trying to be neutral here and not pushing my ideology down other's throat. Sorry user, bad address.

when your man smells like Old Spice

There is no other ideals.There proof.

>others ideas
nigga you're on Sup Forums faggot
this is not your safe place
this is not your blog

You forgot your starterpack.

You must be very ignorant to think that the complexity of this universe which is so perfect is just madr by randomness. Even a single cell is more complex than a house.

What you believe in is that you put al the parts of a spaceship in a giant cube, and if you shake it long enough a fully functional spaceship comes out of it.

of course dip shit
you will never see it if you try but it can happen

Nice bait there, user. I almost fell for it, but then I didn't.

And yet none of the reasons you provided have any factual base in science. Good job,

>is perfect
Explain the black hole moving towards us.
Explain the binary galaxy that has a massive gamma explosion waiting to launch when ever it wants to right in to our asshole.
Explain any of the numorus close calls with numerus spacial objects

It is not perfect. But im not delusional enough to think some high being caused this.
lol its just god,its his will he has a plan for killing 5 million people, dont worry gais its ok.

Mass murder pedophile serial rapists all his life killed over 100 people, including 20 children violently raped and skinned.
Yet at the final minute of his life, he can "repent" and all is good and well.
Do you honestly belive this?

>then a house

It's not even bait. Once again. You must be very ignorant to believe in the fairytail called evolutionTHEORY.

no, on the 99th heads you will be assassinated by an Illuminati agent.

Where do i go touch god?


why does that thing exist.
Oh well A and B made C which then bound to G and made XYR.
And when we add XYR to HMH we get ZPFS.
Isnt science great kids

Gravity's just a theory too, please have a little interest in what a theory is. Hell, maybe Use your fucking head or just bloody kill yourself you delusional fuck-witted shitbag.